Battlefield Contract Worker

Chapter 5677: lurking

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"How is the boss? Should we withdraw?" Kuaima walked in and asked Lin Rui.

"This old fox won't be so relieved. This is the fourth time I've called to find out about the situation here." Lin Rui smiled.

"What, it's Albert?" Quick Horse asked.

"Who else is there besides him?" Lin Rui smiled, "But I have explained the situation to him and told him that we are preparing for the battle with all our strength.

This time he should be relieved.

Inform the brethren, get ready, and set off in the evening. As for this, leave it to the Somali youth army. Lin Rui smiled. "We went to the ambush point according to our plan.

We waited for the Somali al-Shabab on the flank to be in place, and as soon as they were in place, we began to attack. "

"But boss, once we fight, we won't be able to hide our position." Kuima frowned.

"I can't hide it, I can't hide it. Just tell them that we are standing by where we are. Without General Albert's order, we will not go anywhere." Lin Rui smiled. "The rest, let the old fox, Albert, guess for himself."

Lin Rui ordered the troops to leave their garrison positions in the evening. Take advantage of the night to enter the planned ambush location.

In addition, a reconnaissance team was dispatched to monitor the surrounding situation.

Inside the temporary sheltered command post, Sausage asked Lin Rui, "Boss, are we here too early? It's impossible for the enemy to launch an offensive at night."

"It's not necessarily. The old man Albat told me that the enemy will arrive tomorrow. But I don't believe him. Since he's going to plot against us, do you think he'll tell me the truth?

What if the Somali youth army launched an attack in the dark? Let us know first that the enemy will arrive tomorrow. Secretly, we were caught off guard by the Somali youth army.

Lao Tzu would not take such a loss from him. That's why I asked to move here now. Lin Rui smiled, "If he wants to play night battles with us, he doesn't even know that we are experts in night battles." "

Central Somalia is a plateau terrain. The defensive position originally designated by Lin Rui and others was a high ground.

But Lin Rui didn't choose to stay there after he knew Albat's thoughts. I led the team into the flank, further west.

Because Lin Rui knew where another Somali youth army was marching, it would definitely be on their west side.

Instead of staying in place and being attacked by two Somali al-Shabab forces, it is better to abandon the original position and ambushed this Somali al-Shabaab unit on the west side.

After deploying the troops, Lin Rui informed his brothers to rest temporarily. Waiting for the arrival of the Somali Youth Army troops.

At about nine o'clock in the evening, the scouts returned the news. They have spotted Al-Shabaab units in motion.

After Lin Rui got the news, he was refreshed, "It seems that they are still here. Where are their positions?"

"It has officially entered Zone C, and is still moving towards Zone B. There should be thousands of people, and there are vehicles. These guys don't know where to hide at night, and the lights in the distance can clearly see it." Reconnaissance Team members report.

"It seems that our prediction was correct. Area B should be their ambush location. After entering Area B, they will set up artillery positions.

Attack us with the frontal Somali al-Shabaab. Don't alarm them yet, ask how the situation at the US military base in Djibouti is? "Lin Rui nodded.

"The U.S. military base in Djibouti has obtained our information, and their drones are ready. They can be launched at any time. Do you need me to send them the coordinates." The actuary asked Kishi.

"Wait another ten minutes, when they're fully in Zone B. Let the U.S. drones attack before they're fully formed.

Remember, air strikes are signals. The U.S. airstrikes are over, and we are about to launch an offensive against the unsettled enemy. This is the best way to take advantage of their panic. Get enough initiative. "Lin Rui nodded.

On the other side, the Somali youth army is rushing to the predetermined location. They were completely unaware that their whereabouts had been exposed.

The commander of the Somali Al-Shabaab after entering the designated area. Begin ordering the deployment of troops.

The commander was the famous Somali youth army leader Hozia, a black man in his forties with a short temper and savage attitude.

This time, they used a full 6,000 people, and together with the frontal 3,000-4,000 troops, the total force reached more than 10,000. And Lin Rui and others only have about 3,000 people.

So in Hokiya's view, this action is almost a matter of grasping.

As soon as he entered the destination area, Hoqia began to deploy artillery positions. Get ready to use their rocket launchers. Deal a fatal blow to a distant enemy.

Of course, before that, he had to contact the commander of the frontal Somali Al-Shabaab unit.

Only after waiting for the confirmation of the other party, Hoqia can launch an active offensive. Because their group of troops is responsible for surprise attacks, the target cannot be exposed prematurely.

But what he didn't know was that all their actions had been mastered by the reconnaissance team sent by Lin Rui.

Even the relevant reconnaissance video has been directly transmitted to the US military command.

The commanders of the US military base in Djibouti were alarmed. Because the Somali Youth Army has assembled tens of thousands of troops, which has not happened for a long time before.

So the U.S. military commander was surprised when he heard this. Immediately notify the drone team to prepare for battle.

The US military also has several military bases in Djibouti, which were established very early.

The American military camp Lemonnier in Djibouti was founded in the 1970s. It was originally the station of the French overseas legion. After it was delivered to the Djibouti, it was leased and taken over by the US military, with an annual rent of up to 230 million yuan.

Originally, the US military had 4,500 soldiers stationed here all year round, as well as a number of various fighter jets. The original purpose was to protect the interests of some US investors in Africa.

Later, due to the prevalence of terrorism in Africa, the base eventually became the frontier of the United States' anti-terrorism strategy in Africa. The US special forces often set off from the base to go to other parts of Africa to carry out the task of fighting terrorists.

Camp Campbell has expanded to build a large drone hangar that can accommodate large drones such as the MQ-1 Predator and MQ-9 Reaper.

Large drones can be launched at any time to conduct reconnaissance and attack on Africa and even most of the Middle East.

Fighting against the Somali youth army is, of course, one of their tasks. So when I heard that there were tens of thousands of Somali youth troops gathering.

The commander of the U.S. military base was immediately alerted, and the entire headquarters gathered in the headquarters.

The drone pilots are also all ready.

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