Beastmaster of the Ages

Chapter 1478 The Road to the World God

The Order Celestial Clan, no matter which generation they are, is the absolute overlord in this land of Order!

As the son of Emperor Zun, it is almost impossible to have peers who can barely compare with them.

It was an accident for the generation of 'Kowloon Emperor'.

But now, the surprise is even bigger.

People twice their age have lost!

Li Shenjian was hiding in the Zhengda Shenjian. Even though his injuries were not serious, his emotions had collapsed under the pressure.

Like Li Haochen, he is under the pressure of being undefeated.

Once defeated, it will be a lifelong shame.

After Li Haochen returned to the Order Celestial Clan, he immediately lost his voice and stayed behind closed doors.

But now, Li Shenjian is twice as old as his opponent, but he has lost...

Everything will only get more serious.

"No! I still have a chance, I haven't lost yet!"

The injury to the thigh is nothing to the body of the Star Chakra.

The two Zhengda Shenjian were shattered, leaving only six, which were also very powerful.

"Just now, I somewhat underestimated the enemy!"

Li Shenjian finally reacted and showed the courage that a son of Emperor Zun should have.

Boom boom boom!

"Li Tianming, not counting just now, I did underestimate you."

"Between you and me, the outcome has not yet been decided."

He opened the six Zhengda Shenjian, his strength returned, and his momentum suddenly rose.

The six consciousness gods around him can also absorb the remaining divine disaster sword energy from the Burning Dragon Purgatory, burning even redder.

Just when his fighting spirit was rising again, he never expected that Li Tianming and his companion beast had already disappeared from his sight.

"Escaped again?"

He was about to sneer when he noticed movement above his head.

Look up!

I was shocked to see that Li Tianming had left the battlefield long ago and rushed out of the cave of Burning Dragon Purgatory.

"Don't go!"

Li Tianming's departure means that the battle is over, and Li Shenjian has lost.

How could he be so willing?

However, Li Tianming achieved his goal, obtained the Dragon Blood Divine Wasteland, and defeated him.

The overall situation has been decided, there is no need to continue to struggle.


Holding the shining golden-black Donghuang Sword in one hand and the long bow of the Dragon Blood God in the other, he rushed out of the Burning Dragon Purgatory and appeared in front of tens of millions of people!

As someone close to Lin Xiaoxiao, the Dragon Blood God's weapon soul naturally knew that he would bring him back to Lin Xiaoxiao, so he did not resist at all.

At this moment, Li Tianming had blazing golden and black eyes, white hair flying, and five divine dragon sword energies crisscrossing his body, escaping from his body. Countless sword energies turned into the shadow of the divine dragon, vibrated away, and made an ear-piercing scream.


This is divine power!

No matter how unwilling Li Shenjian was to admit it, he had missed the opportunity by shrinking back just now.

Even the Order Celestial Clan agreed that Li Tianming had won.

Ho ho ho!

The moment he came out, countless scorching eyes burned on him.

"Li Tianming!!"

The fanatical roar of more than 20 million people gathered together.

It was an overwhelming thousand-meter tsunami, sweeping towards Li Tianming, shaking his body, and then impacting towards the Order Celestial Clan and Hidden Dragon Palace behind him, knocking the people over there to their knees.

It was a real shock.

Really show off your power!

Boom boom boom!

As soon as he came out, he suffered the impact of such fanatical beliefs. When Li Tianming's eyes collided with the more than 20 million Nine Dragon Emperor troops on the opposite side, this collision of hearts made his soul roar.

At that moment, faith became the spiritual thought of all living beings, blending into the tens of billions of mustard seeds in his body.

This invisible belief in sentient beings is the ‘nourishment’ of the emperor’s divine will.

Hoo ho ho!

The once stagnant Emperor's divine will grew again.

Within the Mustard Seed, every Donghuang Sword is solidifying, expanding, and becoming stronger!

They are firmly inserted on the invisible star wheel, and their defensive capabilities are getting stronger and stronger.


The tsunami of fanaticism from the Kowloon Imperial Army all converged on the emperor's divine will, the undefeated genius Li Tianming.

"Perhaps this is the so-called path to the world god!"

He felt refreshed all over, feeling like he had been reborn.

The growth of the emperor's divine will also made his temperament more like a peerless emperor.


Li Tianming is not afraid to show himself.

His emperor's will has broken through the shackles, and he is already qualified to reach the seventh level of the astrological realm.

This is an incredible victory!

It inspired the hearts of Xuanyuan Longzong after being suppressed and humiliated!

Even if the two warring parties are disciples, the significance of their respective identities is too great.

Because of this, Li Tianming can become the spiritual support in the eyes of the elders and strong men of the Kowloon Emperor Army!

Boom boom boom!

He stood on the top of the mountain, opened his arms, and turned around with an arrogant attitude to face the 20 million Order Heavenly Clan and the 10 million Hidden Dragon Palace experts.

He is absorbing stellar sources!

His body was like an invincible whirlpool.

A young man in his twenties, his power is already infinitely close to that of these elders who have been practicing for hundreds or thousands of years.


The violent star source power gathered into a river of flames and was poured into him from all directions.

When the star source and the seventh-level divine disaster sword energy collide together, the scene becomes even more exciting.

The sky is filled with torrents of flames and whirlpools of sword energy, all like subjects, revolving around him, the emperor!

Li Shenjian just chased him out.

The emperor's son wanted to continue taking action, but he saw that Li Tianming was absorbing the star source.

He froze again.

So, at this moment, he became the perfect backdrop.

He chased after him angrily, and no matter how much he wanted to win, he couldn't do anything at this time.

Because this is really out of character.

"What are you doing? The outcome has not yet been determined, so don't act like a fool here."

Li Shenjian sneered.

Unfortunately, no one answered him at all.

Slightly embarrassing!

Boom boom boom!

Li Tianming is still focusing on absorbing the star source and enhancing the power of the star wheel.

On Xuanyuan Dragon Sect's side, the Kowloon Emperor Army was still cheering for his victory, ecstatically.

On the other hand, everyone at the Order Celestial Clan and Hidden Dragon Palace looked at the scene at the Burning Dragon Purgatory Cave with indifference...

Li Shenjian stood not far from Li Tianming, neither walking nor fighting.

For a moment, the dignified emperor's son seemed like a fool.

"Li Tianming, I'll give you one last chance. If you don't stop, I won't be polite."

Li Shenjian said.

Still no one paid any attention to him.

In the eyes of everyone, he has been defeated.

"a shame!"

This time the sarcastic laughter came from the Xuanyuan Long Sect.

Once someone ridiculed him, the whole crowd would immediately fall on the emperor's son.

"Get out of here, Li Shenjian, you were so timid just now, you lost so completely, now you're still pretending to be tough?"

"He just wants to find a step down."

"The son of a dignified emperor is so shameful."

"More than fifty years old, more than twice as old as Li Tianming, and yet he was defeated. Is there anyone left in the dignified Order Celestial Clan?"

"Li Tianming is right, the ten sons of the Sun Emperor are all dead weight."

To Li Shenjian, these words and teasing looks were like swords piercing his chest.

"No, it's not over yet!"

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