Best Movie Star

Chapter 298: Shocking 8 hexagrams

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Recently, Jennifer Aniston feels surrounded by a strange voice. As long as she attends banquets and events, she can always hear people talking about her husband Brad Pitt. The first-line superstar, plus her female star as his wife, is a normal thing to be talked about.

But the words of the discussion made her unhappy.

For example, a week ago, when she was attending a sponsor's party, she heard someone say that Brad Pitt married her, not for love at all, just because she was Rachel, which would allow him to significantly increase his exposure and his career. A big step forward.

The man also gave a specific example, saying that the films starring Pitt were bad at the North American box office, and they were still getting more and more popular, and the filmmakers kept using him because of the huge attention brought by his marriage to her.

Like what Brad Pitt didn't have this marriage, there are many words that Dingtian is a second-tier star.

Although I know that stars are bound to be talked about, Jennifer Aniston is still a little uncomfortable hearing it.

She's heard a few more discussions about her and Brad Pitt in recent days.

Especially when I went to a fashion event a few days ago, I vaguely heard a female model say that Brad Pitt sometimes took advantage of her to go out to work, and directly led people to mess around at home, and often brought in a female nanny... …

The day before yesterday, Jennifer Aniston went to New York to run an announcement. The original plan was to come back the day after tomorrow. She deliberately returned to Los Angeles ahead of time without saying hello.

In fact, about Brad Pitt, there are a lot of rumors about him and other female stars in the circle. For example, some time ago, a tabloid swore that he was involved with Angelina Jolie. Jennifer Aniston's response to these If you don't believe it, which star in the circle has not been rumored to be?

The person who heard others talking was her own nanny. Jennifer Aniston didn't know why, but she always felt uncomfortable in her heart. She always trusted Brad Pitt very much and worked hard to manage marriage and love.

But the young female nanny at home was indeed hired by Brad Pitt...

This time, she came back early because she wanted to completely reassure herself and use the facts to break the rumors surrounding her ears.

Stepping lightly into the mansion, Jennifer Aniston hung up her purse, but did not find the female nanny. Every time she came back, the nanny was almost always waiting at the door.

She kept calm, put on soft-soled slippers, walked around in the living room, pricked up her ears and listened, there seemed to be a sound coming from the bedroom, she lightly stepped again and came to the door of the master bedroom.

The door to the bedroom was not closed, and a crack was exposed. Jennifer Aniston only glanced in, and it was as cold as if she had fallen into an ice cave.

There were three people inside, Brad Pitt was standing in the middle of the bedroom, and the nanny was kneeling on the carpet in front of him with her mouth wide open...

On top of her and Brad Pitt's wedding bed, there was still a person lying crookedly, Angelina Jolie was looking at Brad Pitt and the nanny with great interest.

Jennifer Aniston was shocked and couldn't believe it. She reached out her hand subconsciously and pushed open the door.


The door opened, and the three people inside turned their heads to look over and saw Jennifer Aniston, the hostess here.

The female nanny was shocked and quickly stood up.

Brad Pitt hurriedly put on his pants and was a little stunned.

Angelina Jolie smiled and waved at Jennifer Aniston, "Hi, Jane, are you together?"

Brad Pitt turned his head and glared at Angelina Jolie, and said to Jennifer Aniston, "Jane, things are not what you think, you listen to me explain."

After all, she is a person who has worked hard all the way from the bottom of Hollywood. Jennifer Aniston's ability to bear is not particularly bad. She didn't say anything, and pulled the door behind her back. Because of the great force, the door slammed loudly. ring.

At this time, no matter what she said, or what the people in the bedroom said, it was actually unnecessary, because the facts were right in front of you.

Jennifer Aniston turned and walked towards the door.

Outside the mansion, two paparazzi belonging to TMZ were staring at the door of the mansion under the cover of thick trees by the roadside, and one of them was still talking on the phone.

"Yes, I'm pretty sure," the paparazzi whispered into the phone. "Miss Boyar, Jennifer Aniston has gone home, and nothing is going on. Everything is normal."

He squeezed out a wry smile, "We've followed your instructions for a week, and we haven't found anything. We can't sneak into their house to shoot, right? Then you're going to the police station to bail us..."

The paparazzi next to him poked him and said, "There is a situation!"

The paparazzi also posted, "Let's not talk about it, I have big news here!"

After finishing speaking, he and his companions raised the camera one by one, and the other raised the camera and aimed at the door of the mansion, only to see Jennifer Aniston running out wearing slippers, Brad Pitt chasing out disheveled, the two of them obviously In the quarrel, it seems that something really went wrong.

Then, Angelina Jolie walked out of the two people's home leisurely, Jennifer Aniston questioned Angelina Jolie, and Jennifer Aniston could be vaguely heard accusing Angelina Jolie of interfering with her and Boo. Rad-Pitt marriage.

Here, the two paparazzi looked at each other and could see each other's excitement. This is definitely a big news with a super sensational effect!

Finally, Jennifer Aniston got into a hailed taxi and Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie were back at the mansion!

The paparazzi who made the call took out his cell phone again and dialed a number, "Miss Boyar, it's me! Yes, yes, great news! Go directly to the boss and let him keep the front page of the website's homepage. Christian and I are going back now."

Hanging up the phone, seeing Brad Pitt driving away Angelina Assistant, the two paparazzi stopped and hurried to the editorial office of TMZ.

The two came to TMZ and immediately saw their immediate boss, Irina Boyar. Irina Boyar only watched it once, and entered the editor-in-chief's office with the person and the video.

According to the style of traditional entertainment media, such huge scandals involving first-line stars are generally greeted with stars and agents before publication. After all, entertainment media and stars are not completely opposites.

But TMZ is not a traditional media. In the fiercely competitive Internet age, such big news is urgently needed to establish its position in the industry.

So, an hour after Jelena Boyar entered the editor-in-chief's office, related pictures and videos were hung in the most prominent place on TMZ's website.

The two paparazzi got a lot of bonus checks and continued to go to the news line with Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston in high spirits. Irina Boyar returned to her office in a particularly good mood. With this news, her position in TMZ is getting more and more stable, and her chances of climbing up are getting bigger and bigger.

And she's also shown value to TMZ management that getting news like this is enough to make TMZ executives know that she has enough sources in Hollywood.

At the end of the day, working with Matthew Horner and Helen Herman has brought her huge benefits.

She picked up the phone and dialed Helen Herman's number.

"Helen, it's me, Elena." Elena Boyar reminded, "In another ten minutes, pay attention to the homepage of TMZ!"

"Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston?" the phone asked.

Elena Boyar said, "My people have captured great news." She said with a smile, "Thank you for the information you gave me."

"It's nothing." Helen Herman on the other side of the phone said flatly, "You're welcome."

Every time she talks to Helen Herman, Irina Boyar finds it boring. Helen Herman's flat tone always makes her feel that she is facing a sexual indifference.

Elena Boyar decided to end the call, saying, "Also, say thank you to Matthew for me."

Before that, she had met Matthew once and knew that this was the gossip he heard from some people in the circle. Originally, she also had the attitude of giving it a try. After all, every time Matthew provided news, most of the news changed. became a fact.

Unexpectedly, the matter is far more amazing than the news provided by Matthew. The paparazzi under her did not photograph Brad Pitt having an affair with the nanny, but they photographed Angelina Jolie intervening in Brad Pitt and Jennifer - The video of Aniston's marriage, the conversations of several people in the video, all show that Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie were directly caught and raped in bed by Jennifer Aniston!

It is no exaggeration to say that this event will make a sensation in the United States and even the whole world!

Just as Elena Boyar estimated, once the videos and photos on the TMZ website were the national public was in an uproar. And the third party is the infamous Angelina Jolie.

The entire world of entertainment media is in a frenzy.

Later, more news began to appear, but Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston, who were the parties, have not responded positively.

Just two days later, there was super explosive news from Angelina Jolie. Angelina Jolie fainted in the recording studio during the post-production dubbing of "Alexander the Great" and told director Oliver - Stone and a group of staff present said they were pregnant with Brad Pitt's child.

As soon as the news broke, Jennifer Aniston convened a press conference, and the agent and spokesperson for Jennifer Aniston issued a positive and touching statement when love is a thing of the past, saying that Jennifer Aniston Dayton and Brad - Pitt's marriage has come to an end, and there is no room for redemption.

(Pitt did have a babysitter. It is said that Jolie and Pitt were caught directly by Aniston. Jolie fainted on the set of the Smiths, and then told people that she was pregnant with Pitt, which was probably intentional, and then made public. I Put these things together.)

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