Beauty and the Bodyguard

Chapter 1191: Stealing chicken but losing rice

"Don't be complacent! If we hadn't broken off the engagement with the Xiao family, our Kang family would have been very prosperous by now! It was you who opposed your brother's views at that time! In fact, some of Illumination's views are right! You need to learn from it!" Doctor Kang looked at it Kang Zhaolong looked proud and couldn't help but angrily yelled.

"Yes...Grandpa, I understand!" Kang Zhaolong's expression tightened and he quickly said carefully.

"Grandpa, I still stick to my point of view!" When Kang Mingming heard what his grandfather said, he didn't know where the courage came from, and said stubbornly! At this moment, he knew that he couldn't back down, and he had to persevere no matter whether he was right or wrong. However, he thought that he was still very lucky. He had always been successful in doing things recently, and he had failed to get it right several times!

"Grandpa has already made a decision. Illumination, don't say anything. Big brother knows what you are thinking, but now the interests of the family should come first!" Although Kang Zhaolong's tone was very kind, the irony in his words was very strong. Nong, anyone can hear that he is saying that Kang Zhaoming's views undermine the interests of the family!

"Hmph! You don't want to do whatever you want. Then you will remember what I said when you suffer a loss!" Kang Zhaoming lost his dignity, so he said these words bitterly and turned around and walked out the door.

"Hey!" Doctor Kang looked at the back of his second grandson, feeling a little complicated. Is this second grandson really a talent that can be made? Every time he puts forward a point of view that is so shocking, but every time he hits the mark. Is it really a coincidence, or is he seeing something?

However, this time the hoarding of goods will have little impact on the family's interests. Even if Guan Shenyi Pharmaceutical Company has been selling at this price, and the family will not lose or make a profit at most, it will not lose anything because of it. The worst thing is that it will cost more. It's just a matter of effort.

Thinking of this, Divine Doctor Kang felt relieved.

The lion went to the Chu family to become a younger brother, and Gou Huli was very unwilling! This was a tamed lion that she finally bought at a high price. This would give the Chu family an advantage. How could Gou Huli be willing to do so?

The more she thought about it, the angrier she became. She didn't fall asleep all night. Early the next morning, Gou Huli came to the Chu family, preparing to ask the Chu family to take the lion back!

But Gou Huli was still at a loss as to what the details were. After all, if she came to ask for a lion like this, people would not let her go without telling her. Instead, she would scold herself. With how vicious that little girl Chen Yushu was, she would definitely scold herself!

Arriving at the door of the Chu family's villa, Gou Huli tiptoed outside and looked in, only to see the lion lying motionless in the yard. Gou Huli suddenly felt like a God-given opportunity! Now General Mighty is not here, neither is Chen Yushu, there is only the lion, which makes it easier for her to attack!

"Lion, little lion, my darling, come back with me quickly?" Gou Huli walked over with a smile and greeted the lion.

The lion raised his lazy eyelids, glanced at Gou Huli, and then lowered his eyes, as if he didn't even pay attention to Gou Huli, and didn't even bark.

"Ouch..." Seeing that the lion ignored her, Gou Huli lowered her voice and imitated the lion's cry. She thought, this lion is a male, so if she imitates a female lion, can she attract this male lion? Attention?

However, the lion didn't react at all. This time, he didn't even look at Gou Huli!

Gou Huli suddenly became anxious, thinking that the lion didn't hear it, so she amplified her voice a little and roared again: "Ouch!! Ouch!!"

But the lion still ignored her.

Gou Huli was even more anxious: "Ouch!! Ouch!!! Ouch!!!! Ouch! Ouch! Ouch!!!!"

This time, the lion did not lure him, but he lured Chen Yushu out of the villa! Chen Yushu originally thought that the lion was having sex at the door, so she took General Mighty to teach it a lesson. However, as soon as she went out, she saw that it was not a lion, but Gou Huili!

"Oh?" Chen Yushu looked at Gou Huli with some confusion: "Ladies, your lion is gone. Are you pretending to be a lion to make your presence felt?"

After hearing Chen Yushu's words, Gou Huli became a little angry! What kind of lion is she pretending to be? She just wanted to take the lion back, but the lion ignored her at all. What could she do?

"Why are you pretending to be a lion? I am going to take the lion back!" Gou Huli said with a snort.

"Oh, then do whatever you want." Chen Yushu said nonchalantly, and then turned around and went back to the villa.

Only Gou Huli is left here, neither can she leave, nor can she not leave.

After waiting for a while, Gou Huli stamped her feet and left angrily! There was nothing she could do. Although Chen Yushu said it easily, the lion just wouldn't move, so Gou Huli couldn't hug the lion, right?

Gou Huli thought about it and suddenly came up with a clever idea. This lion loves to eat meat, especially beef newly bought from the vegetable market! Thinking of this, Gou Huli quickly turned around and went home, drove straight to the vegetable market, bought a large piece of fresh beef and returned to Chu Mengyao's villa.

"Lion, lion, I bought your favorite beef, come home with me?" Gou Huli tempted the lion with the beef.

Under the temptation of beef, the lion raised his eyes and glanced at Gou Huli, and stood up with a "ouch"!

Gou Huli was immediately overjoyed, thinking that a beast is a beast, and if she has milk, she is a mother! If you give it food, won't it go back with you obediently?

"Little lion, come back with me. From now on, there will be big fish and meat every day. I guarantee that you will eat well!" Gou Huli said proudly, holding up the beef bag in her hand.

The lion stood up and came to Gou Huli. He raised his head suddenly and took a bite, directly snatching the plastic bag containing beef from Gou Huli's hand! Gou Huli was afraid that the lion would bite her hand, so she subconsciously let go, and a bag of beef ran into the lion's mouth.

"Little lion, I'll give you the beef. Come home with me!" Gou Huli took the opportunity to say.

But the lion, holding the beef in his mouth, turned around and gave Gou Huli a butt! The lion quickly ran to the door of the villa and scratched the door with his front paws.

After a while, the door of the villa opened, and the person who came out was Chen Yushu.

The lion raised the beef bag in his mouth to Chen Yushu. Chen Yushu took it and took a look and found that it was a bag full of fresh beef. He was overjoyed: "Little lion, where did you get the beef? I was worried about not knowing what to eat at night." What, it’s ready this time, you can make curry beef and potatoes!”

The lion turned his head and gestured in the direction of Gou Huli with his head, which meant to tell Chen Yushu that this piece of beef was sent by Gou Huli.

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