Few people know that Yunshan Academy supports seven larks. It is said that these seven skylarks were brought back by Yun Dongzi, the founder of Yunshan Academy, and one of them was his natal beast.

No one knows where he found these skylarks, nor does he know why these skylarks are willing to live in Kaiyang Mountain instead of soaring in the nine heavens. All previous mountain chiefs only knew of the existence of this group of skylarks when they first took office.

In fact, every candidate who wants to enter Yunshan Academy is carefully observed by these skylarks. It's just that these seven skylarks have been seen before, and they have never shown any special closeness to anyone. And they themselves have never changed much, and their magical powers are rarely used. If it weren't for the occasional thoughts that made some modest demands to the current mountain chiefs, I am afraid that the later mountain chiefs would regard these skylarks as pets left by the founders of the mountain.

But three years ago, four skylarks showed abnormalities. Not only did they show a rare closeness to the four girls among the candidates, they even appeared from the darkness and perched on their shoulders. They even picked up four pieces of red silk from nowhere and delivered them to the four girls with their mouths. in female hands.

A large skylark, obviously the leader of the seven sparrows, handed a scroll of parchment to the contemporary mountain chief. There were four characters written on the scroll: There is nothing left to show.

At the time of handing over, the skylark sent out a spiritual thought: The seven sons gathered together and used their magical power again. This statement makes it clear, that is, when all seven skylarks have found their natal partners, they can only use the power of the seven sons' divine marrow to display this magical power.

Although only four skylarks found their natal partners, it was enough to make the current headmaster of Yunshan Academy overjoyed. Not only did he quickly recruit these four girls into the academy, but he also regarded them as his direct disciples. They went out together, ate and lived together, taught them diligently, and cultivated them carefully, hoping that one day they would be able to break through to the realm of servants of gods and become famous. Shake the Beidou and restore the glory of Yunshan Academy.

A year ago, when the four women's marrow power exceeded level 9, he gave them the unexplained technique and asked them to read it on their own. If they didn't understand something, they could figure it out on their own, or communicate with Yunque. , no need to ask him.

What the mountain chief didn't say was that asking him was in vain. Although he had read through this book, he had no way of understanding it, and his reading was in vain. Therefore, it is useless for these four disciples to ask him.

Although the mountain chief of Yunshan Academy handed over the technique, he still knew the seriousness of the matter and repeatedly told the four girls that this magical power could only be studied and not used. If they have the ability to use this magical power, he will tell them.

The four girls have been studying this technique for nearly a year, and they honestly follow their teacher's advice. Vaguely, they themselves knew that their current divine power could not support such magical powers at all. So I just flipped through the paper and tried to understand it individually, but never worked together to perform it.

However, Xu Shi's magical power is really powerful. The four girls all have an inexplicable trust in this magical power. Gradually, they feel that they are invincible once this skill is used.

Therefore, when they realized that their existing magical powers could not defeat the color team, they begged the four divine beasts to give it a try. However, they did not expect that the divine power consumed by this inability to use it was so terrifying. After the combined force was barely used, the combat ability was completely lost in a short period of time.

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