Sky Mirror is a water element ultimate move that transforms the five elements. It can be said to represent Lin Yi's supreme understanding of the water element, and Lin Yi's core understanding of the water element is just four words.

The best is like water.

Water benefits all things without competing for it, and can change its shape according to the trend. Therefore, the sky mirror has the powerful property of embracing all things. In theory, everything around it will become a part of the sky mirror, just like the endless ghost energy released by the fallen dragon.

Not only will it not destroy the integrity of the sky mirror, but it will even strengthen the effect of the sky mirror, making the fallen dragon himself immersed in it and becoming more and more unable to extricate himself!

To a certain extent, this is the perfect illusion that all illusion masters dream of. Although it is still possible to be discovered, it has an almost unlimited growth limit.

As an illusion, Sky Mirror has no ceiling.

Of course, the sky mirror can only prevent the fallen dragon from seeing Lin Yi's position, but cannot change Lin Yi's existence itself. Therefore, according to common sense, the indiscriminate death and withering of the fallen dragon in its entire range should not only be effective, but should be quite effective!

However, the reality is that when these ghosts of the dead arrived at Lin Yi's side, they were blocked by a mysterious force.

Even if they wail unwillingly and want to continue rushing past, they will eventually return to the starting point again and again, as if nothing happened.

This scene seemed familiar.

This was how Luo Banshi covered Lin Yi's time in the past, but now, without Luo Banshi's help, Lin Yi himself entered the same mysterious realm in a state of enlightenment and began to touch the power of time.

Sitting in the perfect Five Elements Domain, Lin Yi can theoretically control any domain power of any attribute, including time and space.

However, theory is just theory after all, and the gap between theory and reality is much wider than that of humans and dogs.

If there is no special opportunity, no matter how good Lin Yi's hardware conditions are, even if Luo Banshi teaches him everything, there is a high probability that he will not be able to truly understand what the law of time is in his lifetime, let alone touch the edge of time.

But in fact, this opportunity has already appeared, as early as when Lin Yi created the final move of Five Elements Transformation, Divine Destruction.

Divine Destruction, which combines the power of metal and soul, has an effect similar to freezing time at the moment of its attack. However, Lin Yi himself has never realized it. In other words, he has realized it but has never been able to enter the original state again. In that state, what is needed in the middle is an epiphany.

And now, the epiphany came.

Although even if this epiphany is successful, Lin Yi can only touch the threshold of the power of time, and it is still far from being comparable to the existence of Luo Banshi, but even this seemingly insignificant trace is still enough. Enough to change a lot of things.

For example, let’s take the outcome of the current duel.

Without the protection of the power of time, Lin Yi's previous methods would not be able to defeat death and decay head-on. The only strategy is to resolve the battle before his own vitality is swallowed up.

But in that case, even if he can defeat the Fallen Dragon, Lin Yi will have to pay a heavy price. After all, whether the lost vitality can be replenished afterwards is still unknown, because the power levels of soul and death are not under time and space. .

Looking back now, once the enlightenment is completed and the control of the power of time is truly consolidated, death and decay will no longer be a problem for Lin Yi.

Of course, the premise is that Fallen Dragon is willing to give enough time.

"Sure enough, I have a plan. Okay, let's bet our lives and see who has the greater fate!"

Fallen Dragon Tuotuo is a ruthless person. When he saw this, he decisively stopped the death and withering without saying a word, and began to gather all his strength. At the same time, he issued an order to the Shentian Master from the air: "Transfer all the luck of you and others to me. ,Now!"

Master Shentian was shocked.

Now that he is facing the end of the reincarnation of the King, he relies solely on his luck to deal with his space domain. Once his luck is gone, there is almost no chance of surviving by chance.

But after hesitating for a moment, Shen Tianshi finally chose to do it. He was faced with many dangers, but if the fallen dragon lost, he would also die without a burial place.

In this case, it is better to take a gamble!

The huge and almost substantial amount of luck gathered together and was poured into Fallen Dragon's body. Fallen Dragon immediately began to prepare his final move. Although he still had the upper hand in the current situation, there was a faint momentum of reversal.

Years of fighting intuition tell him that if he continues to fight step by step, there is a high probability of being overturned in the end, especially when he is facing Lin Yi who has repeatedly created impossible miracles!

This judgment can be said to be illogical and even unfounded, but Fallen Dragon still chose to gamble his life without hesitation.

Many people say that Liu Yun is the leader of the scavengers and the strongest representative of the scavenger group. What they don't know is that Fallen Dragon is!

Fallen Dragon started out as a scavenger at the lowest level. It was just a taboo for the Venerable. No one dared to mention it. Over the years, it was gradually forgotten by people. The reason why he was able to reach today's level step by step is because of Just dare to bet.

It's a bad life to begin with, so why don't you dare to gamble!

Sen Luo's domain was fully opened, and all the power gathered in one place. Gradually, the entire space began to tremble faintly. It was not that he had space ability, but that the domain power gathered at this moment was too huge and terrifying at the same time!

Two towering tombstones rose slowly, with an empty door in the middle. It seemed unremarkable at first glance, but the sinister aura seeping out of it made the entire space suddenly solidify.

This is a door to another world that should never appear in the real world, because the area it connects to is the Netherworld.

Fallen Dragon collapsed in an instant. Just this Netherworld Gate had drained all the power from his body, including all the luck poured into him by Master Shen Tian!

This is the price of summoning the Netherworld Gate.

Forcibly connecting the two worlds with his own power, even if he is one of the top five giants, he is unable to do so. He must use additional luck bonus to barely maintain it, so as not to be sucked in the moment the door appears. , take the lead in sacrificing yourself.

In fact, even if he reaches the level of Neptune Xiang Yusheng, it is still far from enough, so Fallen Dragon is simply gambling on his life.

He bets that Lin Yi is not as lucky as him, he bets that Lin Yi can't block the Netherworld Gate!

With the emergence of the Nether Gate, the originally flawless illusion of the Sky Mirror was completely destroyed in an instant. In the face of this truly supernatural power, any individual's power is too small.

To contend with it?

That's just the gibbering of an idiot who overestimates his capabilities.

Once the illusion was broken, Lin Yi could no longer hide his figure. The most important thing was that his current location was not far from the Netherworld Gate!

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