Before I Got on Stage, the Brokerage Company Went Bankrupt

Chapter 565: This size is a bit too big to fit!

Zhou Xiang also discovered that this group of people are acquaintances, and they are just new faces. But it's all here, can you turn your head and leave? How many people want to come without a chance!

It's impossible to walk, just keep your head down and talk less.

But Hu Yuhua helped explain: "I brought Zhou Xiang. This child is obedient, and she also went to the last beach concert. I thought she was not a stranger to everyone, so I brought it here. Lin Fan, if you mind..."

Lin Fan didn't really mind. Zhou Xiang could barely be regarded as himself and Xia Yan's junior sister. Yang Hongxia intended to cultivate her, and Lin Fan also knew very well.

Moreover, it is true that everyone is not a stranger.

"It's okay, I'm just afraid of her being restrained." Lin Fan offered Zhou Xiang a bottle of drink, "Eat more, are you still used to it in the crew?"

Zhou Xiang was flattered and took the drink: "Thank you Fan Brother! The crew is very good, the teachers have taught me a lot, and Brother Xiaodong and Brother Lu have also helped me a lot."

Lin Fan didn't believe it at all: "Just forget about Lu Bingyang. After all, he has some experience in filming a few dramas. What can Li Xiaodong do for you? Help you NG?"

In a word, the big guys are all amused.

Li Xiaodong was not convinced: "Brother Pan, you can't say that! Although my acting skills are a bit spicy, but I have improved a lot recently! If you don't believe me, ask Yuhua sister, my filming went smoothly! Basic one pass!"

Hu Yuhua smiled and said: "Yes, Xiaodong made a lot of progress, especially when he was acting against Riemann. From the beginning, he was suppressed so that no one could see it. In the end, the performance was very smooth. Even Riemann was suppressed. Boast that Xiaodong has aura!"

Lin Fan was really surprised: "Sister Man still praised him?"

Li Xiaodong raised his head triumphantly: "That's! It's genuine, don't you believe me or sister Yuhua?"

Lu Bingyang couldn't stand it, and slapped Li Xiaodong on the back of his head: "Look at you! How long has passed since Sister Man's compliment, you still show it off!"

"I'll show off. If you have the ability, let Sister Man praise you too! Brother Lu, you are jealous!"

Lu Bingyang smiled: "Yes, I'm so jealous! If you don't cast you as a dead dog tonight, you will be blinded by my jealousy!"

Lin Fan watched Li Xiaodong and Lu Bingyang quarrel again, and had already calmly diverted his attention: "Sister Yuhua, how is the progress of the crew over there?"

Hu Yuhua said: "Don't worry, I have been watching, and the progress is very smooth. And with your reputation abroad, our project is now attracting attention. Those who didn't look at us at the beginning don't know how regretful they are now. !"

Hu Yuhua remembered one more thing: "By the way, do you remember the employer who bought the copyright of "A Chinese Ghost Story"?"

Lin Fan thought for a full three seconds before extracting the name of the employer from his mind: "It seems to be Li?"

Hu Yuhua expressed his affirmation: "Yes, it is him. A Western fantasy movie he invested in before went live in the middle of last month. Of course, I didn't dare to publicize it under your banner. Your heat."

For example, there is a sentence in the draft that the management contacted Lin Fan and wanted to buy the copyright of "A Chinese Ghost Story" without success, and then turned to invest in this movie.

Although it is just one sentence, it is full of hints: we did not take the copyright of "A Chinese Ghost Story", but this movie is a similar story to "A Chinese Ghost Story".

In addition, at that time, Lin Fan’s first English song "Wewillrockyou" reached the top of the B chart, and the entire network was overwhelmed with congratulations for Lin Fan. That movie took the opportunity to make a lot of heat, and many people who didn't know the inside story were deceived into the movie theater.

But it turned out.

"That movie only won the box office for the first weekend, and the score directly fell below 3.1 points. In addition, your fans came forward to clarify that this movie has nothing to do with you, and appeals to everyone not to be deceived. Many people directly reported that the film was falsely promoted. Therefore, the film was taken off the shelves less than two weeks after it went online."

It is estimated that even the capital has not been earned back, and the management is afraid that the intestines are regrettable.

Lin Fan really hadn't heard of this. When the employer came to talk about copyright, Lin Fan felt that the other party had actually finished filming the movie, but he didn't expect that they would dare to rub their own enthusiasm in the end!

I really don’t know whether to praise them for being brave, or to praise them for being strong, don’t you know that your fans are famous for their high fighting power?

However, when it comes to the movie, Hu Yuhua also revealed to Lin Fan a little bit: "The "A Chinese Ghost Story" you filmed has no problem at all. It just so happens that with your current popularity, this movie only needs to be announced. , Don’t worry about not having a box office. I’m here to wish your first movie a great success and a great success!"

Lin Fan accepted Hu Yuhua's kindness: "Then I will first thank Sister Yuhua for her good words, and Sister Yuhua must come to the celebration party at that time!"

"That's a must!"

Here, watching Lin Fan and Hu Yuhua finished talking about business, the others started to booze.

"Brother Fan, come here, these are the dishes specially cooked for you!"

Lin Fan returned to his position, looked at the big bowl of shabu in his bowl, and then looked at the shining eyes around him, humming, "No matter what you do, you will steal if you do it!" Well, leave these delicious foods to me, what ulterior motives do you all have?"

Hui Qiaodan said very dogmatically: "Why! Fan brother, we are all very pure musicians, what can musicians have bad thoughts?"

Liang Ben slapped his thigh: "It's true, Brother Fan, we just want to listen to songs!"

"Brother Pan, according to your usual practice, one new song a week, this month has passed, you only released three songs in the beautiful country, one of which is still an old song..." Wei Kai hinted with his eyes.

Hurry up and get the new song out, let us appreciate it in advance!

Lin Fan sneered: "There are no new songs! There are none for you! You don't know how hard it is to sing abroad, I almost spit out these three songs!"

Where did Lin Fan suffer such a crime?

In China, Lin Fan only needs to sing the new song once on the show, and then leave it to Yang Hongxia and Tianlai Music to handle everything. There is no need to run announcements, perform everywhere, sing the same song over and over again, and no matter how much it ranks. Just went up.

But in foreign countries, I really run several announcements a day, and sing a song several times a day. "Sing and vomit" is a descriptive word, not an adjective.

"Ah!" Everyone was very sorry, but they didn't force Lin Fan anymore.

This is the first time for Lin Fan to list a song, but other people are not. Everyone knows how hard it is to play songs, and they are considerate.


Lin Fan took out gifts from the room and distributed them to everyone: "I brought you all if you like it or not."

It is rare in China to open gifts in person, but Lin Fan has said so, and everyone followed Lin Fan.

However, as soon as the gift box was opened, Li Xiaodong directly cried out strangely: "Wow! Pink!"

Hu Yuhua and Hui Qiaodan directly blushed!

Liu Zhengyan also looked at Lin Fan with a weird expression. He didn't seem to expect Lin Fan to bring such a gift to everyone!

On the contrary, it was Zhou Xiang, blushing, and hummingly said: "Brother Fan, this, this...well, the size...a bit big...can't fit..."

Lin Fan rolled his eyes and roared: "This is not for you! This is the supermodel's signature model, for you to collect!"

Everyone suddenly realized, Li Xiaodong was very sorry: "You can't wear it..."

Before I finished speaking, I noticed that everyone was "stunned" and withdrew three meters away, as if they were afraid of being infected by something dirty!

Li Xiaodong: ...Hey hey hey! You are so hurtful like this!

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