Hui Qiaodan's evaluation of this movie was surprisingly high. Lin Fan was a little surprised, but he didn't think it was too abrupt, because this movie was almost a reprint of Hui Qiaodan's childhood.

Last year, when Hui Qiaodan participated in the recording of "The Yard of Yearning", he was in front of the camera and shared with the audience his story of breaking into the entertainment circle, as well as the original "magic drift" life.

It can be said that Hui Qiaodan's carefree personality and experience contributed a lot of jokes to the show. But outside the camera, Hui Qiaodan also shared his childhood with Lin Fan.

Hui Qiaodan was born in an ordinary rural family, but in China more than 30 years ago, ordinary rural families could actually have enough food and clothing.

Not only Hui Qiaodan, all the children that Hui Qiaodan knew when he was a child were similar to his family. Apart from food and clothing, there was no extra money to buy shoes. Everyone was wearing cloth shoes made by mother or grandma; there was no extra money. I bought new clothes, so my brother wore a set of clothes that my sister wore, and then passed it on to myself, taking care of it carefully, and finally leaving it to my younger siblings.

But poverty did not make Hui Qiaodan feel sad. On the contrary, Hui Qiaodan had a very happy childhood. She was like a wild lark, growing and flying freely in the mountains and forests.

It's like in Lin Fan's movie "Little Shoes", the streets and alleys where two brothers and sisters run wantonly. Although poor, they are full of mud-brick houses.

However, the industrious people who live on this land keep this homeland clean and tidy, and there is no trace of depravity.

Not only that, they are also very kind. The boy knocked over the vegetable basket of the vegetable stall owner. The boss just frightened him but did not make him compensate. The younger sister’s shoes fell into the ditch and she shed tears on the roadside, and some kind people took the initiative to help. .

Not to mention the sensible and considerate siblings.

Hui Qiaodan looked at the scene of boys and girls running in the alley, as if they could see the wings of hope spread out behind them, as if as long as they kept running like this, they would be able to chase to the heaven of dreams.

It's moving.

This is a work that does not rely on selling miserables, but shows the nobility of life to all audiences, to communicate with the audience. Hui Qiaodan does not hesitate to use the most extreme praise to evaluate this film.

But the movie is not over yet, the story about a pair of shoes, about the boy and the younger sister is still going on.

In order to subsidize the family, my father decided to find odd jobs in the city during his free time to see if he could make a little money.

The father took the boy a long way on his bike, and then he came to the city. But because of his low self-esteem and poor speech, the father couldn't even introduce himself and ask for job opportunities. It was the boy who took the initiative to help his father complete his self-introduction.

Unfortunately, they were still rejected and had to look for the next job.

But after looking for a long time, the father and the boy still did not find odd jobs to do, until an old man called them to stop them and provided them with a job to repair the garden and lawn, but in fact the old man just wanted the boy to accompany his young grandson. Just playing.

The boy stepped into the courtyard of the city for the first time. He had never seen such a gorgeous home. He didn't know that there are children in the world who can enjoy their childhood as carefree as the grandson of the old man.

At this moment, the boy was undoubtedly looking forward to, but he did not feel any resentment because of the gap between the rich and the poor, and did not feel inferior because of the poverty of his family. He and the little boy had a good time together.

And the father, also received generous compensation from the old man.

On the way back, the father asked the boy to sit on the front bumper of the bicycle, happily looking forward to the future with the boy, but the boy only had one thing in his mind, that was his sister's shoes.

The boy told his father that his sister's shoes were broken, so let's buy new shoes for his sister.

The father just agreed to the boy, the bicycle hit a tree because the brakes failed, and all the money he just earned paid for his father's medical expenses.

Everything is back to square one, no, it could be worse.

Back home, my mother told her father that the landlord had come to urge the rent again, but the father who was still wearing gauze on his head could only comfort him and said that there would be a way.

This remark was heard word by word by the boy, and the boy knew that his sister's new shoes were even more distant.

The audience in the movie theater, seeing this, couldn't help but sink their hearts: life is already extremely difficult, and the injury of his father is even worse. When is all this going to end?

My sister’s new shoes have become boys, even the obsession of all the audience, as if this new pair of shoes has not been bought in a day, the thing called "hope" floats in the air for one day, and will not fall in the bottom of my heart. generally.

At this time, it was the same. The school suddenly announced that the city would hold a long-distance race. Each school has five places. The boy looked at the worn cloth shoes on his feet. He didn't intend to participate, but he saw that the prize for the third place was For a pair of sneakers, the boy asked the teacher to let himself participate in the competition.

And promised to win the first place.

But when he returned home, the boy promised his sister that he would definitely get third place and win back the pair of sneakers for his sister.

Did the boy lie?


But this is the only way the boy can think of, so that his sister can have a pair of new shoes without increasing the burden on the family.

On the day of the game, the boy came to the competition venue wearing worn-out cloth shoes, squatted down and tightened his shoelaces, once again strengthening his confidence in winning the third place.

The signal sounded, and countless children rushed towards the track, and the boys were drowned in the crowd.

In the constant running, the boy kept swaying his sister after school, rushing back to change shoes with him, and the scene of him running to school after changing his shoes.

All this supports the thin boy, surpassing one opponent after another, but the boy only wants to win third place.

The scene of the movie suddenly slowed down On the big screen, the boy looked back while running while letting the opponent behind him overtake him.

One after another.

I am in third place.

The boy stopped releasing the water, but ran forward desperately, but when a child behind suddenly approached the boy, he pushed the boy over, passed the boy, and ran forward!


There was an exclamation in the cinema, but in the distressed and nervous mood of the audience, the boy got up from the ground desperately, and then rushed to the end with all his strength!

"Ah!" The audience was just happy that the boy had finally reached the end, but in the middle of the boy's question, the excitement suddenly fell to the bottom.

The boy asked: Am I in third place?


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