Battlefield Contract Worker

Chapter 631: extremely dense


Lin Rui looked at Mr. Zhang and nodded, turned and left their circle. ?Dream?.. I saw the Russian gang members cheering in the distance, and Sergey seemed to get along well with those people, calling them brothers together. It is also unknown if he has heard much from Russian gangs.

An hour and a half of free movement is over, and they will soon return to their cells. Lin Rui took the opportunity to walk beside Sergey and asked in a low voice, "How is the situation?"

"They don't know. Where are you?" Sergey lowered his head and whispered.

"The head of the Chinese-American gang may know something, but he wants me to deal with a guard." Lin Rui whispered.

Sergey said in a low voice, "This may be a temptation."

"I understand, he wants to use this to confirm whether I am reliable." Lin Rui whispered, "So I agreed."

Sergey whispered, "You can't do it, it will only make your situation worse."

"I didn't say I would do it myself." Lin Rui whispered, "Tomorrow Jiangan will come to visit me, and I will try to pass the news to him and let them do it. It will be smoother to do it outside."

"Be careful," Sergey said, bowing his head and walking over.

The next day, Lin Rui had the opportunity to be visited for the first time in Petak. It was Jiangan, and the two of them met under the surveillance of Russian prison guards. There is no direct contact at all. Lin Rui can only transmit information through hidden finger signals. Instructed Kishi to deal with the big prison guard outside.

A few days later, during a free time, a member of an Asian gang found Lin Rui again and gave him a wink.

Lin Rui understood and followed him to Mr. Zhang.

Mr. Zhang looked at him and nodded, "Young man, you seem very capable. Have you read this newspaper?"

"I haven't seen it." Lin Rui shook his head.

"The guard at Petak Prison was robbed on the way home and broke his leg. It is said that both knees were smashed with guns. I think it must be very painful." Mr. Zhang sighed.

"He must be unlucky." Lin Rui shrugged.

"But it's not your hands. What I want is for him to be beaten in the prison, in front of so many prisoners, to lose his prestige and dignity. And you arrange for people to do it outside. This is not my original intention. Yes." Mr. Zhang shook his head.

"The effect is the same. If he is injured here, and the injured part is such a coincidence, I think it will be difficult for many people not to think of you. The advantage of this is that the prisoners know how good you are, and know that you are even a guard. Dare to move. But what about the guards? What do you think they will think, and the high-level prison officials, they would not want to see such a thing happen in Petak Prison. " Lin Rui shrugged.

"It seems to make sense." Mr. Zhang smiled slightly.

"And the main one, if I do it myself, I'll get an additional sentence. That way they might soon find out that all my information, including the sentence, is a made-up story. I can't let that happen. "Lin Rui said lightly.

"I can't help but be curious about you. Who are you?" Mr. Zhang looked at Lin Rui, but he suddenly waved his hand again, "Forget it, you'd better not say anything. Knowing some things may not be safe. Go to jail. Sitting to my level, I am somewhat familiar with this statement."

Lin Rui frowned, "I did what you asked me to do, so what about our previous transaction?"

Mr. Zhang was silent for a long time, and said slowly, "There is a certain prison area in the northwest part of this small island, which has never been used since it was built. But the guards and monitoring there are the strictest. I can't guarantee that you will Whether the secret prison you are looking for is there, but I know that the guards in that place are not prison guards, but armed soldiers."

"Northwest part?" Lin Rui whispered.

"Yes, in the woods near the island, no guards or prisoners have ever entered. But I have been there. There is a bunker-like entrance in the woods. It was originally said to be a wartime air defense facility. But now it is installed there. There are many advanced security facilities, and soldiers are on duty 24 hours a day. No one knows what they are protecting, but I know because I have seen people being brought in there." Mr. Zhang said calmly, " Friends, whatever you're going to do, I hope our contact ends here."

"What does this mean?" Lin Rui frowned.

"It means that I have to get out of the dangerous behavior you have done in time. It is better for me to be a prisoner in a wheelchair." Mr. Zhang shrugged, "Please remember, I don't know you, and I have no relationship with you. You spoke."

Lin Rui was silent for a while, then nodded and said, "Wait a minute, I want to know how to get into the place you mentioned?"

"No one can go in, not even the guards, unless it's the soldiers. The people you're looking for are in the dark, underground, secret prisons. Unknown, not subject to IHL in Geneva. You think it's only the United States Is Guantanamo prison a hell? Those reporters are too naive, in the dark corners of this world, there is **** everywhere." Mr. Zhang sneered.

"I don't go to hell, who goes to hell." Lin Rui smiled slightly.

"To do all this, first get out of your cage." Mr. Zhang said coldly, "The place is on the cliff in the northwest corner, which is almost a steep rock wall that goes straight up and down. Above it is a high wall and a watchtower~www. The icy waters and the tooth-sharp rocks below. There's no way to get in from the outside. To get from the inside, you have to get out of the cell and through the courtyard where the guards live. By the way, there's also The most vicious German military dog.

Even if you get through all this and get to the grove, you will be facing soldiers with guns. Well, you even got rid of these soldiers. What stands in your way is an iron gate sandwiched with infused lead. There are still many sentries inside, what do you think you are? "

Lin Rui frowned, "It sounds like it's really difficult."

"It's not a question of whether it's difficult or not, but a question of impossibility. People have self-knowledge. If you want to go to this place to find people, it's almost like an army." Mr. Zhang said lightly.

"I do have a small army." Lin Rui said calmly, "Also, I think we can handle this. Can you please give me a more detailed route description now?"

"What if I refuse?" Mr. Zhang frowned.

"Then I'll really implicate you. You also know that what I'm doing can be extremely dangerous, and the more time and number of times I'm in contact with you, the more suspicious I'll be. , you can't run either."

Mr. Zhang put a piece of paper on the table and said calmly, "This is the rough terrain I drew. Now you can roll with this map."

"It seems that you have already prepared, thank you." Lin Rui got up and smiled.

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