Best Movie Star

Chapter 412: movie picnic

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Regarding the negotiation of "I Am Legend", Matthew handed over all the responsibility to Helen Herman. What he needs is an ideal result, not a detailed negotiation process.


Although he knew that Will Smith was also working on the actor, he didn't take it too seriously.


In the latest negotiation, Helen Herman's late-stage share was reduced to 5% of the global box office. Although there was still no agreement with the "I Am Legend" crew, this bargaining drama also It showed a certain effect, and the salary offered by the "I Am Legend" crew increased from $15 million to $16 million.


Although the distance between the two sides is still far away, it also shows their sincerity that they still want to continue their cooperation.


It is normal for a male protagonist of a major Hollywood production to have multiple actors competing. If you want to get the role, you need to look at the actor's hard power, relationship network and the operation of the agent.


In terms of hard power, if he goes back a few years, Matthew will definitely be at a disadvantage, but Hollywood producers are mostly watching the box office results of the movies starring in the past three years, and Matthew is undoubtedly at an absolute advantage in this regard.


Will-Smith has starred in movies in the last three years, including "Men in Black 2" in 2002, "Jedi Men 2" in 2003, "Me and Robot" in 2004, and the just-released "Enemy of the People" .


Compared to Matthew, the box office results of his films in the last three years are obviously at a disadvantage.


There are even films like "Jedi Boys 2" that lost money at the box office and finally recovered the cost through DVD.


Matthew based on the feedback from Helen Herman in recent days, it is not difficult to judge that he is still in the preferred position of Akiva Goldsman and the "I Am Legend" crew.


Of course, the earth will turn around without anyone. Hollywood is still the most powerful industrial center of the world's film industry if it lacks any superstar. What role does it play in negotiations involving millions of dollars or even tens of millions of dollars? If the final conditions cannot be negotiated, it is not impossible for Akiva Goldsman to choose someone else.


Entering March, as soon as the Academy Awards ceremony ended, the promotion of "Pirates of the Caribbean: Gathering Souls" gradually began to exert force. Matthew temporarily left the "Three Hundred Spartans" crew to participate in various promotions planned by Disney Pictures. Activity.


At the same time, the crew also released a new batch of promotional posters, featuring Jack Sparrow, Will Turner, Elizabeth Swan and David Jones, and entered major North American majors early in the morning. Cinema poster column.


Matthew also appeared in a theater in Los Angeles, where he unveiled Will Turner's personal poster. Whether it is him or Disney Pictures, they attach great importance to the promotional effect of the poster.


I am afraid no one will deny the importance of movie posters, because the impact on people is too great, it can be posted on street walls, newspapers, magazines and TV, its light can shine on thousands of fans.


Also, there can be multiple posters for the same film, each with a different focus, so that they can appeal to different groups of people.


For example, the first poster of Will Turner was designed to be hot, so as to attract enthusiastic young people; the second poster of Will Turner and Elizabeth Swan, which was closely followed, highlighted the film. "Romantic", so that it can win over the hearts of many women.


At present, a good poster designer is paid a lot, and the salary of the poster designer of "Pirates of the Caribbean 2: Death Man" is as high as $750,000.


Afterwards, Matthew flew to New York to participate in a movie picnic that the crew convened in a large park in New York.


For this picnic, Disney Pictures invited more than 200 entertainment journalists from the industry to attend.


"To face those annoying entertainment reporters."


In the temporary parking area of ​​the park, Keira Knightley, who was wearing makeup, sat in Matthew's makeup trailer and muttered, "What a headache."


Matthew shrugged, "There's no way, just do things with money."


Keira Knightley muttered dissatisfiedly, "Why can't Depp come?"


"The crew will have a similar promotion at Disneyland Paris the day after tomorrow." Matthew contacted Johnny Depp before he came to New York. "Depp has to face more European entertainment journalists, and it is estimated that it is more difficult than us."


"Is that so..." Keira Knightley bit her lower lip and said, "I'm mentally balanced."


Matthew put on his coat, came to Keira Knightley, patted her on the shoulder, and said, "This is a business event, it's no different from a briefing, we're going to give entertainment reporters a little sweetness and let them Write more positive stories."


Keira Knightley sighed, "I know that media reporters are very important to us actors and the movies we star in."


As she gets older, her experience also increases.


Matthew nodded and said, "The relationship between film and entertainment media is inseparable today. If the film production company does not have the media to market the film, the film's performance will be greatly reduced; on the contrary, the entertainment media also needs the support of the film production company. Only then can it better exert its influence and attract more readers or audiences.”


News has penetrated into the entertainment industry, and the entertainment industry has also been immersed in news. Any hype about the film industry in the press will bring economic benefits to the film industry.


"Okay, don't show off the poor knowledge you got from Helen Herman." Keira Knightley hit Matthew first, as always, and reminded, "It's almost time, let's go out quickly. Bar."


She came over and took Matthew's arm. Matthew took her out of the makeup trailer and walked slowly to a huge lawn under the guidance of the staff of Disney Pictures.


Many members of the crew and senior executives of Disney Pictures have had a heated fight with entertainment reporters. There are many long dining tables on the lawn, and the dining tables are full of various foods and drinks. Since it is a picnic party, of course, the buffet is indispensable. style dining.


Matthew and Keira Knightley are the last ones to show up. This is also a Hollywood practice, and the biggest names tend to appear last.


Soon, the reporters gathered around, and under the reminder of the public relations manager of the crew, Matthew also separated from Keira Knightley, so that he could cope with more reporters and achieve better publicity purposes.


Around twenty male and female reporters, Matthew was still at ease. Before the reporter could ask questions, he said first, "Everyone, I haven't had breakfast since I got off the plane this morning, can you give me something to eat first? thing?"


Although it was a picnic, the entertainment reporters knew that the purpose of coming here was not to eat and drink.


Matthew simply pointed to an empty round dining table not far away, and said, "Let's all go get something to eat, and then go sit down there, eat and chat, okay?"


After speaking, he didn't wait for the reporter to answer, and clamored for a long dining table for food. The reporter finally remembered that this was the home of the crew and took the initiative to make way for him.


Matthew picked up the china plate, chose a few favorite meals, poured another glass of water, and came to the round dining table. Just as he sat down, reporters with plates came over one after another and sat on the other side. on the seat.


Soon, all the seats were filled, and later reporters had nowhere to sit, so they simply sat on the grass.


Matthew took a bite of the vegetable salad, nodded, and said, "Well, the chef is good today, and the taste is okay."


Sitting on his left was a bald middle-aged male reporter. He quickly asked, "Matthew, can you ask questions?"


Perhaps because of the atmosphere at the scene, the reporters seemed to be a little more polite at the moment.


Of course, these are all entertainment reporters invited by Disney Pictures. They all know some unwritten rules about tacit understanding. Even if they want to go wild, they won't choose this place.


Matthew put down the knife and fork, picked up the napkin, wiped his mouth, and said, "Okay."


The next moment, more than a dozen arms were raised on the dining table, and on the grass around the dining table, everyone raised their hands.


"You ask first." Matthew pointed to the bald middle-aged male reporter and said.


The bald middle-aged male reporter was also polite and asked directly, "Matthew, you are a big star now. Do you think it is difficult to treat your fame correctly?"


"This kind of thing is not very Matthew sees that the problem is not sharp, but he is relatively friendly, and slowly said, "There are many very kind people who recognize you outside and will come over to meet you. Say something nice, this kind of thing won't affect you too much, and your life won't change because of it. I've always felt like a professional actor, and while I do get recognized in a lot of places, I don't consider myself a very famous person. "


As soon as he finished speaking, many reporters raised their arms. Matthew pointed to a female reporter sitting on the grass. The female reporter immediately stood up and asked, "When you are frustrated in work and life, which one do you usually use? Ways to inspire yourself to get back on your feet?"


Matthew scratched his eyebrows, "Sense of humour!" He thought for a while, then explained, "When you have a problem, unless you can see the funny side of it, it's hard to get past this level. If you take your life too seriously, it's not going to be easy. So having a good sense of humor can help you see the brighter side of things."


Next, he ordered a young male reporter sitting across from the dining table.


Compared with the two reporters just now, the question of the male reporter was more in line with his reality.


"Matthew, my cousin just went to Los Angeles this month and wants to enter Hollywood," he asked. "As we all know, you are a star who has come from the bottom. What can you give my cousin, or someone else who has just entered the industry. And some opinions and advice for newcomers and actors who have just entered the industry?") Download the free reader!!

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