Although the color team won, Wei Zi couldn't be happy. This game was completely won by Li Li on her own, but after all, this was the entrance exam for their juniors, and Li Li took the lead. She was always a little bit Open source exams make parents feel guilty, which is legal but unreasonable.

After getting off the field, Wei Zi asked a series of questions urgently,"Xiao Huang, what kind of magical power is this Silk Road? When I fell into it, I had a feeling that my hands and feet were tied, like a dream but not a dream, and I would rather not wake up.. It’s fine if it can trap me, but Xiaoyu and the others are actually trapped? Those girls in Yun Dong still have such powerful back-up moves."

Li Li stopped and sent out his thoughts,"Speaking of which, Yi Silu Mo Zhan really shouldn't appear in this small entrance examination.

The complete Yi Silu Mo Zhan is a magical power created by the God of Heaven. Although there is only one style, it contains endless changes. The legendary Heaven The God of Realm traveled all over the world, collected the imprints of seven materials: sourceless water, rootless wood, dustless soil, priceless gold, nameless fire, infinite light and boundless darkness, and Rub them all on a colorful silk brocade. Have you ever seen a rainbow? That is the reflection of sourceless water in the sky. This brocade has also become a weapon that the God of the Sky Mirror never leaves. According to legend , the god of heaven among the five shikigami, although he is not the one with the strongest combat power, he is the one with the most understanding of spiritual thoughts. The colorful silk brocade he possesses contains the origin of all things in the world; the one silk silk he casts Mo Zhan can dig out the deepest emotions in his heart, such as longing for beauty, longing for family affection, fear of death, disgust for war, and guilt for killing.

No matter what emotion it is, no matter what it is hidden in No matter where the silk is, it can be dug out and magnified infinitely. Until the altar can no longer bear the overflowing emotions and collapses, falling into a long dormancy.

Those girls only have red silk in their hands. Red. , a color similar to blood, but one of the three primary colors, it can also display some of the unexplained magical powers.

But you girl, shouldn’t this red lead you to yearn for passionate love and make you indulge? Among them, can't you extricate yourself? Why do I see you frowning and in great pain?" Li Li couldn't help teasing Wei Zi. It was quite different. It could trap Wei Zi so easily if it didn't do anything. A doll.

To put it bluntly, staying silent is just amplifying the inner demons. There are two kinds of people who are immune to being unable to do anything. One is the carefree and heartless child, and the other is the adult who has a heart as strong as iron and is not afraid of gods and demons.

"I……"Wei Zi's face turned red and he said with lingering fear,"I heard a voice, and it was warning me. It said that many people would die because of me, and if I just fell asleep, they wouldn't have to die."

Li Li Can't help but be startled, is this Wei Zi's guilt? Guilt caused by something that didn't happen? How old is Zi Yatou? I haven't experienced a real life-and-death battle, and I'm afraid I haven't even trampled an ant to death, right? Where did the inner demons come from?

It can still understand Lei Yu's guilt. How many of them, who have become gods in all battles, can truly do so with a clear conscience? Except for those few hard-hearted monsters, the others have some self-aware or even unconscious emotional precipitation.

The scary thing about the colorful brocade silk is that it draws and magnifies these even unknown emotions.

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