Beast control starts from zero points

Chapter 531 Losing unfairly

The little steel falcon retracted its claws nimbly and avoided the attack from Palm Chong.

"Beautiful!" The commentator exclaimed after seeing this scene: "Although the speed of the Little Steel Falcon is not as fast as that of the Palm Rush Kid, its reaction ability is fast enough and its body control ability is also very good."

"That's right." The white young man next to him said: "If the little steel falcon couldn't avoid the attack just by flying and moving, it's not a bad thing if its claws are shrunk."

The young white man was none other than the champion of the E-Class Beast Tamer Arena yesterday.

There is an unwritten rule in the Pet Beast Arena, that is, the champion of the day will be invited to join the commentator for tomorrow's live commentary.

This job is both prestigious and attracts a group of fans, and it also comes with a hefty salary, so almost no one would refuse it.

During the conversation between the two, the little steel falcon flapped its wings and dodged to a high place.

It seems that this pet named Palm Chong Boy should be a fighting beast. Melee combat is risky, so it is best to attack from a long distance. The long-range attack skills of the Little Steel Falcon are only... Qiao Sang thought about it and said quickly:

"Air Blade."

Without saying a word, the little steel falcon flapped its wings vigorously, and several white sharp blades condensed from the air suddenly appeared out of thin air and struck at the Palm Chong boy's position.

The boy Zhang Chong didn't dodge, but quickly pulled off the white tape on his wrist and waved it around.

"Bang bang bang!"

The white tape after being removed was more than two meters long. While swinging, a white light appeared on the white tape, making the whole body of the Palm Chong boy seem to be surrounded by a chain emitting white light.

It blocks water without leaking.

Within a few moments, the air blade disappeared completely.

What kind of skill is this... Qiao Sang remained calm on the surface, but was confused on the inside.

I originally thought that through my sleepless study during this period, I had broken away from my status as a "student scumbag", but I didn't expect that I couldn't even recognize a skill now!

"This prop is very practical." At this time, the commentator's voice sounded: "The light protective cloth can be used as a defensive prop as long as energy is input. It can also be bound to the body with no weight at all. Every time I see it, I will use it against the kid. I want one."

The white young man shook his head and said: "The energy the light protective cloth can withstand is limited, and the degree of defense is also limited. The reason why it was able to withstand attacks so perfectly just now is because there is a strength gap between Palm Chong Boy and Xiao Gang Falcon. If Palm Chong Boy's opponent The energy is a bit higher than that, and this light protective cloth will definitely be scrapped."

It turns out to be a prop, let me tell you, after staying up late and studying for so long, how could you not even recognize the skills used by an intermediate pet beast... When Qiao Sang heard the conversation, he first showed an expression of "I see", and then was shocked.

Damn it! It turns out that props are not allowed in arena competitions!

"Close combat!" Cash ordered.

After hearing the order, the boy Zhang Chong threw away the white tape on his hand, then he jumped up with both legs, and jumped into the air to a position parallel to the little steel falcon. He clenched his fists, tensed his muscles, and burst out with a terrifying sound. He swung towards the little steel falcon with all his strength.

The combat experience from birth to now makes the little steel falcon flap its wings and subconsciously avoid it.

But at the moment when he flapped his wings, the voice of his own beast master came into his ears:

"Head! Steel Wings!"

Little Steel Falcon hesitated for 0.1 seconds.

In its opinion, hiding is the best choice at this time.

The opponent itself is stronger than it. When facing a stronger opponent, you should not confront it head-on. You should drag it out and find the right time before attacking.

In just 0.1 seconds, the Palm Chong boy's fist arrived in front of Xiaogang Falcon with a strong wind.


The little steel falcon gritted its teeth and restrained its instinct to flap its wings to distance itself. It moved its body 90 degrees upward and sideways.

While moving sideways, the wings suddenly turned into two silver steel blades!

The little Steel Falcon narrowly missed Palm Chong's fists.

The palm strike struck the boy in the air, and without pausing for a second, he continued to attack the little steel falcon with his muscular right leg on one side of his body.

"Head!" The words of his beastmaster flashed through Little Steel Falcon's mind.

Its eyes were fixed on the opponent's head, and in a quick flash, its wings, which had turned into steel blades, struck the palm of the boy's face hard.


The boy's legs were too long, so he was one step slower than before. He flew backwards and hit the ground hard.


The little steel falcon was stunned for a moment. It didn't expect that it would succeed.

Kash's expression changed, and his face suddenly looked a little ugly.

At the same time, the audience who had bet on him also looked unhappy.

However, the game was not completely over, and the spectators did not curse too harshly all at once.

"Stand up!" Cash shouted.

Qiao Sang hadn't given any orders yet. Little Steel Falcon's eyes flashed and he knew that now was the best time to attack.

It flapped its wings quickly and forcefully downwards, and several air blades focused on the Palm Chong boy's face.

It's good to contract a pet beast with a smart mind. She didn't communicate before the game. She just raised her head and knew to continue attacking the head... Qiao Sang secretly praised the IQ of the little Steel Falcon and his own. vision.

The Palm Chong boy endured the pain and was about to get up, but the air blade was already attacking him. He had no time to move and could only roll continuously to avoid it.

"Bang bang bang!"

The air blade hit the ground, rocks flew, and some dust obscured the Palm Chong boy's sight.

"Steel Wings! Head!" Qiao Sang said as he saw the boy Zhang Chong rolling to the edge of the ring.

The most powerful skill of the Little Steel Falcon is the steel wings that have reached the proficiency level. Coupled with its sharp characteristics, it can also cause considerable damage to pets one level above it.

Most of the weak points of fighting beasts are on the head and neck. The neck of this Palm Rush boy is tied with white tape. She can't bet that the unprotected head is the best choice for attack!


This time, Little Steel Falcon didn't hesitate at all, but his expression was slightly excited.

It swooped down, its wings turned into silver steel blades, and mercilessly slashed at Palm Chong's head.

"Hold your head!" Kash shouted loudly with a chill in his heart.

When the boy Zhang Chong heard what his beast master said, he quickly made fists and crossed them in front of his face.

Little Steel Falcon's eyes flashed, his body turned slightly, and the attack position instantly changed from the original face to the top of the head.


Zhang Chong screamed at the boy, but there was no movement.

The large virtual screen in the back row showed the game results in a timely manner:

[Kash VS Qiao Sang, 0:1]

All the spectators who had bet on Cash's victory suddenly got angry and almost threw trash on the stage.

"Kash! You trash! You lost to a child!"

"The Palm Rush boy is one level higher than the Little Steel Falcon and can't beat anyone else! Get out of here, don't embarrass yourself!"

"Kash, you are such a piece of shit!"

Amidst the angry scolding, the commentator did not forget his job:

"It seems that the newcomers in this arena match are unusual. They are not timid at all when facing opponents who are stronger than themselves. They do not rely on the flying ability of the little steel falcon to keep away from the Palm Rush boy to consume them. Instead, they launch a close-range attack on the Palm Charge boy. When attacking from a distance, seize the opportunity to counterattack.”

"That's right." The white young man nodded and said: "This little steel falcon has been raised very well. The core of combat skills is the control of the body. The higher the body control, the more sensitive the reaction can be with the same physical fitness. Previously, the little steel falcon used weak movements to avoid the close combat of the palm-throwing boy, and seized the gap to attack and succeeded. It can be seen that this little steel falcon has very good control over its own body. "

"And the last blow can also be seen that its adaptability is very good." The commentator said: "The Palm Rush boy blocked the front of his head. The little Steel Falcon was less than 1 meter away from it at that time. Such a short time and distance Just change the attack position to the top of the head, and the average pet beast's brain will not be able to turn around at once."

Finally, he concluded:

"In this game, Cash did not lose unfairly."

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