Become the Daughter of Gu Aotian

Chapter 298: Forced her to give birth to a child and took the bait!

Got the bait!

Sure enough, she was the spoiled princess, and she became like this by stimulating her a few times. His original intention was to be a black face, and then let Di Du play the role of white face.

Although this is indeed risky, what should I do if I am afraid that going too far will drive this princess's popularity crazy? This level is still a bit difficult to grasp, after all, I haven't figured out the character of this princess.

In fact, Tide Lisa is very fortunate to be able to meet such a strong person in this place. A single person can repel the 100,000 army of the Beast Kingdom. When the news reached the Elf Kingdom, Tide Lisa had it. This idea.

Wouldn't it be easy and comfortable to repel the religious nation if you could invite this powerhouse of the Dragon Kingdom to help?

Unexpectedly, the princess in front of you did a good thing. According to what she said just now, if it was a spy who broke into the religious country, does it mean that the crisis in the Dragon Kingdom was resolved by the religious country?

Unexpectedly, the Dragon Kingdom and the Silian Church also have a leg. Isn’t the Church disgusting with countries like the Dragon Kingdom? There are shady deals in private!

By the way...Are the people in the Sorcerous Kingdom all monsters? Even the princess who was supposed to be a pampered princess ran out undercover, and there was still such a strong combat power, if she really wanted to intervene in this war, then it would not be impossible to directly repel the religious state.

However, due to her current status, it is probably impossible to blatantly help the Elf Kingdom, and what she meant just now was to directly trouble the Elf King.

As for the origin of this war of unknown origin, Tidriza herself had doubted whether the Elf King had done something to the Silian State.

Although Grandpa has always been silent on this issue, he has done some investigations in private, and he did not expect to have dug up the secret of the Elf King. It is definitely a scandal that cannot be let outsiders know.

Seeing that this princess is also quite beautiful, and she is still a strong one, although she is a child, but the perverted Elf King will always come!

Looking forward to the scene where the Princess and the Elf King meet?

According to the attitude the Elf King treats himself, I am afraid he will fight directly! The best result is that the princess can directly kill the Elf King, and then Tidu...

Tidalisa looked at Tidu meaningfully. Although she claimed that Tidu was her entourage, in fact Tidu's real identity was not that simple. She was the son of the damned daughter of the Elf King!

This was what my grandfather said in front of Tidu during his serious illness. At that time, he was very shocked, but Tidu was very calm and said that it doesn’t matter whose daughter he is, the most important thing is I still have the original Tidu.

As for why Tidu, who was supposed to be the princess of the Elf Kingdom, is now here with Grandpa?

This is a long story.

After listening to Grandpa's description and his own investigation, I can basically understand the reason. Tidu was abandoned by the Elf King after he was born.

Because... Tidu was not the result that the Elf King wanted at all. The Elf King, this bastard, had been doing some shameful deeds behind her back, with the goal of giving birth to a child who met his requirements.

As a result... Tidu is not a child who meets the requirements of the Elf King, so he was abandoned when he was born. The abandoned children had a miserable end, but Tidu had better luck and was saved by Grandpa. She concealed her identity and has been raised as her own granddaughter ever since.

After talking about this secret, Grandpa passed away not long after, and Tidu also advised him to run quickly, because once Grandpa left, the perverted Elf King would definitely take aim at him.

If you hadn't done it yourself and didn't listen to Tidu, you wouldn't end up in such a field, but this is a blessing in disguise!

I have always had good luck, but I have come back from a desperate situation in this kind of place, if I can make good use of this princess from some magical country.

Maybe it can really overthrow the Elf King, and then let Tidu take the perverted position, and then find a way to make peace with the Slian State. If this happens the same way, the Elf Kingdom can be stabilized.

As for how to make peace with Slian Church? Isn't that simple?

The Slian Kingdom is now more important than the Elf Kingdom. It’s the country of the Sorcerer Kingdom. A princess can block the orc army, and even lurks inside the Kingdom. A country with such a great capacity is far more capable than the outside world. The uncontested kingdom of the elves is more worthy of warning!

And I also plan to sell this princess directly, and sell her information directly to the Slian State. Although this method of crossing the river and breaking the bridge is really despicable, didn't the princess just say it? The enemy of the enemy is a friend, right?

As long as one's series of plans can be achieved... Whether Tidu or the Elf Kingdom, he can be saved, and he can be considered worthy of grandpa, Tide Lisa thought.

"So, I may be wronged with you again in a while." Yili said her thoughts, but it was nothing, she just wanted to use Tidriza lying on the floor to see the pervert of the Elf King.

Didn't the Elf King want to catch her, then he packed her up and gave it to the Elf King as an excuse to meet the pervert and see how perverted it could be.

The most ideal situation is to pack and take away. After all, I want to kill this pervert with my own hands! Just treat it as a favor for her.

If it doesn't work, you can only slaughter it on the spot, and then tell Tidriza the real reason why the Sleng State is hostile to the Elf Kingdom. She should know how to do it.

However, this time, I did come here to do voluntary work, and did not intend to include the Elf Kingdom into the alliance plan. If the Elf Kingdom were also taken directly now, the people in the Sri Lankan Kingdom would definitely doubt themselves, so This time, it was a favor to sell the Elf Kingdom first.

You can ask the Elf Kingdom to pay back the favor debt at any time, and it’s better to find an opportunity to show off the power of Nazalik, so that the elves can know what it will be like to become an enemy of the Sorcerer Kingdom. If this is the case, I want it later. It's easy to absorb them.

"It doesn't matter, as long as this war can really end, it doesn't matter if we are a little wronged." Tidu said.

"I really admire you. I have been chased by my own people. Do you still want to solve the problems for those people? If I were you, I would probably choose to go straight away and fly high!" Yili said in a mocking tone. Said to Tidu.

"Where can you go? You should know how our elves are treated in a human country?" Tidu replied helplessly.

"You can go to my country! The Sorcerous State of Anzurgon welcomes residents of all races." Yili said with a smile.

" you say everything that includes non-human races?" Tidu noticed the meaning of what Yili said.

"Of course." Yili naturally responded without any hesitation.

"It's no wonder that the Parliament regards you as an enemy, accept those non-human races, but many of those races use humans or demihumans like us as food. Isn't this going to cause any problems?" Asked unexpectedly.

"No, because my country has been implementing such a policy hundreds of years ago, and there have been no problems, even if it is now, there is no problem, because before the restoration of the country, we have been in I have tried it in a certain village. Those races who eat people can live by just giving them meat from other livestock. If you don’t believe it, the original Kahn village in the Kingdom of Riestije is now me. The territory of the Sorcerer Nation is now, and you are always welcome to visit!" Yili said.

After Tidu heard what Yili said, she was silent for a while. Yili yelled something bad in her heart when she saw her hesitant appearance. She shouldn't talk too much. If she really chooses to go far away, then her own Wouldn't the plan be over?

"If you still dislike it, then you can go to the Dragon Kingdom. Although the Dragon Kingdom does not have the problem of using the immortals as slaves, but the treatment should not be as good as humans, but it does not matter. I am very familiar with the Dragon Queen of the Dragon Kingdom. At that time, I told her that it’s not impossible to ask her to take care of her."

Yili was very worried that Tidu would go to the Dragon Kingdom directly, so she proposed to go to the Dragon Kingdom. In fact, she wanted to remind her. In fact, the real purpose was to remind her that even if she ran out, her treatment would not be too good. .

"Thank you for your kindness. After all, this is our homeland... It's not a last resort, and we won't choose to leave. Now that we have the opportunity to go back, we naturally want to..." Tidu did not finish. Just looked at Yili with very firm eyes.

"Okay! I have received your will, but you have to remember that I just want to use your elves to contain the Sri Lankan State. Of course, this method of containment does not include continuing this meaningless War, I personally hope that you can end this totally unreasonable war as soon as possible. After all,, it should be said that the reason why your Elf Kingdom is involved in this war is all because of the Elf King’s personal Reason, so I don't want to see your elves are affected by a pervert." Yili also responded to Tidu with a very serious attitude.

"Do you know the cause of this war?!" Tide Lisa became calm when she heard this moment.

"Of course I know, otherwise I won't help you. Although there are also factors in the country, to be honest, I will help you more out of personal feelings. Among my family, there are Two elves like you!" Yili said, the dark elves are also elves!

"What is the reason?" Tidu also looked at Yili with a worried expression, and she also wanted to know what was the reason.

"Your Elf King abducted a very important person from the Silian Church, and forced her to give birth to a child for the Elf King." Yili said.

Upon hearing this, all the elves present were silent, and they all understood that the Elf King was indeed the one who could do this kind of thing!

"I understand, Princess Princess, it doesn't matter if you want to use us, please help us to end this meaningless war!" Tidu once again looked at Yili very firmly and said.

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