Behemoth Devouring Evolution

Chapter 117 Giant Octopus

A tattered ship, which looked like a boat at first glance, but floated on the river more like an airplane.

"Can your ship work?"

On the dangling ship, a soldier sitting on the side of the ship held a gun, doubting the quality of the ship.

"If you're scared, you don't need to sit down."

For those who doubted his boat, Hank certainly wouldn't be used to him, and directly stunned him.

The soldier shrugged and did not answer.

It's been a while since I got on this ship. Since there are no problems so far, then this ship should be able to get them to their destination. but······

He turned his head and looked at the full cabin.

One glance at this ship can make people lose confidence in it, and with so many people on board, it's no wonder he asks such questions.

In fact, the quality of this ship is better than they thought. As long as there are no accidents, there will be no problems.

As long as there are no accidents...

James is holding a telescope and looking into the distance with the telescope on the bow of the ship.

There are too many unknowns on this island. When you are about to go back, don't have any accidents.

The anti-war reporter held a camera and took a few photos almost every time she walked. He didn't know how much film she brought.

The one who took the picture was unknown to her, and there was another researcher with a gray beard and a hair-skinned body.

If you want to choose the most excited person in the team, it is this one.

He believed that there were mysterious creatures that they didn't know existed in the world, and he searched for it all his life.

Now I finally met and took the key evidence.

Just leave the island and publish the truth in the photos, reputation, wealth, and everything!

"Hey! Hank, is this normal?"

The soldiers who had been sitting on the side of the ship stood up and raised their guns and aimed them at the water.

The surface of the river, which was originally quite calm, rippled from a distance, as if a large group of creatures approached from under the water.

"I... don't know, I haven't seen anything like this."

Hank squeezed to the stern and panicked as he watched the ripples that were about to reach the stern.

"I don't know, I think as long as we don't want to jump into the river, or attack them, or they are not stimulated by the smell of blood..." Hank's speech speed is extremely fast, and his expression is extremely nervous. . "...I think we will be fine."

The black admiral glanced at Hank. Among them, Hank had lived on this island for nearly 30 years. He was the only one who had the most experience. At this time, he could only listen to them.

The admiral said loudly: "Be careful not to fall into the river, and check, who is injured and left untreated?"

The people on the side of the boat squeezed back, and as for the injuries, not many people were injured except for the time they were shot down by a plane in Vajra.

Because the people who were in danger died, and there was no one who survived.

The creatures under the river didn't attack the boat under their feet, and even swam past without any reason, as if they were fleeing for their lives.

"This is not right, they seem to be chased by something again."

It doesn't need Hank to say, other people can see it, but what is it that is chasing them?

Before they were puzzled for long, the distance was nothing but a rippling river, suddenly a big wave several meters high!

In the waves, they vaguely saw tentacles like sea monsters sticking out of the water.


"What the hell is that!?"

"Avoid avoiding!"

The ship began to evade urgently, trying to avoid the underwater giant behind.

But the speed of the behemoth was too fast, and it didn't take long for it to be chased by the broken ship under their feet.

But they also avoided the collision with the underwater behemoth, even if the ship was hit by the waves, fortunately there was no capsizing accident.



A few unlucky ghosts beside the boat were washed off the boat by the big waves and fell into the river. They were stunned and swam towards the boat.

But the underwater beast's swimming made the current very turbulent, and instead of swimming to the side of the boat for a long time, they got farther and farther away.

Fortunately, the underwater beast just passed by and was not interested in them, otherwise they might be dead again.

When the few people who fell into the river returned to the boat, they were very embarrassed, letting their comrades hold their arms, panting heavily, with a look of aftermath.

When the underwater beast swam past, the people on the boat finally saw what kind of creature it was.

This is a big octopus, a huge octopus!

"Damn it, how come there are octopuses in this place?"

Someone cursed in a low voice.

But no one has answered his question now.

"Okay, let's continue on our way."

Although the appearance of the giant octopus was beyond everyone's expectations, fortunately there were no casualties, and everyone continued on their way.

But since the appearance of the giant octopus, everyone has become more nervous.

The soldiers sitting on the side of the boat stared at the river closely, watching for monsters that might emerge from the water.

And above the cabin, the cabin of this ship... can barely be called the cabin, which is pieced together from the skeleton of the aircraft, and several iron plates are laid on the top of the cabin. And set up a heavy machine gun.

In addition to this heavy machine gun, there is also a machine gun that was taken down from the plane and pressed onto the ship.

Coupled with a dozen guns in their hands, this is already extremely powerful.

On this Skull Island, apart from Vajra and Skeleton Lizard, I am afraid that no creatures can survive this kind of firepower.


Time flickered to noon.

The biological clock they developed told them that they were hungry, and when they looked at the watch, they found that the time had already reached more than twelve o'clock.

In this environment, naturally there is nothing good to eat, only canned food.

Speaking of canned food, I heard that the quality of canned food in the beautiful country in certain periods is worrying.

It is either feed or meat that has deteriorated in quality.

The key is that people ate the canned food with fodder, and it was fodder that hadn't been eaten yet. They knew that when they opened canned food made of spoiled meat, the rancid smell came out and people really couldn't eat it. Canned food is not something that people eat!

I can only say that it was shocking!

Hank brazenly asked for a box of canned food. He hadn't eaten canned food in 30 years.

The canned food that didn't taste very good at first became tasteless by him.

Seeing Hank enjoying the food on his face, the appetites of the others improved.

"What do you guys see me doing?"

Hank looked at the others inexplicably.

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