Before I Got on Stage, the Brokerage Company Went Bankrupt

Chapter 176: How dare to bully brother's golden father!

When Lin Fan woke up early in the morning, he found that the atmosphere was a bit wrong, and it was not too clear what was wrong.

The fans who usually joked around and watched them were a little unhappy at the moment. They came out by themselves. They just glanced at them and then looked down and went back to swipe their phones. They completely lost the enthusiasm of the onlookers the previous two days.

The big white legs are also missing, and the fans seem to be reserved all of a sudden!

Lin Fan thought to himself, could it be that the freshness has passed, and they are all off fans? Inexplicably still a little bit lost, you fickle fans, have you changed your wall so soon?

Oh, woman!

Lin Fan was thinking wildly here, while a few girls over there dragged their suitcases over to check out.

Yesterday, I was clamoring to live here until the day and old, and I will leave today. You girls are not worried that you will gain weight if you break your promise too much? The ancients have said it, let's break your promise and get fat!

Oh, woman!

Lin Fan went through the check-out procedure and asked casually, "Why did you check out suddenly? Did your family call you?"

Otherwise, how come one by one was still alive yesterday and wilted today?

However, Lin Fan felt that if his daughter would spend so much money to chase stars in the future, he might have to scold him too! There are big stars at home, so what are you doing after the wild stars outside? Hey, something seems to be exposed!

The girls glanced at each other, but they didn't say a word.

It is estimated that he was really scolded by family members. Lin Fan sighed: "The family scolded you for your sake. He paid thousands of dollars just to take a look at idols. Don't talk about others, I have to scold you too. Forget it, you guys. I’m still young, just do this once, don’t do it again in the future, it’s not easy for my family to make money! Forget it, whoever makes me feel good, I’ll give you a discount!"

"Besides, if you really like me, just support my song, you don't have to come to see me specifically. I also have two eyes and a nose, nothing more than others, what's so strange!"

"But you are handsome!"

Someone retorted in a low voice, which drew a burst of kind laughter from others.

Lin Fan was stunned, a little ashamed and angry: "You can't be a handsome meal!"

"Yes, now many internet celebrities rely on their faces to eat..."

Lin Fan was tired: "I said it or you said it!"

Are you so capable, are you a national professional bar lifter?

The other party counseled: "You say, you say generally, don't be angry..."

Lin Fan didn't know what to say after such a stir, and with a stern face, he handed over a stack of postcards: "Divided by yourself! One per person!"

Fans took them suspiciously. They all looked at the postcards of Huadao Island. You can buy them at any store selling souvenirs on Huadao Island. There is nothing unusual. But when I flipped through the back, every one was signed with Lin Fan's name and To sign.

Not only the fans who checked out, Lin Fan wrote a To sign to every fan who lived here, and each wrote a word of encouragement. Although there is suspicion of water chicken soup, Lin Fan said that he disliked the fans and came to stay. , Secretly preparing gifts for everyone, still made these girls feel warm.

Even the frustrations that had been lost in the online battle with Heizi and Trolls yesterday disappeared a lot as the signed postcards were handed over.

"Thank you Fanfan! We will cherish this signature!"

"Sorry for the generality, we have disturbed you these few days. In the future, um, if we travel to Huadao in the future, can we still live in the yard that we yearn for?"

"Of course there is no problem with travel accommodation!" Lin Fan replied, "but don't run over to chase stars anymore, spend so much money, it is better to support my songs!"

"Hee hee, of course we support general songs, but we also support general homestays!"

"That is, you don't care about what those people say in general, you just need to do what you want to do! Those of us who work on food will always support you!"

"Who? What?" Lin Fan frowned.

"No, no, nothing! Let's go! See you next time when we travel!" After finishing speaking, several girls grabbed their suitcases and grabbed the door without waiting for Lin Fan to say anything.

Lin Fan couldn't help but look at the fans in the lobby who hadn't checked out. As a result, when he saw it, those fans also disappeared, leaving Lin Fan a bleak hall!

Could it be that what happened? These fans checked out not because they were scolded by family members, but because of other things?

With such doubts, Lin Fan logged into the Chaobo account, which had been idle for a long time. As soon as he went up, the prompt that the private message was full popped up. Lin Fan looked at the bright red 999+ sign and hesitated whether to click in or not. .

Generally, such a full private message will not have any good words. Because the good words are sent out directly, why do you need to write privately? Of course, a lot of bad words were also sent out.

[Salted fish who loves gossip: smelly and ugly! If you don't make a debut, you still cut the fan leeks! Thinking of money, crazy! 】

[I wish you a good pregnancy: a homestay that only accepts single women, and some people are rushing to live! are you crazy? When something goes wrong, when the earth does not work every day, you know how desperate you are! 】

【Look! Grey Chicken: Please don't use such gimmicks to create hot spots and promote wrong values. Social security is destroyed by people with bad intentions like you! 】


Lin Fan scrolled down the message expressionlessly. In addition to the abuse from the sunspots, many passersby also expressed the suspicion that Lin Fan’s bed and breakfast is so expensive and rich. The rule that only single girls are accepted is indeed misleading. .

However, Lin Fan’s fans uploaded a large number of photos to help Lin Fan clarify and justify. In the eyes of others, it was just an act of washing the floor, and it did not have much effect.

Not only that, but Wang Lingli and other key members of the fan club, under their Chaobo account, were vilified by the sunspots, and some of them stood firm and fought to the end. There were also fans who were scolded by Heizi and directly turned off the comment function, making a blind eye.

The Chaobo of the Fan Club and Lin Fan's Chaobo was overwhelmed by the comments of black fans. There is no one on Lin Fan's side, and the comments have been brushed page after page, but on the side of the support club, it is too late to delete.

Lin Fan understood at once, why today’s fans living in the yard they yearn for are so depressed, even if they fought with black fans all night last night, but the results were not ideal, and it’s only strange if they are in a good mood. !

"So many people scold me..."

Lin Fan muttered to himself.

Originally, when fans found the yard they were yearning for, Lin Fan knew that there would be some bad voices on the Internet, but he didn't expect that there would be so many people scolding himself, not only scolding himself, but also fans being scolded miserably.

Lin Fan is very upset, and the people who spend money have no objection. Why do these people who don't contribute a penny to themselves scold themselves? Why scold those fans even more?

Those are all brothers' fathers!

I don't dare to provoke, you dare to bully Brother Jinzhu's father!

Is Brother's knife down?

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