Battlefield Contract Worker

Chapter 1001: Technical men also have spring

"You mean .

"It is very likely that White is responsible for underground arms trading and illegal money laundering in the secret society. The arms black market they are selling not only sells ready-made arms, but also technology. This kind of satellite technology is high-end technology, which is very important to many countries. It's very attractive." Kishi nodded.

"I just don't understand why their satellite technology attracts so much attention?" Lin Rui frowned.

"I think it should be the low-cost price of this kind of satellite. SpaceX has not only effectively reduced the cost of satellite launch through rocket recovery technology, but also greatly reduced the cost of this low-orbit satellite itself through some special technologies. . This is the reason why this technology is of great value." Kishi said slowly, "It may be like the Internet, it is a technology that can affect the entire world in the future, especially in military applications."

"So rare goods can be found." Lin Rui nodded, "The secret society has always liked this kind of new technology, it is easy to sell, and it is of great value."

"Damn, it looks like they are one step ahead of us." Sergey frowned.

"Probably not yet." Lin Rui shook his head and said, "Although Jin Haoshan infiltrated the US Space Exploration Technology Corporation as the security director. But he probably hasn't succeeded yet."

"Why?" Sergey frowned.

"Because there is no news that this technical file has been stolen. Since White Glove White wants to pass Jin Haoshan to guard himself, he will react immediately after he succeeds in order to get rid of the suspicion. And now we do not have this aspect. Any news means that he has not succeeded yet." Lin Rui pondered.

"It seems that the situation is not optimistic. Even a person like Jin Haoshan, who is the security supervisor and has security authority, has not been able to obtain these materials. I am afraid it will be even more difficult for us." Zhao Jianfei frowned.

Lin Rui nodded heavily, then turned to Jiangan, "What other information do we have?"

"We now know that this technical document is kept on the third underground floor of the headquarters of SpaceX. The world's top security and defense system from Germany - nkp system is used.

This highly intelligent security system can seal off the entire headquarters within 15 seconds. In other words, even if you have the ability to enter the sky, you cannot escape safely. There is only one way in and out, and special privileges are required to open a solid bulletproof gate. The combined weight of the door frame and the door body weighs dozens of tons, and the basement is a high-strength concrete cast-in-place structure, which is very strong. So don't fancy opening it with any tools and dynamite. ' Kishi replied.

"So awesome? It can catch up with the bank vault." Sergey frowned.

"Not only that. According to the information, the technical data of this new satellite is kept in a supercomputer on the third underground floor. It adopts a new encryption algorithm of multi-linear lock type. It must have three keys to open it. One of the three secret keys is controlled by the Sanye Jungle security supervisor who is in charge of security, and the other two are held by the company owner and the chief researcher of the technical department." Kishi continued.

"In other words, we have to find all three keys to operate the supercomputer and obtain the technical documents in it?" Lin Rui frowned.

"Even if it is found, it will not work. This supercomputer must also confirm the identity of the operator, a kind of DNA lock. The only person who can be manipulated in the world is the technical director of the project. That is to say, three people must be present at the same time, and then the The technical director must operate the computer himself to be effective." Jiangishi replied.

"In other words, it's not enough to change the person. This lock does not even verify fingerprints, but DNA genetic characteristics?" Lin Rui frowned, "God, this is like a science fiction movie. How did they do it?"

"Don't forget, they're a high-tech company. There's a self-destruct code in the supercomputer, and a sensor on the keyboard detects that it doesn't match the operator's characteristics, and it starts to self-destruct. Then the security system will be in 15 seconds. , forcibly close all facilities. Intruders will be locked inside." Kishi shrugged.

"I want to talk to Cobain." Lin Rui shook his head and said, "These are not our expertise, what about Cobain?"

"I'm here." Cobain came out. He seemed to have stayed up all night, his eyes were red and bloodshot.

"What solution do you have for those messy technological defenses?" Lin Rui looked at him and asked.

"I'm afraid it will be difficult." Cobain shook his head and said, "The super host is not connected to the outside world, and we cannot use remote cracking methods. We can only go in and operate. According to the intelligence analysis obtained at this stage, we cannot even use brute force cracking. its encrypted information.

Then there is only one option I have to try to write a very powerful virus code, and try to make this host run this virus code. Caused it to have a serious error, and then crashed and restarted. During the restart process, we have about ten to twenty seconds to bypass the system and directly access the memory. If we are lucky, we can find these files. If you are unlucky, you will have to reboot again until it succeeds. "

"Okay. I didn't understand much anyway." Lin Rui smiled wryly, "My understanding of these things is like a primary school student in front of you. But I probably understand one thing, that is, we have to get you in first. That basement."

"Yes." Cobain sighed, "In fact, my team and I have not slept for several nights, and have written a very aggressive virus code that can force the superhost to make serious logical errors, Then force it to restart. Fatty Long should pay us overtime."

"Good job, good job." Lin Rui nodded and said, "You can take a rest, we will set off in a day."

"I still need to prepare some things, a high-performance portable computer, including high-speed storage media." Cobain nodded. "These things are not the ordinary things you can buy in the store. I have asked Alpha to do it. Yes, but one day is probably not enough."

"Then wait another day." Lin Rui nodded and said, "Time is tight, don't forget, we only have two weeks to complete this mission. You can do your job, the rest of the team will follow me to the tactical conference room, we must Plan this high-tech mission well."

Sergey shrugged, "Although penetrating security is my forte, it doesn't include the work of a technical guy like Cobain."

"Don't complain, bro, you have to learn to keep up with the times. Technical men also have spring." Kishi patted his shoulder and smiled.

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