Beauty and the Bodyguard

Chapter 1361 An Jianwen’s new plan

Even for cultivators like Lin Yi and Yu Lao, although their eyesight is better than ordinary people and they can see objects at night, they can only see objects with weak light, such as weak moonlight, but if it is all If there is darkness, then even an earth-level practitioner like Yu Lao will be of no help. He must be a heaven-level master!

So as a result, Yu Lao can no longer practice with peace of mind and must stay alert at all times! These people dare to sleep, but he, Yu Lao, doesn't dare. Who knows what will be in this ancient tomb? What if you suddenly run out and you don’t have time to react?

Seeing Lao Hei and James who were so tired that they quickly fell asleep, Yu Lao felt even more breathless. He became their bodyguard? But he really had to protect these people. As for the mechanisms in the tomb, Yu always knew nothing about them. After these people died, he couldn't get in, so he had to go back!

Lin Yi naturally couldn't see anything in the darkness, so he closed his eyes and entered the jade pendant space to prepare for practice. Anyway, he had a jade pendant that could send out danger warning signals, so he was not afraid of any problems.

However, when Lin Yi entered the jade pendant space, he was pleasantly surprised to find that he could clearly perceive everything outside him! You can see the people around you and all the scenes in the passage clearly, as clear as daylight, without feeling blocked at all.

This...Lin Yi was shocked! Before, Lin Yi could sense the food around him after entering the jade pendant space, but that was only when there was light around him. It had never been completely dark, so Lin Yi didn't care.

After all, for a practitioner like Lin Yi, as long as there is weak light, he can see things. However, in this completely dark state, he can still perceive everything outside him in the jade pendant space! I guess this is another powerful golden finger of the jade pendant, but I didn't notice it before.

In this way, Lin Yi can practice with more peace of mind...

Songshan City, An Jianwen's home.

The sudden destruction of the underground boxing ring made An Jianwen a little unaccustomed to it. The life of making money every day was too unrestrained, even faster than the kidney transplant group! Once he got used to the life of making a lot of money, An Jianwen didn't even want to do the business of kidney transplantation. It was too troublesome and he had to find a new home. It was not easy to save!

How quickly can you make money from black boxing? So An Jianwen has been thinking about new ways to make money these days, but Huangtian paid off and really made An Jianwen think of another way to make money without any cost! Of course, this idea suddenly came to me while chatting with Dr. Yin!

Dr. Yin is a powerful human biochemistry expert who specializes in studying the structural potential of the human body and so on. Two days ago, he talked about a research topic, which is to erase a person's mind and turn him into a walking zombie through hypnotic suggestion. In this way, the instructions are conveyed to the walking dead, and the person can be executed.

This research topic originally didn't have much effect, but the speaker didn't care and the listener had the intention. An Jianwen immediately discovered business opportunities from it!

This business opportunity is very simple, it is robbery! Robbing banks, robbing gold stores, whatever, wherever there is money, just let Dr. Yin create such an obedient walking zombie, give him a robbery order in advance, and let him rob everywhere.

Anyway, it doesn't matter if it happened, just throw it away. Anyway, this man only has instructions in his mind, and he has become an idiot. An Jianwen is not afraid at all that he will be implicated!

Of course, just a walking zombie won't do it, because he doesn't have a strong body, and he may not be able to escape if he is robbed, so An Jianwen suggested that Dr. Yin give the walking zombie an injection of the drug that he had previously studied to increase the human body's limits. This way there is no problem at all!

After coming up with this plan, An Jianwen felt that he was really a genius. He immediately reported it to his father, An Mingyue, and reported it to the Fire Wolf Gang through his mouth. Now he is waiting for the answer from the Fire Wolf Gang!

Playing with the photo of Chu Mengyao in his hand, a trace of hatred flashed in An Jianwen's eyes! At the No. 1 High School auction, two girls, Chen Yushu and Feng Xiaoxiao, apparently tricked me into buying a bunch of broken glass!

This also made An Jianwen even more angry with Lin Yi. In his opinion, Lin Yi's previous bidding was just an act of "entrustment" and the purpose was to deceive him. He did not believe that Lin Yi was unaware!

"Lin Yi... humph, no matter whether you are related to Chu Mengyao or not, I will kill you this time!" An Jianwen sneered: "When the Fire Wolf Gang agrees to my plan, it will be yours It’s time to die, and even if you have a mouth then it will be hard to tell! Hahahaha!”

Lin Yi, who was practicing in the ancient tomb, suddenly sneezed. Although the temperature in the ancient tomb was not high, it was not too cold. Especially a practitioner like Lin Yi would not feel cold, so After sneezing, Lin Yi was also a little surprised. What happened to him? Who is thinking about yourself?

Of course, Lin Yi didn't know that An Jianwen was brewing a new money-making plan, and it actually involved him!

There was nothing to say all night, and everyone woke up early the next morning relying on their biological clocks, because it was still dark in the ancient tomb.

Lao Hei and James slept very well. They both reached their limit yesterday, and with a master like Yu Lao acting as a bodyguard by their side, they naturally had a good rest.

After taking a simple bite of compressed biscuits and canned food, everyone stood up again and started moving forward.

The road was as rugged and endless as yesterday. However, after walking for about two hours this time, there was a fork in the passage ahead, just like the wrong passage at the entrance to the underground palace.

Yu Xiaoke stopped, and Lao Hei and James also frowned.

There are forks in the underground palace passages. I have encountered them before, but this is the first time I have encountered such a fork in the road after walking for so long.

"Which way to go?" Yu Xiaoke turned around and asked.

"Let's study together, don't be anxious." Lao Hei knew that he couldn't rush at this time and could only rely on calm analysis.

But at this moment, the information that Liu Bojia had given him before appeared in Lin Yi's mind! In the information, it was indeed mentioned that there might be a fork in the road on the way to the underground palace!

According to the information, one of the roads is a dead end. This dead end does not mean that it leads to death, but that it is impassable and cannot reach the destination.

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