Best Movie Star

Chapter 814: terrifying box office

Hollywood commercial films and even commercial films all over the world have a category of fans. The film itself has a very poor reputation. From the media to film critics to fans, they all think it is a bad film. Even the starring audience group, after watching most of them. People also feel that it is not good, but the attendance rate is surprisingly high.

For example, "Blair Witch" in the 1990s, such as this year's "Transformers 2", such as "Hancock" starring Matthew two years ago, are all typical.

Even those who have repeatedly contributed to the box office after watching it several times actually think that the film itself is not good.

But the movie is a hit.

The "Twilight" series will undoubtedly become the representative of this genre.

Rick Butler, head of ticketing site Fandango, said long before the release of "Twilight Saga: New Moon": "For many fans, "New Moon" is obviously their most anticipated movie event."

The influence of the first book, the hot sale of the original book, and the extremely targeted announcement have all contributed to the astonishing popularity of "New Moon".

The production cost of a mid-sized production of just over $50 million was insane from the very beginning of the premiere.

Teen fans are crazy, Hollywood is crazy, even Matthew, who is used to big scenes, is a little crazy.

Because the box office numbers are staggering.

As soon as the premiere ended, Matthew got the latest North American pre-sale statistics for "Crescent Moon", which was close to $51 million in first-week box office pre-sale, allowing "Crescent Moon" to easily surpass "The Dark Knight", "Harry Potter and the The Half-Blood Prince and Fast and Furious 4 are the No. 1 North American box office pre-sales on record.

Fandango surveyed 2,000 netizens who pre-ordered movie tickets for Crescent Moon, and 98 percent said the trailer and characters in Crescent looked better than Twilight; 7 percent said Twelve percent said they planned to go to the cinema with three or five friends; 52 percent said they yearned for vampires; and 10 percent planned to dress up as a character from the "Twilight" series.

Seeing this data, Matthew's biggest feeling is that the success of the "Twilight" series is closely related to the vampire coat. If this vulgar love story hadn't been repackaged in the vampire coat, the effect would never be as good as it is now. .

Vampire culture is indeed deeply rooted in the West.

Although Matthew has certain psychological standards, he thinks that the box office of "New Moon" will be conservatively estimated at 90 million US dollars in the first weekend, but when the box office statistics in advance are released, he is still a little surprised and a little crazy.

Because $27.5 million can shock even the most calm person!

The previous record for the early box office belongs to the "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince" released in mid-July, with an accurate statistics of 22.07 million US dollars!

The "Harry Potter" series used a full five films, and it has only accumulated a large number of fans from 2000 to the present for nearly ten years.

But just four months later, Twilight: New Moon has raised that record by over $5 million!

North American box office analysts generally expect that the view of "New Moon" is that the huge fan base has continued the popularity of "Twilight" from last year to the release of "New Moon", and the enthusiasm of fans is likely to make "New Moon" a new record. Miracle became the biggest winner at the box office in North America this year.

Compared with the sharp rise at the box office, the word-of-mouth of "Crescent Moon" is rapidly rotting at a speed never seen before in a Hollywood blockbuster movie.

In addition to fans, from the media to audiences to film critics, the word of mouth is terrible.

The film was met with double condemnation from critics and fans alike. On IMDb, the average score of nearly 20,000 users is 4.5. The freshness of Rotten Tomatoes is only a poor 29%. In terms of media, 43 media have a comprehensive score of C-, and the audience score of Cinema is also Only poor C.

Famous film critic Roger Ebert gave "Crescent Moon" only one star, saying, "The characters in the film should really be arrested, I don't know what they're hanging around for, and the process of watching this film is so overwhelming. It's like walking slowly with a tractor."

Another critic, James Pladinari, said: "The quality of the film is poor, the plot is fragmented, and the dialogue and acting are terrible."

Some critics said, ""Crescent Moon" weakens the vampire element and makes people less excited."

As for the evaluation of movie fans, as long as the male audiences who are a little older, leave no good words from the theater.

A loyal reader of "Twilight" said, "As an adult male, I have read the whole of "Twilight", and I think the book is more interesting. And the performance of the actors in "Crescent" is quite rigid, which makes the characters lose It's a pity that it lost its original appeal."

More extreme male fans said: "I think 'New Moon' is like a 'steamy' poop. There is no bright spot, not at all. I would rather be shot than watch it again."

More people said that the first film was bad enough, but the second was worse than the first.

However, there are also exact statistics showing that in a survey of all special audiences, "Lunar Eclipse" won a high score, that is, it won the favor of female audiences!

Numerous female viewers expressed their satisfaction with the film and have already begun to look forward to the release of the third film.

No one can underestimate the power of female fans.

A man and a woman want to make an appointment to go to the movies. In most cases, what to watch is basically decided by women, especially young men and women.

In the face of numerous negative comments, "Crescent Moon" also has its own advantages. Matthew's strategy is to remain constant and adapt to changes. The main audience of the film is teenagers, and audiences in this age group don't care much about comments.

Empire's lyrical reviews speak for the hearts and minds of the fans who loved the film - if you could fit into the film's love, you'd laugh, you'd cry, and you'd be dazzled.

Without market research, there is no right to speak. Matthew and Walt Disney have conducted a joint survey long ago, and they are very sure of one thing. Ninety percent or more of the audience of the "Twilight" series is precisely ninety percent. back.

What's more, "Crescent Moon" is a sequel, a sequel to a blockbuster movie.

Hollywood has staged too many myths of overnight fame, so that producers who have tasted the sweetness began to write chapters, and only then did Spider-Man return to the rivers and lakes, Batman roams the night sky, and Superman returns again...

The big-budget movie is always a commodity that sells money, the producer is always a profit-seeking animal, and the audience is a generous god, turning the steady stream of gold coins in the pocket into terrifying box office numbers in the theater. And now, "New Moon" is finally here. It has faded away from the prudent and green dark horse attitude of the first film, and has mainly become the cash cow that many theaters have been waiting for for a long time during this Thanksgiving holiday.

"Crescent Moon" is not without its competitors. This weekend, there are two large-scale films released, namely Sandra Bullock's "Weakness" and Sony's 3D animation "Planet 51". .

In front of these two competitors, there is no need to talk about what "Twilight" is in the publicity.

Since the release of the first film of "Twilight", the owners of major bookstores in the United States are all grateful to Matthew. The sales volume is not necessarily a guarantee of quality, but it must meet a certain demand of the society. One way is reflected in the market, is the movie box office.

Movies and books have had some kind of mutual synergy after the years of ebb and flow, which is the fundamental reason why bestsellers are often made into movies, or books continue to sell well as a derivative of movies.

If the consumption core of the "Harry Potter" series is aimed at the innocent and bright children's collective, then the infinite fans of "Twilight" are the youth of cardamom age. Books and movies with pure love theme are exactly the same. It is the best emotional textbook for teenagers and girls. At the age of the beginning of love, every young girl in Huaichun will be moved by such a romantic story.

Therefore, "Twilight Saga 2: New Moon" set a new record at the box office on the first day.

The single-day box office record in the North American film market is held by "The Dark Knight". Christopher Nolan's realistic superhero film is almost a benchmark for both box office and word-of-mouth explosions.

But a film with a bad reputation from professional to audience broke the record set by "The Dark Knight".

Hollywood has witnessed too many miracles of bad movies and high box office complementing each other.

"Twilight Saga 2: New Moon" opened in 4,024 theaters, and the results lived up to Matthew's expectations. On the first day, it opened a score of 77.7 million. This number suddenly broke the original "Dark Knight" maintained. 67.17 million, the first day box office champion.

On Saturday and Although due to word of mouth and fan consumption, the single-day box office of the film has experienced a huge decline. In these two days, there are still 42.5 million US dollars and 31.6 million US dollars in receipts.

In the first three days of the first weekend, "Twilight Saga: New Moon" opened a staggering $151.8 million at the box office in North America alone, and the single-house box office exceeded $37,000!

This number means that "New Moon" has won N box office records: the first week of box office since 2009; the first day of the box office in history; the first one-day box office in history; the fastest in history to reach 100 million box office movie of.

In addition, "New Moon" is also the lowest-invested film in the top 20 box office charts in the history of the entire first weekend.

Don't think too much, Matthew also knows that the huge success of this film at the box office will become a topic of discussion among book fans, movie fans, media workers, marketing lecturers and other people for a long time. .

I think at the beginning, this series couldn't even sell the copyright, and the script stayed in Paramount Pictures for more than half a year without paying attention. As a result, he became such a dazzling new star in his hands. No matter how the media and the circle describe it, about His vision will become the talk of the big book.

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