pinoconi, real world, daydream hotel

“It’s shift change!”

Lin Xian shouted to Liuying, who had been guarding Xing’s bedside for a day.

After awakening new power from the last battle in the dream world, Xing had been in a coma for two days.

Liuying clicked He nodded and went back to his room to rest. Lin Xian brought two stools and sat with Huang Quan at the head of Liao Xing’s bed.

“Is this child important to you?”

Huang Quan asked Lin Xian

“How should I put it, this relationship is a bit complicated to explain.”

This is not Lin Xian’s evasion, but the relationship between him and Xing is indeed a bit complicated.

After all, not everyone can believe that the current Bengtie world was a game in his previous life, and Lin Xian does not intend to say it. Go out.

In his previous life, Xing was his representative in the game. In this sense, he and Xing were the same person in his previous life, and in this life, Lin Xian wanted to take advantage of him. The fate of Xing Xing as the protagonist, and the strength that the protagonist is likely to grow up to be, seem to make Xing a tool man.

Of course, Lin Xian is definitely not a treacherous and cunning person. It is said that he is a bit of a tool man. Lin Xian actually cares about Xing very much.

As someone who has never been a parent in two lifetimes, Lin Xian would not say that she cares about Xing as if she were raising a daughter.

For Lin Xian, her attitude towards Xing is. It’s closer to the attitude of an older brother towards his young sister.

He wants to protect her safety, but also doesn’t want her to lose her ability to fly high due to his protection.

Lin Xian thought about it carefully and thought of Huang Quan’s answer.

“To put it bluntly, it feels like I have found a relative who is not much younger, but thinks like a child.”

Huang Quan curled his lips.

“I thought it was the same relationship as me.”

Lin Xian was a little speechless. Why did Huang Quan’s words still sound a bit disappointing.

And this is what Lin Xian has always ignored. As a person born on the planet next to the Void Star God, he is also the last generation. Huang

Quan He had only learned how to fight since he was a child, and his knowledge of emotions was extremely limited.

But when getting along with Lin Xian, Huang Quan just used up his limited knowledge of emotions, and she was relatively stable in other aspects.

Moreover, when they were in Orkeron, the two of them had actually done everything that a couple should do. Huang Quan seemed to know more about these aspects than Lin Xian.

This made Lin Xian realize that Huang Quan actually knew more about relationships. The illusion that Huang Quan knew everything about everything.

In fact, Huang Quan’s only knowledge came from the ancient books she read when she was alone on her home planet.

Even after escaping from the void body, she encountered a lot. Wen Wenming has learned a lot of knowledge, but has not made much progress in this area.

In fact, Lin Xian can find clues if he observes carefully. For example, Huang Quan is equally shy about kissing Lin Xian and doing something more intimate with Lin Xian..

Because in Huang Quan’s opinion, these things can only be done after becoming lovers.

In this case, they are matters of the same status, and there is no difference in Huang Quan’s view.

Lin Xian took over the unconscious man during the previous battle.

Xing’s princess hug is on the same level as the above things, so Xing’s relationship with Lin Xian is actually the same as his relationship with Lin Xian, but Lin Xian now refuses to acknowledge him after doing things that only lovers can do.

His relationship with Xing is the same as his relationship with himself.

Isn’t this the so-called scumbag?

That’s why Huang Quan is a little disappointed.

Of course, the real definition of scumbag in Huang Quan’s understanding is not small. In her perception, the attribute of being a scumbag is personal. If one person treats one scumbag, it does not mean that he will treat another scumbag.

So she is not dissatisfied with Lin Xian, but feels sorry for Lin Xing. Xian knew what Huang Quan was thinking at this time. He would be speechless until he vomited blood, and then he would give Huang Quan some ideological and moral lessons.

However, Lin Xian was definitely not willing to use his strength to read Huang Quan’s heart, so Huang Quan’s question was just that. I can wait until Lin Xian gets along to find out.

But now, Huang Quan turned his head and asked, leaning on Lin Xian’s shoulder.

“With your power, she should be able to reply quickly, why not do this.”

Lin Xian took care of Huang Quan’s hair and responded.

“I have treated her physical injuries a long time ago. It is better for her to recover slowly from the mental exhaustion.”

·· ·······Asking for flowers·· ··

·· ·······Asking for flowers·· ··


Huang Quan responded, but Lin Xian heard that there was some disappointment in Huang Quan’s voice.

“What’s wrong? Lin

Xian asked with concern

“Tomorrow is the Harmony Ceremony.”

Huang Quan whispered, and Lin Xian immediately understood what she meant.

After the Harmony Ceremony, it was time for Huang Quan to set off and continue to complete his mission.

Although it is not difficult for the two of them to meet each other with Lin Xian’s power, but After all, they had to separate.

The last time the two separated was the one with Orkeron. After that, the two didn’t see each other again for a long time, so although it was not difficult to see each other again, Huang Quan was still a little scared. After this separation, it will be a long time like last time

………….. 0

………….. 0

Sensing Huang Quan’s thoughts, Lin Xian touched Huang Quan’s forehead again.

“Don’t worry, I said no matter where in the universe you go, as long as you want to see me, I will definitely appear by your side.”

The skin-to-skin contact with Lin Xian made Huang Quan feel much calmer. Looking at Lin Xian’s face in front of him and recalling the time when the two were alone in Orkeron, Huang Quan couldn’t help but kiss him.

Lin Xian also There was no resistance, but just catered to Huang Quan’s movements. Xing on the hospital bed groaned and opened his eyes, looking at the two people in front of him with confusion.

“What are you doing?”

It’s no wonder Xinghui asked such a question. Her knowledge in this area is worse than Huang Quan.

The two people who were intimate here quickly separated when they heard Xing’s voice, feeling very embarrassed in their hearts.

Especially Huang Quan, her His face was as red as a ripe peach.

Looking at the two people’s reactions, Xing finally realized that he seemed to have said something that was not quite right.

“Uh…, how about I sleep a little longer? You guys continue.”

Xing asked hesitantly.

Huang Quan let out a cry and fled the scene quickly, leaving Lin Xian with a look of helplessness.

“It seems that it is not good for her to know nothing about this. It is better to find someone to teach her.”

Lin Xian looked at the stars and thought.

Then who can teach him? The figure of March 7 appeared in Lin Xian’s mind. Daodao.

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