Battlefield Contract Worker

Chapter 6103: against foreign enemies

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"Rich boss?" General Hodgson was stunned.

Lin Rui nodded, "If you want a lot of money, of course the Yankee. Linda won't let him contact him. No matter whether this Teresa wants money or weapons, the Yankee will satisfy him.

And I think, this Teresa is probably more than just asking for money. Kassan's shot should be quite generous, but he still refuses to join the league.

It shows that this person has his own plans, and he cannot be moved without enough price tag. But you are also aware of the power of the Yankees.

The little warlords in these places, no matter what, will buy the face of the Yankees. The reason is very simple. In this part of Africa, the power of the Yankees is still very important.

And especially the CIA, if you don't cooperate with them, they will cooperate with your adversary. Theresa is also very clear about this.

So as long as the Americans come forward, it is basically impossible for him to refuse. "

"But can the Americans be willing?" General Hodgson hesitated.

"If you don't want to, you have to be willing, since they have promised to support us, they have to get this matter to the end.

And now that the situation is so big, the Yankee himself must not have thought of it. It's too late for them to disembark now, and they have to sit in the same boat with us to the end. "Lin Rui sneered.

"If Teresa can be recruited successfully, then we may really have a chance of winning. This guy has at least 8,000 troops, and most of them are troops who have gone through the First Anmore War." General Hodgson nodded. head.

The actuary smiled, "Do you need me to call Linda? From last night to today, she has contacted us more than once. I deliberately ignored her and let her wait for a while."

"Smart." Lin Rui gave him a thumbs up, "When they are in a hurry, they will naturally come to us."

An hour later, Lin Rui received a video communication from Linda.

On the computer screen, Linda's expression was very serious, "What the **** is going on with you? From last night until now, I have tried to contact you more than a dozen times. Why haven't you responded."

Lin Rui shrugged, "Ms. Linda, I think you've been in the office for a long time. Enjoying the gigabit internet speed on the office computer, I can't imagine that we are in the battlefield.

There are many special reasons on the battlefield, such as radio silence, such as signal interference by enemy forces.

Not to mention that for a long time, we can only stay in the tunnel, and it is normal to not receive communication signals. After all, this is a battlefield environment, which is quite difficult.

Therefore, I would like to ask Ms. Linda to forgive me for not replying in time. "

Linda sullenly said, "Listen to Rick, I'm not in the mood to listen to your nonsense right now. I just want to know what you guys did.

My informant said Scarlo had a very bad fight again. The Anmor army actually counterattacked the Orumi federal troops, can you give me an explanation?

According to your previous plan, you only planned to stand in a stalemate with the Orumi Federation Army in Scarlo, and did not mention your counter-offensive plan.

I would like to know if this is true, and if it is, why this counter-offensive was not mentioned in your previous plans. "

Lin Rui smiled, "Relax, Ms. Linda, this is just a temporary plan. You also know that the situation on the battlefield is constantly changing, and many times the commander can only issue orders based on his own timely judgment.

To put it nicely, this is called on-the-spot command. To put it uglier, it is purely based on experience and instinct. So there are many things that even we ourselves did not expect. "

Ms. Linda said loudly, "Don't play tricks on me, Rick. You should understand that you are not only employed by the Anmor army, you are employed by us as well.

We take this Anmor war very seriously, and I hope you will have no reservations about us. All action plans must be communicated to us in advance, and such so-called ad hoc orders must never occur again. "

"I'm sorry, but in my opinion, we finally won the battle this time, which is a good thing, isn't it?" Lin Rui smiled at Linda on the computer screen.

Ms. Linda looked at him for a long time, and finally said, "Mr. Rick, are you really ignorant or are you pretending to be confused with me? At present, the Anmore Army, especially the troops on the north bank of the Kem River, are actually seriously insufficient.

You are all just taking advantage of the street fighting defense to deal with the Orumi Federation Army. Under such circumstances, you actually launched a counterattack. This is a very irrational behavior. "

"Don't care if I'm sensible or not, but at least you can't deny the effect of this operation is not bad." Lin Rui said solemnly.

"This is a good effect? ​​You have lost a lot of people this time. Although you have used a lot of local militia, that's not a small amount lost by the regular army of Anmore." Linda said in a low voice. "If you continue to consume like this, you won't be able to last long. What you did yesterday was too reckless."

"It seems that Ms. Linda really knows what we know." Lin Rui smiled, "CIA spies are indeed everywhere.

But since the words have been opened, I will tell you directly that a counterattack is necessary. No matter how large the casualties of the battle, how tragic the scene is.

If we don't organize a counterattack, morale will continue to be low. In the end, this unit will become extremely weak, and even have a fear of fighting.

By then, the situation will only get more and more unmanageable. You should also know that at the moment we are mostly militias, they are not really trained fighters.

That means they can be very emotional, so we can't let emotions get in their way. Rather, they must control their emotions. "

Linda thought for a while, then nodded. What Lin Rui said also made sense. Anmor's soldiers themselves are not of high military quality, and some of the militia recruited temporarily have not received any training.

If they just passively defend and don't have a decent offensive, it won't take long for them to keep sinking, thinking that this is a battle they will lose. To lead such a group of people, there is no way to do it without some means.

"Okay, I will find a way to help you solve this matter. If there is any major battle plan in the future, it is best to inform us in advance." Linda replied.

"No, no, I have one more thing that needs your full assistance." Lin Rui said.

Then he explained to Linda about Theresa's situation.

Linda hesitated, "I have to report this matter to the top."

"Then as soon as possible, preferably within three to four days, I want to hear a positive answer. Because I guess, in a few days, the Orumi Federal Army will launch a new offensive.

And I'm sure this attack will be more violent than the previous ones. "Lin Rui said slowly.

"Are you threatening me? Why do I feel that your tone is so wrong? It's like an order!" Linda frowned.

"Now we are in the same boat, and when Anmore is over, we are also over. Of course, all your previous plans by the CIA have all come to nothing.

This is my warning to you, you have to understand it as a threat. You know very well that it is impossible for the United States to openly deal with the Oromi Federation at this time.

That's why you thought of letting Kasan be your agent, and our company as the middleman between you two. You provide funds and arms, Kassan is your cannon fodder, we provide training and fight.

The purpose of doing this is to force us to deal with the secret society. So once we lose, all the deployments you've made are useless.

So we are in the same boat now, and no one can watch this boat sink like this. So, you'd better get to work right away and find a way to have Theresa assist us. "Lin Rui sneered.

"Okay, I understand." Linda resisted her anger and nodded.

"I'm afraid you still don't understand the importance of this, if we don't have his assistance. We will definitely not be able to last long, if he will join us and help us with all his strength.

Then maybe we can bring you more of the results you want. In 3 to 4 days, I will wait for your news. After Lin Rui finished speaking, he cut off the communication.

After Lin Rui closed the mobile computer, General Hodgson coughed, "Mr. Rick, I think Linda is actually a good person. Are you being too rude to her?"

"General, you still don't know them. It's usually not easy to get them to do things. The worse your attitude towards them, the better it is sometimes.

Because only then do they feel that things are moving in their favor. " Lin Rui replied.

General Hodgson was stunned.

He originally wanted to persuade Lin Rui not to get too stiff with the Americans. I didn't expect Lin Rui to have such a fallacy.

However, it seems that Lin Rui's method really works. Did not wait until the third day, to be exact, it should be the afternoon two days later, Teresa's people came.

It was a middle-aged man with a mustache and an old-fashioned military uniform.

"This is Teresa's representative. Don't underestimate this person. He seems very kind, but in fact this person is a ruthless character." General Hodgson warned Lin Rui in a low voice.

Lin Rui asked in a low voice, "There are still people like this under Theresa?"

"This person is a former Anmore officer. After coming out of the army, he followed Theresa. His name is Goat." General Hodgson explained to Lin Rui.

"Goat?" Lin Rui was at a loss.

"That's right. In many tribes in Africa, the goat is a symbol of majesty, patience, and aggression. It's like a man." General Hodgson whispered.

While the two of them were talking, Colonel Goat had come over. He seemed to be quite familiar with General Hodgson's officers.

Walked by and said hello all the way. And hl Hodgson's officers called brothers, very warm.

"General, we meet again." When the colonel saw Hodgson, the expression on his face changed slightly, and his smile deepened.

"We haven't seen each other for about two or three years?" General Hodgson held out his hand.

But the goat didn't extend his hand to shake him, but withdrew his hand and saluted him.

General Hodgson was slightly embarrassed, but returned a military salute to him.

"I thought your command post would look more like it. I didn't expect it to be so simple. It seems that this place was rebuilt using a civilian basement.

What, have you fallen to this level? "The goat looked at the tattered map on the wall, and the concrete wall of the basement bunker.

"Being besieged by that intensity of battle for nearly 20 days, it's not bad to have this kind of environment. At least we still have coffee, I hope you don't mind drinking instant brew." Lin Rui raised his hand to the goat cup.

"Mr. Rick?" The goat's face changed, and he immediately nodded to Lin Rui, "I didn't notice it just now, I'm really sorry. Mr. Rick has always been a friend of our Anmore people.

General Theresa has always had great admiration for Mr. and your company. I am also very grateful to Mr. Rick. Because I myself was born in Albion.

In the battle of Albion a few years ago, Mr. and your mercenary team finally convinced the Oromi federal soldiers and won us a chance to negotiate.

Although the result of the negotiation was not good, the battle in Albion was enough to make him a hero in the hearts of all Anmor people. "

After he finished speaking, he actually saluted Lin Rui, his eyes were full of admiration, without the slightest pretence.

"The colonel flattered me like this, which made me a little uncomfortable. But I did see General Theresa's attitude in it."

"Oh? According to what Mr. see, what is General Teresa's attitude?" Colonel Goat asked calmly.

"I have long heard that Colonel Goat is not only good at fighting, but also active and good at communication.

This time General Teresa sent you. Isn't the map very obvious? He has already agreed to cooperate, but he must have a purpose in sending you here.

That is, he feels that the price is not enough, and I hope that you will come to bargain again. Since he agreed to join the Northern Army Alliance, he cannot take this risk in vain. He must make as much profit as possible. Am I right? "Lin Rui smiled.

"Sir saw it thoroughly, yes, that's what I meant." Colonel Goat nodded. "If you want people to work for you. You have to be full. Who will work for you when you're hungry?

This is the simplest and most simple As a mercenary, Mr. Rick's understanding of this aspect is naturally much better than ours. " Colonel Goat smiled modestly, like a very humble student.

Lin Rui spread his hands, "Okay, then no need to talk nonsense. I asked Ms. Linda to find you, just to listen to your offer.

But if you can't even meet the American offer, then I can only really regret it. "

Colonel Goat looked at Lin Rui and suddenly smiled meaningfully. "Mr. Rick may not have heard clearly, I just said that's what I meant.

General Theresa did not see it that way. As his subordinate, I naturally want to seek more benefits for the general.

However, the general also had his own considerations, and the Americans met many of his demands. Moreover, once the Orumi Federal Army entered the Anmore area, the general's life would not be easy.

So he has promised, and this time he will do everything in his power to assist you.

But this is not for Cassan or General Logan, but for the people of Anmor to fight against foreign enemies. "

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