That’s how things settled.

Originally, things like “Do Not Disturb” were suspended and rectified at most two or three days later, after all, the radio and television have been followed, this matter has become a foregone conclusion, no matter how much trouble will not change.

At most, those who want to watch “Do Not Disturb” can only wait until next month.

Starlight TV cannot be the radio and television.

But unexpectedly, a short message was released on the official website of Starlight TV.

At 9 p.m. on × ×, 2018, the covenant of love, you and I will not be separated!

The news instantly exploded and ignited the fishing boat.

“Isn’t it 9 p.m. on × × 2018, isn’t it 9 p.m. on Friday? Isn’t the love contract the marriage show “Do Not Disturb If You Are Insincere”? Friday night, the covenant of love, isn’t it…”

“No need to doubt it, Starlight TV is about love on that show! This is a challenge to authority and a challenge to radio and television, I seem to see a monkey who is not afraid of the powerful stand up! ”

“This is a crime against the wind, Starlight Satellite TV is awesome! Iron-blooded real man! ”

“It’s really awesome, I don’t obey Zhao Ritian and obey you!”

“I think it’s unlikely to be Do Not Disturb, right? After all, radio and television are the boss, how can your small TV station carry it? What is this not looking for death? ”

“Then you say, what else can it be if it is not “Do Not Disturb”?”


As soon as this news came out, whether it was true or not, it had already detonated the network.

** People love to watch lively, and they like to watch this kind of drama that challenges authority and tears up, and now they actually stage such a rare wonderful drama under their noses, how can they not be excited and inexplicable?

The whole people pay attention, TV stations pay attention, radio and television pay attention.

The attention of the whole people is purely a lively watch without knowing the truth.

TV station attention, after all, they have done one before, both sides are in a state of hostility, now the other party is dead, don’t they seize the opportunity to step on it fiercely?

However, they did not believe that Starlight TV dared to commit crimes against the wind. What they believe more is that Starlight TV is just a death throes, making a gimmick to save the view, and in the end the show can’t keep up and is still crushed into slag.

As for radio and television attention, their own authority has been challenged, can they not pay attention?

Of course, there are many people who suspect that this is not true, and have called Starlight TV, hoping that you can give an accurate answer.

As a result, Starlight TV did not reply, but hung the advertisement high for more people to see.

There are quite a few pigs who are not afraid of boiling water and rush their feet.

The masses served.

And so, amid a lively discussion, the time gradually came to Friday evening.

Most of the country’s viewers are paying attention to Starlight Satellite TV, but the program has not started to ratings but is good, steadily maintained at 1.5%, and the program has the opportunity to break through to 2%.

On this night, Bai Qingxue did not choose to stay on the TV station, but chose to stay at home with her little man.

She hadn’t been so relaxed in a long time. In the past, when the TV station was founded, she was able to see things big and small, and whether there was a good helper around her, so there was no rest time.

Now that Wu Qianmei is here, she can finally take a little more time to accompany her little man.

The two watched TV together. On the other side of Lin Beifan, lazily lying on his stomach a snow-white puppet cat, squinting and occasionally barking, it seems that it is a family of three, and it is happy.

“Husband, do you say that “Love Apartment” can be a big hit?” Bai Qingxue said suddenly.

“Yes, beyond your imagination.” Lin Beifan hugged her waist.

“Just now I received Qianmei’s WeChat, the current rating is close to 1.5%, the rating is in the top five, not bad. Now that most of the audience has been attracted to us, I only hope that “Love Apartment” will be satisfied if it can keep this half of the viewership crowd, and not let the previous efforts go to waste. ”

Bai Qingxue put down her mobile phone and continued, “As long as we survive this month, everything can be fine again.” ”

“Actually, don’t be so pessimistic…” Lin Beifan was meaningful.

At exactly nine o’clock, the TV flashed, an empty scene appeared in the suburbs, and “Love Apartment” began.

Nearly 20 million people across the country are following Starlight TV.

Among them, Xiaohuang is one of them.

Xiaohuang is only 24 years old, gender female, less than a year after graduation, working alone in a big city, renting a house alone, very difficult, but also willing to eat, but sometimes also feel lonely, very nostalgic for the dormitory life in college.

At that time, everyone lived together, although the conditions were not good, and there was not much money in their pockets, but they were all young people who were happy, noisy, crazy, and very happy.

It’s not like now, after graduation, everyone went their separate ways and worked hard for their careers and had little contact.

She is not a loyal audience of “Do Not Disturb”, she just heard that Starlight Satellite TV is going to commit crimes against the wind tonight and should carry radio and television, so she clicked on Starlight Satellite TV with a lively mood, and as a result, she saw a scene of empty suburban roads, a stupid young man was pulling a huge suitcase, seemingly waiting for the bus.

“What for? Sure enough, it was not “Do Not Disturb If You Are Insincere”, it was routine. Not seeing the tearing of expectation, Xiaohuang was a little disappointed.

But since it has been clicked, then read on.

After all, there was a lot of noise before, and she also wanted to know what this “love covenant” was all about.

She promised that if there was nothing to see in three minutes, she would change the station immediately.

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