Become The Duke's Wife Or Die

Chapter 69 - A Friend You Can Trust

All plans have been ruined.  Duke Kleo failed to maintain his intention of not paying attention to Lyra anymore.  His tenacity was commendable these days, even being able to fool nearly every maid in Wereal, into thinking he had completely forgotten about Lyra and taken her as a prisoner completely.

But the deception is not only about other people, but also about himself.  No matter how hard he was absent and denied Lyra's presence, in the end he was still defeated.

There is a thirst that torments him in his body, which struggles, at the same time it will rage if he persists in maintaining his ego.  Even a voice resounded in his ears, which probably came from his determination.  "Stupid!  You always wanted her!  Don't ever act silly to torture yourself."

That's why he seemed confused that day, pacing around when a lot of his work was still unfinished.  The parchments were strewn across his desk, in the late afternoon sun, turning them golden.

Stefanus could not do much.  He was only able to stand while carrying out his duties, although in his heart he was restless and wanted to do something.  His eyes blinked quite quickly when he saw his master pounding his desk, then roared like a wild animal.  From a distance, he saw a group of maids dropping their luggage by accident.  He also saw them immediately running to avoid witnesses and evidence.

"My Lord," he called to Duke Kleo, picking up the fallen parchments and placing them back on the table.  "Please calm down!"

Duke Kleo didn't answer anything, except growling from the tightness of his chest.  There was a passionate desire that pounced on him, which forced him to instantly run and grab Lyra, then make out endlessly.  The pulsating that had stung him, seemed to stimulate the hairs on his body to stand up.  His held breath gave him another torment.  "Do I have an appointment with someone today?"

"No, My Lord," Stefanus shook his head, continuing to grip the sword in his hand.  "Today you have nothing on the agenda, except to solve some problems that are already written on the parchment.  So I hope you can stay calm and work as usual."

"This is driving me crazy."  Duke Kleo suddenly said, as if he was telling emotional sad news.

Stefanus was silent for a moment, wanting to make sure he didn't lead his master into an unwise decision.  "Perhaps you should ask someone for help, My Lord."  His eyes widened when suddenly Duke Kleo turned to him with a defiant gesture.  "This is just a suggestion."  He explained.  "Perhaps you should find a friend you can trust, who has experience with…women…more than you."  There was a slight satire in his words, which Duke Kleo didn't seem to mind.

Now Duke Kleo pondered, considering Stefanus's suggestion carefully.  "There's only one person I've trusted so far."

Stefanus gulped wryly, losing confidence in believing he wasn't the person he was meant to be.

"So maybe I'll go see him and ask him for some advice."  His feet moved toward the chair, plopped down on top of him, drowning in his thoughts.  "But does he want to help me?  What if he's just going to laugh at me?"

"Viscount Darwin is not that kind of noble, My Lord."

"You don't know him well yet," argued Duke Kleo.  "He is a sly fox."

"But it's better to approach a fox that is cunning and laughed at than to lose someone you love."

"I don't love her!"  Duke Kleo's voice rose, though it sounded unsure in the middle.  Even his heart couldn't deny it.  Lyra was worth more than anything he had right now.  And the reason is still too ambiguous to know.

A lot of work has been done by him.  Extra energy is exerted, motor nerves that work faster than usual.  The servants were busier because their master asked for more coffee than usual, and the dinner hour had suddenly been abolished for that night.

"I won't be having dinner at the palace tonight," Duke Kleo said to Mr. Bertus.  "Maybe I'm going to have it in Darwin's residence.  I'll be home quite late because I might have to wait for him to come home from his hectic routine."

Mr. Bertus nodded, giving a polemic look to his eyes.

Sighing impatiently, Duke Kleo added, "And make sure Lyra eats well while I'm away.  Tighten the guard around the room.  I don't want what happened a few days ago to happen again if you guys still want to live in peace in Wereal."

"Yes, My Lord," replied Mr. Bertus tiredly.  His old eyes looked blank as he watched Duke Kleo's horse drift away, followed by Stefanus behind him.  "This is why I should have worked harder when I was younger.  So that I can become a master without having to get involved in the conflict between two young people who are in love."  He stepped back to Wereal, exhausted.

The journey to Viscount Darwin's residence took about five hours.  If Duke Kleo could get his business done, and if his best friend wasn't busy partying after work, maybe he could get back to Wereal before midnight.  At least he wanted to see Lyra before bed.  And that would only be done if he could get home quickly without needing to stay overnight.

The galloping and neighing of horses accompanied their journey, which was greeted by crowds of passing people, dark damp forests, lights from the inn, and the bustle of some of the taverns they passed.

There is a famous shop, which serves imported beer.  They could have stopped by, but sadly they didn't have time for that.

Their horse stopped in front of Viscount Darwin's residence just in time for dinner.  The butler appeared to be holding a lantern in his hand.  His wrinkled face grimaced when he saw Duke Kleo's arrival.

"My Lord, welcome!"  Only people from Viscount Darwin's residence, aside from Duke Kleo's, could understand the duke's true nature.  "The Viscount has just returned, My Lord.  Please come in!  Would you like to have dinner here?"

"That's a good idea," Duke Kleo nodded, walking after Viscount Darwin's butler.  Without being directed, his feet were already in his best friend's room, pushing the door without permission.  "Darwin!"

A scream was heard just as the call went off, finding Viscount Darwin naked in his room, slumped on the bed as he caught his breath.  "Are you crazy?"  he cursed at Duke Kleo, immediately covering his body with the blanket on the bed.  "You almost blew my heart out!  Next time you have to knock on the door first!"

"Next time you have to lower the valance on your bed, you idiot!"  Bypassing Viscount Darwin's head, he surveyed his best friend's body which was still covered by the blanket.

"Watch your eyes!  I am an honorable man!"  His hands pushed against Duke Kleo's body, forcing him to turn around.

"Childish!"  Duke Kleo commented, now looking at the area outside Viscount Darwin's residence.  "Didn't we shower together on the battlefield?  So why should you be ashamed?"

"It was then.  Now the situation is different.  Besides, I don't want to dirty your innocent eyes for not having any experience with women.  If only you knew, they are the most aggressive creatures, my friend.  I just had fun with someone, and she left a lot of bites on my skin.  Good grief."  Viscount Darwin babbled incessantly.  Some of his stories were facts, but the rest were not, because he only wanted to make Duke Kleo envious.  "Too bad you haven't had that experience.  Skinship with them, feeling the pressure together."

Duke Kleo's eyebrows rose after seeing his best friend lower his hands in the air.  "Are you sure about your statement?"

Viscount Darwin stiffened, then turned his head quickly.  "Of course."  Even his voice sounded unsure.  "Right?"

Duke Kleo chuckled, hiding his lips behind his fingers.  "This time you're wrong, my friend."  His chin lifted.  "I'm even one step further than you, I suppose.  Soon I will be getting married.  But I need your help."

Viscount Darwin froze, his mouth agape.  "You must be joking, but why do you look serious?"


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