Xu Jiahao called out in surprise: “Good!” Mr. Lin, you really gave me a huge surprise! I think this cooperation can be carried out and lasted! ”

So, Xu Jiahao informed Lin Beifan of the way of cooperation.

Kangzheng Group first wanted the naming rights of ‘love apartments’ and created a series of characteristic love apartment buildings.

To this end, they will pay a huge naming fee at one time to buy the naming rights of the “love apartment”. At the same time, a sum of money will be provided every year to sponsor the filming of “Love Apartment” and provide necessary facilities.

As a partner, Starlight TV must use the apartment provided by Kangzheng Group for filming, create a realistic version of the love apartment, and beat the name of Kangzheng Group’s “love apartment”.

This is not a matter for Lin Beifan at all, this money is equivalent to making money in vain.

“I agree to this way of cooperation, I will not accompany you to talk to Qingxue specifically, waiting for your good news!”

“Thank you Mr. Lin for your support, I will invite you to dinner when I have time!”

The phone hung up, Xu Jiahao looked at Bai Qingxue with a smile on his face, and said, “President Bai, look…”

Bai Qingxue said: “Since my lover agreed, then we can negotiate.” In fact, I myself am very optimistic about this project and very much hope to cooperate with your group, which is very beneficial for both of us. ”

“That’s what I thought.”

At this moment, the secretary hurried in and said, “President Bai, Tang Jili of Zhenghui Group has brought people over, and they want to seek cooperation on “Love Apartment”. ”

Hearing this news, Bai Qingxue and the others looked calm, but Xu Jiahao, who was originally smiling, suddenly exclaimed: “That Wang Baeggan actually brought someone over, and he still wants to rob my business?” It just doesn’t make sense! ”

“President Xu, do you know President Tang?” Bai Qingxue was surprised.

“I know this Wang Ba Lamb, turned into ashes!” Xu Jiahao gritted his teeth and looked hideous.

Just then, a nouveau riche laughter came in.

“Hahaha, who was shocked by me, it turned out to be Boss Xu, Sven scum! Have you dug up your grave at home, or have your head been green, so unsettled? Tang Jili walked in with a small belly.

“It’s better than you, the nouveau riche, who has been dumped 18 times in a row!”

Tang Zong, who was originally smiling like a Maitreya Buddha, suddenly changed his face, as if the clouds were thick and instantly darkened.

“Xu Jiahao, you say it again!”

“Just say it!” Xu Jiahao sneered at the corner of his mouth: “Don’t think that you can pretend to be a serious person when you put on a suit now, don’t you have a point in your heart about how ugly you look?” I remember the experience of you being dumped 18 times in college…”

Mr. Tang jumped to his feet in a hurry: “What’s wrong with 18 times?” At least I dare to do it! But what about you, who looks like a scumbag, cowardly in your heart like a rat, and do not dare even once! ”

Xu Zong was so angry that he blushed and his neck was thick: “I’m not cowardly, but self-aware!” ”

“Make up, you make it up…”

“You bastard!”


The two bosses quarreled like this, like a shrew cursing the street.

The people they brought with them seemed to be the first time to see their gentle boss lose his mind, which was really eye-opening.

As a third party, Bai Qingxue and the others silently retreated to the rear.

Wu Qianmei whispered, “It seems that they seemed to have stories before…”

Bai Qingxue added: “It may be because of a woman…”

“Aren’t we going to stop it?”

“Now they are angry, and they need to vent it and wait for their anger to come down.” But just in case, we still found some people to come and stare at them and prevent them from fighting. ”

“Okay, I’ll do it!”


In this way, they quarreled for 15 minutes, arguing until their saliva was dry before stopping.

It is reassuring that although they quarreled fiercely, they did not lose their minds, but they did not move their mouths, and the only point of attack was to spit saliva, and the situation was completely under control.

Seeing Bai Qingxue coming over, Xu Jiahao immediately apologized: “I’m sorry President Bai, I gaffed just now.” The main thing is that I can’t control myself when you see this Wang Ba Lamb, it’s really this Wang Ba Egg who owes too much to scold! ”

Tang Jili: “…”

Tang Jili also apologized: “I’m sorry President Bai, I didn’t mean it just now. The main thing is that this scum in front of me reminds me of a bad past, and I am afraid that I will be criminally responsible for doing it, so I started talking first. ”

Xu Jiahao: “…”

When the two bosses apologized, they did not forget to stab each other, and Bai Qingxue was really eye-opening.

It’s all noisy, what else can be said?

Bai Qingxue had to say: “It’s okay, the two bosses are temperamental, we can all understand this.” However, everyone still has to control this kind of thing more in the future, and it is not good to spread it. ”

“Of course!”

“That’s right!”

The two bosses quickly nodded.

“President Tang, I just heard that you came for “Love Apartment” this time?” Bai Qingxue asked.

Xu Jiahao’s heart tightened.

“That’s right, I’m here for Love Apartment. “Love Apartment” is a very rare and excellent TV series, very popular with young people, and very in line with the market positioning of our group. The most important thing is that the shooting has not yet been completed, so I plan to pay 300 million and contract all the advertisements of “Love Apartment”! Tang Jili said very proudly.

He now enjoys the benefits of all-inclusive advertising.

Since the last time I spent 2.2 billion yuan to contract “It’s Not You”, looking at the boss group is full of people from his group, and all the products are products of his group, the shock can be imagined.

Zhenghui Group has left an indelible impression in people’s hearts.

This impression is that Zhenghui Group is a super giant group, across many fields of development, assets are very strong, the branches under the group are formal and powerful companies, the management of the group is very high-level literate, the group’s products are trustworthy, high-end atmosphere is very worth buying.

This image drives the improvement of the overall efficiency of the group.

Although less than a month has passed, the overall effect of the group has actually increased by 40% compared with the previous month, and if converted into one year, it is an increase in operating income of 100 billion and a profit of tens of billions!

This effect is very terrifying, because the group has developed to their level, and it is impossible to develop quickly without major opportunities, but it only took 22 billion to produce such a terrifying effect, which is too scary.

While admiring the old chairman in his heart, he is also thinking about how to continue to expand this benefit.

Now, “Love Apartment” has proved to be a popular TV series, this kind of TV series can not see one or two a year, just like the explosive “It’s Not You”, if you don’t take the opportunity to catch this hitchhiker, then when will it be?

Think about it, if “Love Apartment” uses their group’s products, advertising anytime and anywhere, in such a publicity and guidance, won’t the effect be bursting?

So the next day, he couldn’t wait to come.

“No, I object!” Xu Jiahao jumped out.

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