Before I Got on Stage, the Brokerage Company Went Bankrupt

Chapter 252: The new song is very nice, I like it very much

"Hahaha! Brother Fan is so funny! He actually said to Cen Miaoxue, do you think I haven't been here?"

Chen Yuan kept complaining about Lin Fan while watching "Tale of the Class".

Xia Yan, who was sitting next to her, couldn't help but bend her eyebrows with a smile. Lin Fan was quite conscious. He always kept a distance of more than half a meter from Cen Miaoxue, without any physical contact, and very little communication with his eyes.

Worthy of praise!

However, this topic is a bit awkward.

Actually asked Cen Miaoxue, tofu brain is sweet or salty.

Cen Miaoxue struggled in front of the camera for a long time, and finally replied: "I like sweet food more than salty food, because sweet food can make people feel more happy." Such words are innocent.

As a result, Lin Fan said directly: "I don't like tofu brains."

Cen Miaoxue almost couldn't hold back his anger on the spot, you don't like eating, why do you ask me?

When visiting other guests in the class, they also used this style, and asked Wei Kai: "You will be older than Xia Yan next year, why should you be called Senior Sister?"

Helping Yi Xiaobo cut her hair for styling, Yi Xiaobo was not very willing, but the styling is really fragrant.

Together with Liang Ben, he helped his pet dog to bathe. As a result, the two big men couldn't hold on to a dog. He escaped and was shaken by the water!


The entire "Exploration of the Class" is both sand sculptures and embarrassing, as well as the strange smiles that are unclear. I can see that Xia Yan and Chen Yuan laugh from time to time and their stomachs hurt, and from time to time they are embarrassed to dig a hole in the ground to bury themselves. Coupled with the scene of Lin Fan singing "Little Love Song" in the show, it is really unharmonious and weird and very harmonious.

"The Adventurer" is very short, only 30 minutes of content, and I finished it very quickly.

Chen Yuanyi ran to the Fanfan fan group, but found that the fans had gone crazy. She cut out various shots of Lin Fan in "The Quest", made a dynamic picture, and swiped the screen in the group.

Reimbursement. GIF.

I was forced. GIF.

There is also the cry of the deputy director in plain text: what to do. GIF and the skylight is about to be opened. GIF.

Chen Yuan clicked to save everything into her emoji folder, and then she caught a glimpse of Xia Yan entering the room with her mobile phone.

Chen Yuan withdrew her eyes thoughtfully, pricked her ears to eavesdrop, but Xia Yan entered the door and closed the door with a bang.

Chen Yuan sighed: Well, Yanyan's alertness is getting higher and higher.

Xia Yan threw herself on the soft bed and smiled and asked the person on the other end of the phone: "Why are you free to call me?"

"Ah, I'm pretty idle at first."

Lin Fan coughed dryly.

"I think you had a great time on the show."

Xia Yan's words made Lin Fan a little nervous: "Which link did you say about the visit?"


"It's wrong, that's not what I want to go!"

Lin Fan couldn't help but complain, "The program team doesn't know what they are thinking, so the guest is the host during the show, and there are some kind of visiting classes outside the show. Can't you hire a professional host? It's so embarrassing."

They are all strangers who have only met a few times. Although they are recording programs together, they are still very strange to each other, and the communication is superficial. It is fine when a group of people are together, but once only two people are left facing each other, The scene where there is no topic but awkward conversation has become the norm.

If it weren't for the compulsory skills-China has a good tongue, life is like a drama, and the world is so sophisticated, Lin Fan feels that he has died countless times in the society!

Therefore, after the second episode of the program was recorded, Lin Fan would rather not write songs, and would not be the guest of the visiting class anymore.

Xia Yan's laughter was transmitted over the phone, softly, like a wind chime on the window sill being blown by a sea breeze, unconsciously touching someone's heartstrings, which was both sweet and annoying.

Lin Fan only felt that the sunshine of Huadao Island had arrived now, and it was still so hot, and he was dry and dry through the thick walls: "Why, have you watched the show?"

"I haven't had time to watch the feature film, so I only watched "A Trip to the Class"."

Lin Fan was a little disappointed: "The feature film or something is too long. It doesn't matter if you are so busy and can't watch it. Well, just listen to the song."

Xia Yan smiled: "Okay."

"Then, after listening, remember to give me feedback. I see if there is anything else that can be improved on this song."

Lin Fan said solemnly.

Inexplicably insist on listening to the song by yourself.

Xia Yan understood what he meant from Lin Fan's two sentences. It seemed that there was something faintly about to move, and he didn't know what was happening in his heart, and there was a hint of shame.

After taking a deep and silent breath, Xia Yan pretended to be calm: "Okay, I will sort out the opinions and send them to you."

Xia Yan hung up the phone, exhaled the stale air in his chest, then turned on Tian Lai Music, downloaded Lin Fan's "Little Love Song", and played it directly on his mobile phone.

Along with the prelude of the song, Lin Fan's voice came from the player: "This is a simple little love song..."

Outside the room, Chen Yuan listened to the faint singing voice in Xia Yan's room. Although she already knew the answer but had not yet been able to confirm a question, it was finally clear at this moment, and her hanging heart fell to the ground.

It's just that Chen Yuan watched in the crowd, and the fans chatted enthusiastically.

[Cherry Puppy: This is the first love song in general! listen well! Unexpectedly, I would write love songs in general! 】

[Splitting durian with empty hands: I thought I would continue to write inspirational songs, or simply rock songs, but I didn’t expect it to be a love song. Even if the heavy rain turns the city upside down, it’s really beautiful and has a sense of picture! 】

[Tian Sheng Yu Ji Wang: Generally speaking, it’s not in love anymore, right? 】

[Menopausal girl: writing love songs is falling in love? Don’t those composers fall in love every day? For creation, of course, the imagination should be richer. 】



Chen Yuan wanted to expose a certain great secret in the group now, but she finally resisted it. She warned herself not to be anxious. The masters are not in a hurry. Why are they anxious?

What's more, professional ethics! Professional ethics! Professional ethics! Can't lose it! The important thing is said three times!

Alas, holding such a big melon, but in the end, I can only eat it by myself. It's really good to eat!


Flower island, the yard longing for.

Lin Fan is constantly comforting himself, waiting patiently for Xia Yan's reply. But I don't know why, these few minutes have been very long, Lin Fan couldn't help but complain, is this song too long? Need to listen for so long? Alas, waiting is really exhausting.

Lin Fan resisted the urge to lie down on the ground and do a few push-ups to relieve the nervousness, and forced himself to calm down. After a few minutes, finally, when he was about to be unable to hold on, there was a notification sound from the phone when he received a message. .

At this moment, Lin Fan only felt that his heart jumped suddenly, and he almost jumped out of his throat!


Lin Fan took a deep picked up the phone and confirmed that it was the message sent by Xia Yan.

[Little Fairy: The new song is very nice. 】

That's it?

Lin Fan felt inexplicably unable to breathe.

But immediately, the second message was sent.

[Little Fairy: I like it very much. 】

Then comes the third.

[Little Fairy: Looking forward to the next song. 】


Lin Fan squeezed his fist and waved silently into the air several times, unconsciously grinning towards the base of his ears, and holding his mobile phone, he began to reply to Xia Yan.

[Lin Fan: The new song has come out, do you want to listen to it? 】

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