Before I Got on Stage, the Brokerage Company Went Bankrupt

Chapter 679: Is it a real black fan or a fake black fan?

Lin Fan has capricious capital. Now that he has said so, Xiao Wan seems to have no other choice but to follow Lin Fan's wishes and leave the matter to Yang Hongxia.

It's just that Yang Hongxia hasn't settled the matter yet, and something went wrong online.

An article titled "Can Lin Fan write a song that matches the temperament of young people" was inexplicably topped on the Internet.

The po owner of this article claimed to be a fan of Lin Fan, and also posted a downloading playlist. As long as it is Lin Fan's songs, he supports and downloads them all. And also released a screenshot showing that in his subscription record on the video website, as long as Lin Fan participated in the program, he subscribed all the first.

In addition, there are two full years of sharing records on personal social accounts, all of which are sharing Lin Fan's works and programs with his relatives, friends and fans.

Of course, there is also a record of calling people around to vote for the "A Thousand Miles Away" program that Lin Fan and Jiang Yuhe collaborated with.

In short, they are all proving that they are Lin Fan’s true fans, not some black fans, in order to increase the influence of their published articles and gain the support of Lin Fan’s fans.

[Fan Ge’s talent is undoubtedly, I fell into the pit from "I have suffered a cold in that corner", and since then I have been out of control, whether it is the sweet "Garden Party", the "Faith" that pokes people's lungs. , Is still the expression of attitudes "No Place to Confront" and "Broad Sea and Sky".

Or maybe it was "Dongfeng Po", which pioneered a new style of music, and "A Thousand Miles Away", which has recently been called a swan song, both demonstrate the great talent of my Pan brother. From the melody to the lyrics, I won’t boast. Everyone wants to see the fancy exaggeration. Please go out and look for @节操太贵 next door. You can’t afford it.

But, my brother, can you write some songs that are more in line with our young temperament? Like fast song, like rap, like Reggae?

The English songs are not counted! On the hour, our own Huaxia! 】

As soon as this article came out, it was also liked and shared by many fans, mainly young people nowadays who really prefer faster-paced songs.

In fact, several of Lin Fan's English songs, especially "SeeYouAgain" and "UptownFunk", have rap passages, but the po owner especially emphasized the rap songs in Huaxia, so these songs were excluded.

Fan Lin's fans didn't think much about it at first, but felt that the po host had spoken out everyone's heart, and they happily followed.

Anyway, as long as it can urge Lin Fanfa's song to open, fans are happy to see it happen.

As for what song to post, can you really intimidate Lin Fan in the end? Fans don't care, they just get together in a fun group, in case Lin Fan compromises, right?

Of course, the backbone of the Lin Fan Fan Support Club, even if they agree with the opinion of the po owner, they cannot help these people coerce Lin Fan from the outside. It is necessary to pay attention to the comments of the fans.

[Beauty sees the same thing: This brother and sister, as a creator, naturally has the final say on what type of song he wants to create. I'm not a kid anymore, do I still have to write a proposition? Moreover, if every fan's request must be met, wouldn't it be exhausting? 】

This comment was approved by many fans, and the po owner also came out and replied:

[This fancier is right. I am really abrupt. I really shouldn't force Fan Ge to step out of my comfort zone and challenge unfamiliar areas, ha ha. 】

I have to say that Wang Lingli, who was watching the screen, was disgusted by this "hehe".

What is it!

What is the irony of this kid, over and under?

Although the po owner was not obvious, Wang Lingli, who had been on the battlefield, still smelled something wrong.

Sure enough, soon some netizens commented under the post of the po owner:

[Which little biscuit do you count: Isn't it enough to express your personal desires? Are the people in the Fanfan Fan Club so good? I can't say a word? 】

[It turns out that I am mentally retarded: The po owner did not force Lin Fan to write songs that he is not good at, and there are too many such requests online. Lin Fan doesn't care about it. Do you take care of the wool? 】

[Quality education slips through the net: They are in a hurry! I'm afraid their almighty giegie won't be able to write such a song, so hurry up and criticize it! 】

[Colorful black: Heh, Lin Fan has been in his career for two years. He is known as the leader of the younger generation and an almighty creator, but he never touches fast singing and rap. Doesn't he like it or not? Isn't it obvious? 】

I'm coming!

As soon as he saw the name of this familiar black fan, Wang Lingli jumped up from the sofa: "I knew it! This is definitely something someone wants to have a general rhythm!"

Although this po owner posted a lot of screenshots to prove that he is a hard-core fanatic, Wang Lingli has no impression of this person at all!

Logically speaking, it’s impossible for Wang Lingli to remember such an active fan at all. Even if he doesn’t join the support club, then under Lin Fan’s various activities, various programs, and various accounts, he will be more or less able to do so. There are intersections.


Finish! Complete! No! have!

This person seems to have emerged out of thin air!

At first, Wang Lingli was not sure whether this person was aiming at Lin Fan, praising and criticizing, deliberately bringing rhythm. What if they are just a natural tea, and their speech is such a beating style?

Worlds, full of wonders.

But as soon as this black fan came out, Wang Lingli was completely certain!

This guy is really lingering!

But this wave of rhythm is really good, Wang Lingli dare not lead people to criticize, for fear that the more he controls, the more **** it will be for Lin Fan. Moreover, there is no curse in the full text of this article, and it is not easy to report. The black fans also learned to be fine this time. They did not fight with the dry fans, and they started the yin and yang tactics!

[Tiansheng Entertainment King: Attention, everyone, the po host of this "Lin Fan...The Temperament Song" is suspected to be a black fan, deliberately with rhythm, @ all don't give him the opportunity to increase reading and exposure, do not reply no Comments are not forwarded or disputed, and the four policies are not handled coldly! 】

Wang Lingli swiped several screens in a row, and then set a timed reminder, which was automatically re-sent every hour to confirm that everyone would see this message no matter when they went online. Finally, I contacted Lin Fan's assistant Xiao Wan to remind Xiao Wan to pay attention to this person.

If possible, it is better to go through Yang Hongxia's channel and let people take the article down.

It's just that Xiaowan responded as soon as Wang Lingli's message was sent.

[Little assistant in case: do you say can there be such a coincidence in the world! Is this person a black fan? 】

Or is this person a real fan, but pretends to be a black fan?

Xiao Wan: I'm a little dizzy around!

[Tiansheng Entertainment King:? ? ? 】

[Little assistant in case: Smile with arms akimbo! Yu Ji Wang, just put a hundred hearts on it, since someone is rushing to stretch out his face and beat Pan Ge, don't beat the white, don't beat it! 】

Wang Lingli was at a loss and didn't know what Xiaowan was talking about. But after sending a message, Xiao Wan won't reply, and Wang Lingli could only hold back his anxious heart and wait patiently.

Now that Xiaowan has said it, let yourself rest assured, let's believe in generality first!

Then, Wang Lingli soon knew what Xiaowan was talking about!

[Lin Fan: The second title song of the new album will be released at 0:00, so stay tuned! 】

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