Lin Fan looked at the messages that he had treasured, and he could accurately flash through his mind. The fans who wrote the messages were either happy, excited, or shy and smiling.

They were noisy, or quietly onlookers, or inexplicably screamed excitedly, and silently made Lin Fan's life, Lin Fan's world, and Lin Fan's heart lively.

There was a crack in the defense line of the soul, the sun and the rain and dew fell together, moisturizing the lonely soil, and then from the deepest part of the heart, clumps of green shoots of hope grew, and then slowly grew, becoming the present. A verdant tree today.

Xia Yan can understand Lin Fan's state of mind very well, and it can even be said that Xia Yan is the person who watched the whole process of Lin Fan's state of mind change, growth and breakthrough, and the starting point of all this is here, this place called the Ying Yard .

Xia Yan looked at the message paper in Lin Fan's hand, and vaguely found that there seemed to be words behind it, so he couldn't help but reached out and flipped a little: "What is this?"

Lin Fan regained his senses from his memory, and turned over the message paper, revealing the notation and lyrics on it: "This is, um, a song written two years ago."

Lin Fan himself had forgotten a little, when did he write a song on the back of the message paper. If it wasn't for a whim today, if he turned out the box and looked at it, I'm afraid Lin Fan himself would have written the song thoroughly. forgotten.

Xia Yan looked at the notation and lyrics on the paper, turned them into a melody in his mind, and performed it again: "Well, this song is quite suitable for the occasion."

Two years ago, Lin Fan's current state of mind, as well as the whole yearning yard, and the good times in the past are quite suitable.

Lin Fan also felt that this is a very suitable song to sing in the yard that he yearns for, for himself and for the fans who have always supported, trusted and accompanied him.

Their eyes met, and their smiles bloomed at the same time. Without any words, Lin Fan quickly put the lyrics back and closed the lid, then held the box in one hand and Xia Yan in the other, and went downstairs like this.

Gu Xi saw Lin Fan go, and just wanted to call out to stop them, but Zhou Xiang pushed him hard, and the swing took Gu Xi and Yu Xiaobao to the blue sky, as if the feeling in the flying sky made Gu Xi feel I forgot the thought just now:

"Yeah, it's so high, Sister Zhou Xiang, I'm flying!"

Yu Xiaobao was a little more daring: "Sister Zhou Xiang pushes it a little higher, haha, I can fly too!"

Zhou Xiang: Fly, fly! You can fly as high as you want as long as you don't let me go down to eat dog food!

The clear laughter of the two little guys echoed from the top of the yard, and then a low cello sound came from the garden downstairs.

Accompanied by the cello, followed by a fresh and clean melody, it is like being under the lush trees, the leaves and branches block the warm sunlight, and only the sky above the head is exposed like a sapphire. .

Only the shreds of light, through the gaps in the woods, lightly fell on his face, shoulders, and blue and white cobblestone paths.

The melody of Qingyue is like a gust of breeze, with the sunny weather after the summer rain, the freshness of the soil, and the fragrance of flowers and fruits, blowing towards the face, making people feel refreshed and comfortable.

Downstairs, Lin Fan played the cello, Xia Yan played the piano, and performed the melody of the song that Lin Fan wrote on the message paper.

There is no carefully prepared arrangement, no rich and delicate multi-string accompaniment, only simple cello and piano, and the most sincere voices of Lin Fan and Xia Yan, for all fans, perform this song two years ago, Lin Songs that Pan has already prepared:

"Remember yesterday

that summer

A moment when the breeze blows

seems to blow everything up

Only the loneliness is willing to settle-"

The fans in front of the screen, especially the fans who lived in the longing yard, couldn't help but follow Lin Fan's refreshing voice and returned to the summer two years ago.

At that time, Lin Fan was still very young, with the spirit of breaking into the entertainment circle by mistake, after sweeping through the "Morning Star" program, he quietly hid in Huahai Island and opened a famous hotel.

As Lin Fan selected in the first issue of the first season of "The Yard of Yearning", the copy selected: facing the sea, spring flowers bloom.

Beauty is beautiful, but loneliness and loneliness often accompany itself.

It's just that Lin Fan didn't sigh with emotion for a long time. The swarming fans and enthusiastic young ladies broke into the private realm that Lin Fan circled for himself once again, and knocked on Lin Fan's closed mental defense. Let the warm sun shine into Lin Fan's heart.

"The wind is still blowing

autumn rain follows

The heat in my heart doesn't go away

It's like keeping your eyes closed

Familiar faces will reappear in front of me—"

If Lin Fan's voice makes people feel refreshing and comfortable, then Xia Yan's voice is like a spring in a mountain stream, clean and transparent enough to wash away all the dust from the soul.

Coupled with the elegant and refreshing melody of the whole song, just as the lyrics describe, it is like a breeze that blew through the whole summer and everyone's smiles in the summer.

"Blue thoughts

It suddenly turned into a sunny summer

Warmth in the air won't be far away

Winter also seems to be no longer nostalgic-"

The voices of Lin Fan and Xia Yan were intertwined, and the beautiful melody spread from the hall to the garden, and then to the rooftop.

The two little guys on the water swing tilted their heads curiously, and listened to the fresh melody. The person behind them who had been pushing the swing for them also slowed down the rhythm of their hands and was immersed in the melody of the song.

The fans in front of the screen also reeled in their minds the bits and pieces of living in the yard they yearned for: Lin Fan, who couldn't beat his morning exercise on time and hanging his voice, and Lin Fan, who disliked everyone's noisy but never reprimanded them, stayed up all night and drew comic avatars for everyone. Lin Fan who gave gifts, Lin Fan who woke up early in the morning and made breakfast for fans who were catching a flight...

That time was short and beautiful, like a dream that people couldn't bear to wake up from.

Fans once thought that if they wanted to see Lin Fan, they could only come to Huahai Island, and they could only try their best to grab the few reserved spots, especially a certain handicapped station sister, who didn't know how many times she cried in the toilet. ——Looking at Lin Fan in his best years trapped in this little homestay where birds and flowers are fragrant.

However, Lin Fan, who has always been pampered and accommodated by fans, finally plucked up the courage to walk out of that summer and through the four seasons without fear of frost.

With a radiance, not forgetting the original intention, I returned to that summer.

"Green thoughts

Wave your hand and say to me that the four seasons remain the same

But one season

back to the past

That windy summer—"

The sky above the longing yard is as blue as the clearest gem, and the white clouds meander into a line of words:

This song is for the cutest of you, thank you for accompanying me through that summer - "Summer Blown by the Wind" By Lin Fan.

And the fans were already moved to tears.

Ps: "The Summer Blown by the Wind", JJ Lin/Jin Sha

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