Battlefield Contract Worker

Chapter 5687: tear the camouflage

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General Albright stared at Lin Rui for a long time, then suddenly leaned into his ear and said in a low voice, "Mr. Rick, what do you want?"

"Are you sure the general wants to talk here? Or should we communicate privately in another place?" Lin Rui looked at him and blinked.

"Let's talk privately." General Albayt took a deep breath, "Come with me."

Lin Rui followed General Albert to a relatively remote location.

General Albert stared at Lin Rui nervously, "I don't want to say anything else, it seems that you already know something. I just ask you one thing, how do you want to deal with this matter?"

"How I want to deal with it depends on the general. If the general doesn't care, I will hand over Hochia.

As for what he will say to the general at that time, I don't care. "Lin Rui said slowly.

"You... Mr. Rick, don't go too far." General Albright gritted his teeth.

"General, do you think I'm going too far? I didn't collude with terrorists or betray anyone.

The general treated me like this, and I can still talk to the general calmly now. There is only one reason.

That is, because we are still cooperative. I don't want this to affect the mission. "Lin Rui shook his head.

"Don't talk nonsense, this kind of thing needs to be proved." General Albert gritted his teeth, "Don't expect that terrorist to testify against me, no one will believe his words."

Lin Rui smiled, "Of course I know this, but if this terrorist can come up with enough evidence, I'm afraid people will not believe it.

Combined, your army failed many times. Every time terrorists know exactly what your troops are doing.

I think everyone will have a clear judgment.

I also know that the generals have enough connections, and many bigwigs in the military are willing to speak for you. Even if this matter is exposed, maybe someone will help you cover it up.

So, it doesn't matter to the general at all. "

"It's good that you know. Hand over the person to me if you are sensible. As for other things, I will not pursue it." General Albert said through gritted teeth.

"The general doesn't want to be held accountable, but I want to be held accountable. The general also knows what business we're doing. Our brothers work with their heads up.

We can't be sold, and we are still helping people with money. Lin Rui shook his head, "I don't think the Yankees are willing.

They cooperated with you before, suffered losses many times, and killed several people.

A few months ago, Yankee's drone bombed, but the terrorists were not killed, but accidentally injured more than a dozen civilians. For a time, AFRICOM fell into extreme embarrassment.

Military operations in Somalia had to be terminated. And as far as I know, it's you who gave them false information, right?

How would you feel if the Yankees knew that they had been toyed with by you for so long? "

General Albat's expression became quite ugly.

"If the Yankees want to kill you, do you think you can escape? Even if they don't want to do it outright, there are many ways. Because they don't lack people like us who do dirty work.

Not to mention those CIA guys, who can cause accidental deaths.

Maybe you've had a heart attack at home, maybe you've been in a car accident, or even accidentally blocked your windpipe with food while you're eating.

They always have a way to create all kinds of unfortunate, but unavoidable accidents. "

"Okay. Mr. Rick, I think we should each take a step back. What do you want? Tell me about your conditions, as long as I can meet them." General Albert finally softened.

"General, I've been lenient enough with you. If it weren't for the fact that we still needed to use you.

I could have killed you without your knowledge.

I have hundreds of people who are very good at doing this kind of thing. They have done this kind of task hundreds of times. If I'm really going to deal with you, I won't bring it up to you.

We will fire your black gun on the battlefield.

Before the battle is over, as long as I let a squad sneak in to kill you, then you will die in the exchange of fire with terrorists.

I really want to do this. And we have the ability to do so.

Unfortunately, our mission is not yet complete. I also don't want you, a traitor, to become a hero who gave his life for his country. "Lin Rui looked at General Albert, his mouth was full of ridicule.

"Mr. Rick..." General Albert was a little embarrassed.

"Shut your stinky mouth and let me finish." Lin Rui suddenly put away his smile and said viciously, "Since our mission still needs your cooperation, I plan to spare your life.

But you can't just let it go. What you've done has put my brothers and I at great additional risk.

In our profession, risk is rewarded. I can kill Hokiah and make him never talk.

But you have to spend a fortune until we are satisfied. "

"How much do you want?" Albert just breathed a sigh of relief, but Lin Rui's answer made him almost collapse again.

"Twenty million euros. Don't pretend to be dead, I got it from Hochia. This is the intelligence fee for the Somali youth army to buy intelligence from you.

You can totally get it, General. "Lin Rui patted Albert's cheek with his hand.

"Mr. Rick, this is a lot of money." Well, Albert said helplessly.

"I'll give you two days. If I can't raise money in two days, I'll hand over people to Yankees. Yankees are very good at extorting confessions by torture.

This Hochia was in their hands, and maybe everything was said. You think about it for yourself, you are spending money to settle this matter. Or let me hand people over to the Yankees. "Lin Rui stretched his hand into his Albert was nervous for a while, but Lin Rui just took out the cigarette case and lit a cigarette.

"Give me some time, I'll find a way to raise money." Albert gritted his teeth.

"General, don't be so clever. I have to remind you that any idea of ​​stealing people from me is unrealistic.

The people under your command are not our opponents at all. "Lin Rui said slowly.

General Albayt turned around a little dejectedly, but turned back unwillingly, "How did you find out?"

"As long as you do a lot of things, you have to be prepared to be discovered. There are no impervious walls in the world. From now on, generals, it is best to be careful about what you say and do.

If anything goes against us, then our deal here is a failure.

Not only will I give people to the Yankees, but I'll kill you with my own hands. Trust me, it's easier to kill you than to kill a chicken. After Lin Rui finished speaking, he turned around and ignored Albert who was standing there.

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