Before I Got on Stage, the Brokerage Company Went Bankrupt

Chapter 676: Is it too late for me to regret the marriage?

In short, I thought I did good deeds without leaving a name, but in fact I didn't wear a vest in the forest pan of Guoben. After being dismantled face-to-face by the simple villagers, I was directly embarrassed into anger-in Liang Wen's words, his face was too thin. I am not ashamed to face reality, and the gratitude of fellow villagers.

So even though the office had prepared a large batch of daily necessities and sent them to the village, Lin Fan himself was unwilling to step into the village alive and well.

I can only look at the leveling road from a distance, because multiple sections were started at the same time, and there was no time to connect all the sections in series, and it appeared to be a big road section by section. There was also walking on the road, just coming back from the small town. With the smiles on the faces of the villagers, Lin Fan couldn't help but smile.

Because of the traversal, the binding system, and the miraculous and dreamy things such as being a copy of the public in the entertainment industry, the soul that has been suspended forever, at this moment, it seems that there is a sense of peace of mind that the dust has settled.

It has been two years since I came to this blue star. Lin Fan’s surface is calm as a big brother, but he is actually panicked. He is slowly warmed by the enthusiasm and support of the fans, and embraced by Xia Yan’s blazing and straightforward love. , And still being sincerely thanked by so many people.

Lin Fancai really found a solid sense of belonging, and wanted to live a long time with this blue star, make a home here, marry a daughter-in-law, give birth to one... Forget it, just one child Well, it affects the lives of couples a lot.

However, Lin Fan's emotion was all of a sudden, because there are still many things waiting for Lin Fan to be busy, and there is not much time to hurt the spring and the autumn.

Especially for this public welfare film, Director Li has repeatedly urged Lin Fan to speed up the filming process, and strive to show the film before the summer break.

It is said that there seems to be any film festival to be taken to?

Lin Fan didn't bother to care about this kind of thing, as long as he was responsible for making the movie well.

The little actor Gu Xi also reported to the crew accompanied by his parents. Lin Fan was worried that Gu Xi, who is like a little princess, would not be able to stand the environment in this small town.

However, Gu Xi adapted well, and did not suffer at all at a young age. The patchwork clothing prepared by Lin Fan, Gu Xi also put on silently.

Just when I was about to cut Gu Xi’s hair, Lin Fan couldn’t bear it. The little girl’s hair was very good, black and shiny, a little soft because of her young age, but it felt really good to the touch. Lin Recently, the head of little girl Rua has become addicted to Rua.

Even Liang Wen was reluctant: "Why don't you get a wig?"

The original version of this public welfare film is a foreign film. Women in that country dress very conservatively. Except for the cheeks, hands and feet can be exposed, other parts can not be exposed. Hair and other things are wrapped in a headscarf, so it does not exist. Inappropriate hairstyle.

But Lin Fan moved the background of the story to Huaxia, and fine-tuned the details of the story. The heroine of the story has also changed from a foreign child to a little Huaxia girl.

It's not that the children of poor people can't have good hair, after all, there are still natural beauty.

However, Lin Fan insisted on striving for perfection and refused to relax even one detail: "Don't talk about the girls in Agang's village, even the little girl in the town, which one do you see is the same as Xixi?"

Gu Xi stopped between them. The contrast was too obvious. Lin Fan didn't want the audience to watch the actors play like this when the film was released.

Liang Wen had nothing to say.

Gu Xi could only open a pair of big watery eyes, looking at Lin Fan pitifully: "Brother Lin Fan, you cut it, Xixi is okay, the hair will grow back on its own, Xixi is not sad at all."

As he said, he blinked his big eyes and squeezed out two tears, but the crew members onlookers were distressed and couldn't bear to watch it.

Lin Fan hardened his heart, picked up the scissors, and cut Gu Xi's beautiful hair into an ugly dog-biting style.

Gu Xi, who was still saying nothing, looked at her completely stranger in the mirror, and cried out with a "wow"!

Everyone looked at Lin Fan condemningly: →_→

Lin Fan: After all, I was responsible for everything.

Lin Fan patted his hands: "Don't surround yourself, hurry up and try makeup on the actors. Who, Ah Gang, come here and stand here, the makeup artist will apply makeup to the little actors according to Gang’s skin tone. As for that. My lord, just deepen two more color numbers, but it's too dirty for me!"

A Gang’s children are currently on winter vacation. Although they don’t need to go to school, they have a lot of farm work. Of course, it’s impossible to go to town every day, but it’s okay to run one or two times a week. A Gang’s dad also indulges his son to Lin Fan. Get in here.

Anyway, I don’t know why, Lin Fan can talk to A Gang, and the villagers don’t know how to thank Lin Fan. They just let A Gang come to the door from time to time and give Lin Fan a bit of help. Work.

For example, be a model model, or be a background board, run a dragon suit or something.

Gang was enjoying it himself, so when Lin Fan called him, he ran over and stood in front of the makeup artist. His small black and red face showed eight sharp teeth, and he smiled. Very honest and honest.

But the beautiful, white, white and tender little princess Gu Xi, when she saw A Gang’s complexion, and then heard Lin Fan say that she would try makeup according to this standard, she suddenly became ill, and she was sad for her hair. I cried louder now.

But it's useless to cry. Lin Fan ruthlessly blackened Gu Xi's small face for several degrees, and his hair became yellow and withered. Then he used a hair dryer to blow his face, and a little girl with fried hair would do it. This appeared in front of everyone.

Putting on the costumes prepared by the crew and standing in the crowd, Gu's mother couldn't find where her daughter was!

Gu Xi was dumbfounded!

I won’t cry anymore!

Others looked at Gu Xi’s awkward little It was funny and distressed, but the Great Devil Lin Fan was standing here, no one dared to speak, and could only face Xiao Gu. Xi extended her sympathetic eyes.

But Lin Fan was very satisfied with the effect: "Yes, the audience won't be in a play now."

Liang Wen had nothing to say, so he could only give a thumbs up at Lin Fan: Director Lin, you are really good! A little girl who admires you so abruptly, gave a whole doubtful life!

Gu Xi originally looked at Lin Fan with little stars in her eyes, but when Lin Fan was so mercilessly fiddling with her, let alone the little stars, her worship became horrified!

At this moment, Gu Xi was also suffering incomparably: Was it too hasty to decide to marry Lin Fan after he grew up?

Is it too late for me to regret the marriage?

Children who don't count, will they be caught and eaten by monsters at night?

Oh, what should I do? !

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