Become a Villain Loli

Vol 4 Chapter 74: Sister Xiaoqing (4)

Chao Wendao, Xi can die.

It's not that long-lived races don't cherish time, but relatively speaking, short-lived races will feel more pressure to move forward.

Humans on Earth took millions of years to evolve complete wisdom, but it took only a few thousand years to create an extremely brilliant interstellar civilization.

Although such a brilliant interstellar civilization was destroyed in the war of destruction, it can explain enough problems.

For Nightmare, the thousands of years were less than half of her soul's limit. Compared to the demigod Shadow Eater in front of her, it was an insignificant journey of time and space.

But for the human race on Earth, it has changed many generations, just like a relay race. The next generation of people has taken over the inheritance of wisdom and the torch of civilization from the hands of the previous generation.

For mortals, Xu Xianxian is just looking down on the essence of life, but she has never looked down on the human race. After all, she is considered a human.

Who does nothing to discriminate against themselves?

The Shadow Eater obviously didn't know the girl's origin, but after a moment of silence, the smooth mirror surface began to show faint ripples, "It turns out that you are the reincarnation of human beings on Earth, no wonder you can use the body of a goblin in Legendary power in full bloom on Earth."

This should be regarded as a secret matter. Since the other party can say it calmly, he is obviously not afraid.

"Actually... I haven't been observing this planet for a long time, but it's been a while."

The Shadow Eater watched the shadow under Xu Xianxian's feet gradually disappear, glanced at the surrounding white mist that was beginning to thin, and began to speak on his own.


Xu Xianxian was using her authority to dispel the fog, and when she heard the other party's words, she let out a light hum.

"It's been around for hundreds of years." Shadow Eater didn't care about the girl's little actions, he didn't come here to fight, "I've been traveling in the dimensional black domain, and occasionally find some interesting civilizations, I will pass through The barrier of space has come to the material universe. Because my authority is too special, the time I have experienced is very slow, so I can have enough travel experience."

"The first time I observed the world was during the Renaissance in the Western Continent, and a sight from Florence caught my eye."

"I found an interesting thing at the time, that is, people on earth who can't fly with physical strength can actually observe things outside the galaxy through glass lenses."

"This span is not small! Among the many civilizations I have seen, there are very few civilizations that do not progress step by step."

"At that time, I was very curious about the people of the earth, but the star soul was at its peak, and it rejected all external forces, so I could only drop a projection without any power to observe the internal situation of this planet."

"The first human being on Earth I met, his name was Galileo, but it was funny. During my contact with me, he gradually changed from a scholar who only believed in pure matter to a theologian, trying to study me. The state of existence. It is a pity that other than him, other intelligent anthropologists I have contacted have gradually become theologians who believe in supernatural power in their later years.”

"I sighed more than once, they used their power in the wrong place. Just like Planck and Albert, I taught them to discover the microscopic quantum world, not to make external tools!"

Xu Xianxian laughed suddenly, and there was not the slightest emotional fluctuation in her scarlet pupils: "This is not a funny thing, human beings can only close their eyes and find a new one when they are not fully aware of it. The road comes, so even if you teach them to discover the quantum world, they cannot directly sublimate into quantum life forms.”

Quantum life forms, Xu Xianxian has never come into contact with, maybe the shadow eater in front of her is the first one she sees.

Her authority can perceive that the body of the shadow eater is light, but it has become life, so while possessing wave-particle duality, it is also in a quantum superposition state of neither life nor death.

It's an amazing concept creature.

Compared with the fairies, dragons, and trolls that Xu Xianxian has seen, there is a completely different existence structure.

"But I thought they would be able to discover the path I took!" In the mirror of the Shadow Eater, there was a slightly regretful sigh: "I didn't expect to be able to take the first step."

A wonderful quantum life like him is very rare in the material world, so he is very eager for the same kind, even if it is sublimated by other creatures.

"Every life has a different path. This is a predetermined rule of fate. Even a demigod who has touched the time barrier cannot violate it." Xu Xianxian smiled slightly, "Shadow eater, speak in front of me. It is not you who is now, but the light you cast on the earth thousands of years ago, which is captured by me today, and the same is true for those anthropologists who observed you."

Whether human beings observe with the naked eye or through astronomical telescopes, the starlight captured in the universe is only projected over a long period of time and across a distance of many light-years.

The body of the Shadow Eater is light. Light travels in space, and the time it has experienced will be stretched, slow or even stagnant, so the other party has indeed experienced many things, at least far more than what Xu Xianxian has experienced. much more.

It is self-evident why such an ancient demigod exists now.

The Shadow Eater was stunned for a moment before shaking the mirror, "No, that's what you think is wrong, my body is not thousands of light years but directly across the black domain of space , which came to earth."

If light travels in the material world, it does take a long time to be projected onto the earth, but the shadow eater directly travels through the black domain of the dimension, so that the distance between the two points is folded and can be reached in an instant.

However, the consequence of doing so is to consume a lot of power. The farther the void travels, the greater the price to pay, and there is even the danger of falling asleep directly.

If it weren't for this, powerful creatures such as legends and demigods would have been able to travel freely in the dimensional black domain.

"Then your body is spying outside the solar system?" Xu Xianxian frowned, and could imagine a huge beam of light wandering outside the solar system, "What's your purpose in looking for me now?"

She suddenly had a bad premonition that there must be quite a few ancient demigods like Shadow Eaters who had never heard of them before, and they were all staring at her.


Showing the legendary power that is not suppressed by the rules of the earth, these ancient demigods have been forced to take action in advance. ( )

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