Before I Got on Stage, the Brokerage Company Went Bankrupt

Chapter 503: How can you get tired of eating hot pot?

Thanks to the friendly sponsorship of boss Li, Lin Fan made this big seafood meal to a new height. There is no container that can hold this dish at home. Lin Fan simply washed it on the mat on the bamboo basket. The lotus leaf is used as a plate, and then the steamed seafood is neatly stacked on it, and finally topped with a special sauce.

A dish, stupefied, made an appearance that ordinary people were daunting. Even Liu Nan couldn't help it, and brought the photographer over, facing the dish as a 360-degree close-up with no dead ends, crying the audience in front of the screen.

"Wow, I will never take the initiative to eat such a luxurious dish."

"Well, if you can wipe your saliva, this will be more credible."

"Are we still eating hot pot? I think we can't finish eating this big seafood cafe."

"But can I just eat seafood? Or just eat it with hot pot?"

"You owe you something to say, do you know?"


Lin Fan's five people were noisy, but in the end they added the hot pot. As for the seafood giants, of course, they shared most of them and went out to add meals to the staff.

"Cheers!" The five people raised the iced black tea in their hands, touched each other with a "ding", and then each took a big sip to kick off the dinner.

The heat of the hot pot was rising. Looking at the familiar people around him, Lin Fan seemed to be back in the "Morning Star" program, where everyone had a hot pot game together.

"Speaking of which, when we were in the big factory, the hot pot we ate the most, right?"

"Yes, after the group, we will eat hot pot, after the performance, we will eat hot pot, and we will also eat hot pot when we are eliminated. In the end, you are in a group. We still eat hot pot. The point is that we are not tired of eating!"

It is also rare.

Hot pot is something that few people can stand to eat every day, but everyone just likes to eat it. In addition to eating a certain dish, it is more about eating in an atmosphere. It’s a great feeling for everyone to gather together around the steaming hot pot, eating and chatting lively.

As a result, the "hot pot" method of eating has its own halo. When three or five friends gather, the first choice is to eat hot pot.

Lin Fan and others are no exception. Of course, they ate too much in Dachang, which left a deep impression on them.

Li Xiaodong broke off a crab leg, and when he heard a certain keyword, he couldn't help but laughed out loud, but after receiving the caring eyes from everyone, Li Xiaodong waved his hand and said, "It's okay. You say yours."

Everyone doesn't know Li Xiaodong's thoughts. Didn't it just think that "Morning Star" abandoned Li Yingqi twice this year and could not invite Lin Fan. Instead, he invited Zhuo Yuanquan instead of giving Li Yingqi a chance!

It has been so long since this incident, and this guy is still laughing at Li Yingqi, which is enough to hold grudges.

In order to prevent Li Xiaodong from being sprayed by Li Yingqi’s fans after the show was broadcast, Zhuo Yuanquan bluntly changed the subject: "By the way, what stage is the scene you filmed, Brother Pan, and when will it be released?"

This is about "A Chinese Ghost Story". The recording time of this episode is relatively early. At this time, the project of "The Legend of the White Snake" has not been discussed with Modu Yinghua.

Lin Fan replied: "It's in the late stage."

Li Xiaodong is struggling: "Brother Pan, how about it, how is my acting skills? Can you pick the leading actor as the leading actor?"

Lu Bingyang relentlessly complained: "Just your spicy-eyed acting skills are still the hero, and the tragedy has been turned into a comedy by you!"

"Yeah, I just want to be a comedy!" Li Xiaodong said seriously, "I intend to be a comedian. I have been reading scripts in this area recently, but it seems that there is no good one."

Chen Xianwu widened his eyes and looked at Li Xiaodong: "Brother Xiaodong, you have the face of an idol drama. You are going to act in a comedy. Isn't this a kind of drama?"

Chen Xianwu himself did not dare to transform in this direction, because several people here have a common feature, that is, they all have a face that can be used in idol dramas. The difference between modern and ancient costumes is a bit big. Not to mention that there is generally no need for handsome comedies.

Of course, Lin Fan is an exception.

Lin Fan's looks and bones are so good that he can hold it up no matter what he looks like, so that people won't be able to see it.

Li Xiaodong is different. He has a baby face. He is called Little Milk Dog in idol dramas. You can be called a green boy in costume dramas. But when you go to comedy, you can feel a bit spicy just thinking about it. .

"Try it, try it and you won’t have less meat." Li Xiaodong can see, "and comedies are not necessarily worse than idol dramas. I don’t feel as good as comedies for the current idol dramas. What a good script, Brother Pan, if you have a good script, don't forget me!"

Hearing Li Xiaodong's words, Chen Xianwu and Gao Yan looked at each other.

Do you want roles so directly?

Aren't you afraid that Brother Fan won't be able to get off the stage?

Li Xiaodong is really not afraid. As for the person in the circle who has the strongest relationship with Lin Fan, Li Xiaodong considers himself second. The first is the goddess Xia Yan who has been promoted to his sister-in-law. And Li Xiaodong already knows Lin Fan's character very well, if he can help, he will definitely help.

But if you think you can make unreasonable demands on Lin Fan because of a good relationship with Lin Fan, then you think too much.

Just like because Li Xiaodong and Lu Bingyang were forced by the need for transformation, Lin Fan would help them write songs to help them make the transition smoothly, but after the transformation, they had to go their own way, and Lin Fan would not always help them unselfishly.

Of course, if Lin Fan really has a comedy book in his hands, and then has a role suitable for Li Xiaodong, Lin Fan will not be stingy with this role. After all, Li Xiaodong and Lu Bingyang are already out of the circle compared to others who are still rolling in the fan circle.

Not only owns his own masterpieces, but also goes further in his current career: Li Xiaodong now runs variety shows everywhere, and is familiar with the directors of various variety shows; Lu Bingyang’s second play is already being promoted, and the summer file is scheduled for the first Three dramas are also being prepared for shooting Of course, Zhuo Yuanquan is not bad at all, it is trending towards the top in the country, and all kinds of resources are not lacking. And the rest of X-STAR just lingered on their laurels, waiting for the two-year contract time to come, announcing their dissolution.

Those who are in a group are so miserable, and those who are not in a group like Chen Xianwu and Gao Yan are even more miserable. Although now because of the support of fans, they will not leave the circle and go back to be ordinary people, or become behind the scenes, but they are not far away.

After all, a new round of leeks has grown and is waiting for capital to be harvested.

And Chen Xianwu’s group of former leeks, which are about to turn yellow, has gradually declined in the company’s treatment. Even in order to squeeze their final value, the company began to hold various fan meetings, sell peripherals, or simply let them They go live to bring goods, in short, they want to make money.

Originally, the popularity was declining, and the fans were even more disappointed by the company's showdown, and the loss was even faster.

But they have no other way. When they embarked on this road, the end was already doomed.

On the contrary, it was Lin Fan, Zhuo Yuanquan, Li Xiaodong and Lu Bingyang who broke free from the shackles of capital and embarked on a new path.

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