Battlefield Contract Worker

Chapter 593: Contact person

"When did it happen?" Lin Rui said, holding back the trembling.

"Just now. As soon as I received the notice, I immediately contacted you. Your grandfather's condition has been very bad recently. He had a stroke last night. After rescue, he has stabilized. But the doctor believes that his time It may be running out. I think maybe you want to accompany him through the last few days." Michelle whispered.

"Okay, when will you leave?" Lin Rui said a little uneasy.

"In over an hour, there will be a helicopter. It will take you to a small airport outside Gansu and fly directly to South Africa. You have to stay in Cape Town for a day because you need a passport. You have no legal status in China at the moment, In theory, Lin Rui from China has died in an accident in Siberia. So you have to go back with a new identity." Michelle whispered, "Do you understand what I mean?"

"I understand." Lin Rui nodded, "I won't disclose the company's affairs to anyone, nor will I have contact with anyone who knows me. Please help me arrange it as soon as possible. Also, thank you."

"You don't have to be polite to me." Silver Wolf Michelle nodded and said, "I will let Jiangan go with you and wait for my news."

"This is my private matter, why do you want to follow the shore?" Lin Rui frowned.

"Because he's smart and he knows how to protect you. And it's also for security reasons, we have to make sure you don't leak company information. It's for the company's sake, and it's for your personal consideration. Private military companies don't work in China. It is admitted that if your identity is leaked, you may encounter some unexpected troubles. So you must bring him." Silver Wolf Michelle said.

"Okay, I have no opinion." Lin Rui nodded.

He closed the computer and walked in front of Jiang An, and said in a low voice, "Call Silver Wolf, he will tell you something."

"What's wrong?" Jiangan frowned.

"Just do it." Lin Rui turned and walked out of the command room, standing in this ruined city. He suddenly had the urge to cry. The news that his grandfather was critically ill came so suddenly, as if something suddenly collapsed in his heart, it left him dazed and overwhelmed.

For more than two years, he has faced death almost often, but except for Ivan's death, there has never been a death that made him feel so terrified and overwhelmed. For a long time, he has always hoped to use such a life of licking blood to make a future for himself and his family. But before all this was achieved, the goal he was fighting for was about to collapse.

Lin Rui sat in a daze among the rubble of the ruins alone, until Jiang An walked to his side and patted him on the shoulder.

"Has Yinlang told you?" Lin Rui whispered.

"Yes, I am very sad." Jiangan nodded, "I will accompany you back."

"Okay, but I'm not grateful for that." Lin Rui said lightly, "I feel more like the company doesn't trust me enough. That's why I asked you to accompany me on this trip."

"You're wrong, if the silver wolf doesn't trust you, he won't let you go back at all, let alone tell you the news. But he not only told you, but also arranged for you to return to China in the shortest possible time. No matter from which point It can't be said that he doesn't trust you. I'll accompany you back, just to avoid the trouble you may cause. It's your concern, not distrust." Jiangan said slowly.

"Maybe." Lin Rui whispered, "But I always think this is a very personal thing."

"I fully understand and respect." Jiangan nodded and said, "We are friends. From this point of view, I should accompany you back. In fact, Yinlang told me a lot of things. Originally, he even wanted to personally You go back together. But considering that due to the frequent occurrence of international terrorist incidents recently, various countries have strengthened the control of customs. His identity is really special, so I am afraid of causing trouble to let me accompany you on this trip. "

Lin Rui nodded, "I understand."

"Just understand. Pack up, the plane will be in more than an hour." Jiang Kishi patted him on the shoulder.

"There's nothing to clean up, I have nothing, or in other words, I can give up everything." Lin Rui murmured, "You know? Actuary, I once thought about returning to China under many circumstances. But I never thought about it. , will go back like this. I took this job partly to make money to support my grandpa. Now I have to go back to see my grandpa for the last time, which sounds ironic."

Jiangishi didn't speak, just sighed.

More than an hour later, Lin Rui and Jiangan boarded the helicopter together. Came to a small airport outside Gansu, and from there took a plane to South Africa.

As soon as they arrived in South Africa, Vitak, who was in charge of intelligence liaison throughout Africa, called them.

"Hi Kobayashi, it's a pleasure to meet you again. By the way, your contact in South Africa, in the park under Table Mountain. He'll meet you in an hour. As soon as possible, you'll get it tomorrow. The passport you need," Vitak told him.

"Thank you, how did we find this person." Lin Rui frowned.

"You don't need to find him, he will take the initiative to find you. You just need to go to Table Mountain now." Vitak said.

"Okay, thank you." Lin Rui nodded, hung up the phone, and drove to Table Mountain Scenic Area with Jiang An.

Table Mountain is located in Cape Town, the capital of South Africa, meaning "City of Capes". In front of this famous city, there is a sparkling Atlantic bay, and a strange mountain shaped like a huge rectangular table is resting on the back. I don't know which predecessor was the first to have an inspiration and bluntly called it "Table Mountain", which means God's Table. The bay opposite Table Mountain has a natural harbor and is named Table Bay because of Table Mountain. It is also a famous tourist attraction. UU Reading

Lin Rui and Jiangan walked one after another in the park under Table Mountain, waiting for the contact person to appear. Because this is a scenic area, there are often locals taking pictures of tourists with cameras in order to get paid. They also met such a person, but Lin Rui had no intention of entanglement with him, and gave him a banknote directly, saying that he did not need to take pictures.

After the local black man put away the banknotes, he nodded and said, "Thank you, but if you want to apply for a passport, you must take pictures. Please cooperate, I'm short on time. If this is the fastest, you will get it at noon tomorrow. The passports you need."

Only then did Lin Rui know that this person was the contact they were looking for. And he took pictures of them not to get paid, but to get passports. He couldn't help but said, "Are you a fake passport?"

"I never do fake passports, I do real ones. You know, passports from some small African countries are easy to get. Also, no one can question its authenticity. I don't care who you were before, but after tomorrow , you will be Ugandans, Malians, or Congolese. Although your skin is a bit out of tune, no one can deny that a yellow person cannot become an African citizen, can it?" The black man who took the photo showed a row of White teeth.


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