There are 9 people in a class, plus a military training squad leader, that is, military training instructors, just 10 people.

3 squads and one platoon, 3 platoons and one company, 3 companies and one battalion, 3 battalions and one regiment, 3 regiments and one division.

More than 2,000 new students, with a three-three system, just formed a military trainer.

After the organization was formed, the new people formed a phalanx on the playground and listened to the commander’s instructions.

Seeing the supreme military training officer training on the stage, Chu Feng felt that this world was full of malice.

Nima, Ni Jingyi is actually the highest military training officer!

If someone hadn’t deliberately arranged this, he would have screwed his head off!

“Use the high standards of soldiers to set strict demands on yourself, and strive to become a useful talent who is both civil and martial!”

After Ni Jingyi finished speaking the last sentence, the new students in the queue applauded warmly and warmly.

Chu Feng had to admit that this woman did have two strokes of chicken blood.

Mu Xiu Yu Lin Feng will destroy it, although he does not think so, he still follows the slap.

After Ni Jingyi finished speaking, the military trainees returned to their dormitories as a company.

Each dormitory lived in exactly one class, and the military training squad leader also lived with it.

Chu Feng was in 2 companies and 1 platoon 1 shift, and the squad leader was a strong boy.

Back in the dormitory, the first thing to do was to listen to the squad leader once again emphasize military discipline.

Chu Feng had a kind of trance of returning to his past life, how familiar this scene was.

The squad leader didn’t give him much time to feel nostalgic, and the next thing he started was to sort out the housekeeping.

How to hang towels, how to put water cups, how to put shoes… There are strict rules.

What makes everyone want to die the most is that they must fold the quilt into square tofu blocks.

These heavenly arrogant sons with extremely high IQs have lost here.

Only Chu Feng was an exception, he watched the squad leader demonstrate it again, and then he folded out the tofu blocks.

Not to mention that the others, even himself, were a bit surprised.

This is by no means a skill brought by a previous life, but his ability to learn is particularly strong.

He truly felt the great benefits brought about by the all-round improvement of his attributes.

The improvement of his spirit made his perception extremely strong, and he observed the class leader’s demonstration very thoroughly.

The improvement of his intelligence further strengthened his observations and enabled him to quickly grasp the know-how.

The increase in agility allows his body movements to keep up with the command of the head and achieve the desired effect.

The increase in strength is the simplest and roughest, and he can easily press the fluffy quilt very flat.

The reason is such a truth, but the others don’t know it, they look at Chu Feng like they look at the freak.

Lu Geng, the leader of the military training class, couldn’t help but ask, “Chu Feng, have you practiced this before?” ”

“I prefer to live in the barracks and practice at home.” Chu Feng casually said nonsense.

This kind of thing, there is nothing to show off, more is better than less, save trouble.

Ni Jingyi, who just walked in, heard this sentence and couldn’t help but scoff.

This cargo will like the barracks life, she screwed his head down and gave him a kick.

She had stayed in the presidential suite with Chu Feng and knew how lazy he was.

When you get up, people who don’t even spread the quilt will practice folding tofu blocks?

“This classmate folded well, scattered, and did it again.” Ni Jingyi said.

Nima, Chu Feng wanted to punch her in the face and punch her in the face.

“Salute!” Lu Geng was a fierce spirit, and he stood up straight and shouted slogans.

The salute was salute, although his heart was not happy, Chu Feng also had to salute Ni Jingyi.

Good men do not suffer immediate losses, and basic social rules must be observed.

If this woman catches the braids, punish him to run 10,000 meters, thanks to it.

What made Chu Feng happy was that Ni Jingyi returned the gift, and finally did not suffer much loss.

“Chu Feng, according to the order, break up and re-fold again.” Lu Geng reminded.

MMP, Chu Feng had to kick away the tofu block and re-fold it again.

Zhong Mengxin looked at her and trembled, this brother had a personality, and dared to kick the quilt with his foot in front of the highest official.

Lu Geng’s face couldn’t help but twitch, if it weren’t for the chief’s face, he would also want to give Chu Feng a kick.

Ni Jingyi’s face also twitched, remembering the scene of this guy grabbing his hands.

If she annoyed this guy and was kicked by him, she couldn’t seem to avoid it.

When she was thinking wildly, Chu Feng said, “Lord, fold it up.” ”

He looked at Ni Jingyi: “Lord, I have completed the task you arranged, is there any reward?” ”

“It’s really well folded.” Ni Jingyi glanced at the quilt, “I need a service soldier, that’s you.” ”

“When your attendant wants to fold the quilt for you?” Chu Feng asked curiously.

Zhongmeng Xin trembled again, this dude cow, really dare to say anything.

Ni Jingyi was so angry that 34C fluctuated violently, I don’t know how to do it, the old lady can’t cure you?!

She said angrily: “Not only do I have to fold the quilt, but I also have to squeeze the toothpaste and wash my feet.” ”

“Don’t do it, you find someone else to go.” Chu Feng refused without hesitation.

“Dream, you, let me wash your feet, and you’ll be able to give me bedtime.”

Of course, he didn’t say the latter sentence, which saved some face for Ni Jingyi.

Good thing this woman helped him a lot, he can’t be too much of a man, he has to leave some affection.

“This is the command!” Ni Jingyi was furious.

Defiance of orders during military training will not end well.

Chu Feng looked at the woman wordlessly, “Well, you won. ”

He decided that when he got to her house, he would have to make her look good….

MMP, you have to let her understand who is the servant of whom!

Chu Feng followed Ni Jingyi out of the dormitory, and the new Meng Xins looked at each other.

Which one is this trouble, is Chief Ni looking at it… Did he?

Could it be that the beautiful and touching best royal sister actually fell in love at first sight?

Lying in the grooves, people are handsome, and they can do whatever they want!

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