Best Movie Star

Chapter 822: Teacher Ma practicing photography

Morning light came through the window, illuminating the spacious bedroom. In front of the huge floor-to-ceiling windows, Jennifer Lawrence squatted on the thick carpet, raised her head and closed her eyes, trying her best to keep this posture so that the things on her face would not flow down.

She worked hard last night, and she worked hard in the early morning, and this morning, she worked even harder!

Matthew Horner would play with him whatever he wanted to play; wherever Matthew Horner wanted to use it, she would obediently give it to him; Matthew Horner wanted to take pictures, and she put on all kinds of **** poses Let him take enough shots.

Only when Matthew Horner is happy can she get what she wants.

Feeling the flow of things on her face, Jennifer Lawrence opened her eyes, and Matthew, who was opposite, didn't know where to go.

"Hurry up, hurry up, Matthew!" She wanted to keep her head raised, and she didn't dare to open her mouth, so she could only vaguely say, "Come over here to take pictures, the fairyland of urban rebirth is back! If you don't take pictures, it will all flow down! "

Matthew put on his nightgown, walked back with the latest kidney machine, brought up the camera recording interface, stood in front of Jennifer Lawrence, pointed at her raised face, and pressed the shooting button one after another.


The sound of shooting sounded, and Matthew looked at it while taking pictures. These photos made him unconsciously think of what he had seen on the Internet.

At that time, he was very curious about who was shooting, but he didn't expect that he would have the opportunity to shoot now.

Take a few photos from the front, and then shoot from the left, and then shoot from the right after the left is finished.

"Okay, okay?" Jennifer Lawrence couldn't keep her posture. "Come on, my legs, face, and neck are all numb."

Matthew took two steps back, and the camera of the mobile phone continued to focus on Jennifer Lawrence, reminding, "Jane, hold on for a while, it will be fine."

After the facial close-ups, he took some full-length portraits of Jennifer Lawrence.

However, in the full body portrait taken, the things on the face are not as clearly visible as close-ups.

"Okay." Matthew pulled Jennifer Lawrence up and patted her naked body, "Go take a shower."

Jennifer Lawrence took the tissue handed by Matthew, wiped her face and said, "It all went into my mouth." She walked towards the bathroom. Before entering the bathroom, she turned around and became that With a cheerful look, "Prepare one for me, I want it too."

Matthew lifted the phone and shook it, "No problem."

A faint sound of water soon came from the bathroom. Matthew turned on the computer, connected the mobile phone, carefully selected the photos, and deliberately selected some of them to pass the test to the USB flash drive.

Since Jennifer Lawrence wants it, of course he will not refuse it, but these selected photos are all of Jennifer Lawrence's ethereal path in a different world.

Some things, Matthew has always been very careful and attentive.

After finishing this, he put the USB drive next to Jennifer Lawrence's phone, the bathroom door opened quickly, and Jennifer Lawrence came out, the little white spots on her face before, had been washed clean.

"Your photos are here." Matthew pointed to the USB drive next to the phone, "Don't forget to put it away."

Jennifer Lawrence walked over cheerfully, as if afraid of forgetting it for a while, put the USB drive in the bag first, and said, "I will keep these photos, which are our best souvenirs."

Matthew nodded, suddenly remembering the photos he had seen before, and reminded, "Go back and put the USB drive away, don't put it in the cyberspace or something. Hackers are very powerful now."

"Ah..." Jennifer Lawrence nodded subconsciously and said, "I remember."

Hearing her say that, Matthew felt like he had done another good deed to save Jennifer Lawrence from the troubles she might face in the future.

It was only after six o'clock, and neither of them was sleepy. Matthew picked up the iPhone again while Jennifer Lawrence had just taken a shower and hadn't dressed.

He fully learned the spirit of Mr. Chen's hard work in photography, and took many photos of Jennifer Lawrence.

In fact, Jennifer Lawrence is not the first mannequin he practiced photography. There have been many before, such as Nina Dobrev's rhythmic gymnastics, all of which have been videotaped with cameras.

However, he kept all these in the safe, and didn't save it on the computer at all. If the computer was repaired someday, wouldn't it be a tragedy?

Although the old beauty is very tolerant towards the things that these men and women voluntarily shoot, few people are on the line, and even if it is exposed, it will not be indecent and lead to fading out of Hollywood, but Matthew thinks that he is still very principled. The likes of Nina Dobrev and Jennifer Lawrence can't be taken unnecessarily at risk from The Ultimate Berserker.

These things are preserved, and when they are old in the future, when they can't cut down trees, they can be taken out to appreciate and appreciate, and they can also evoke memories. Once, one or even several of the most popular Hollywood stars in the era have a close relationship with him.

That kind of spiritual satisfaction is enough to make people feel old and relieved.

At 7:30, Matthew took Jennifer Lawrence downstairs for breakfast and sat in the dining room. Jennifer Lawrence lost his appetite when he looked at the glass of milk brought by the servant.

"What's the matter?" Matthew asked with concern when he saw that Jennifer Lawrence didn't move breakfast. "Not to your taste?"

Jennifer Lawrence didn't know what to say either, she just found a reason, "I'm not hungry."

Matthew didn't understand what was going on, but he still said to the servant, "Give Miss Lawrence a Chinese breakfast."

The servant took away the milk and the plate, and soon brought another plate, which contained siomai and bean buns, as well as a cup of finely ground soy milk.

Seeing the milky white liquid in the glass, Jennifer Lawrence was about to go crazy.

Matthew was surprised that Jennifer Lawrence was not hungry at all after spending so much energy last night this morning. Could it be that she is so powerful?

No wonder she once won an Oscar for Best Actress! Really not ordinary people.

After having breakfast with Matthew, Jennifer Lawrence made an excuse to leave.

"I'm going out too." Matthew asked the driver to drive the car to the front of the villa, "I'll take you for a while."

Jennifer Lawrence nodded and asked Matthew to take her to Century City. After getting out of the car, as soon as Matthew's car left, he quickly walked to a famous burger shop next to him to get married: God of War's Pampered Wife.

Sitting in a burger shop and eating a big hamburger, Jennifer Lawrence felt a little better in her stomach. Suddenly, her cell phone rang. It was a call from her manager.

She answered the phone, heard a few words over there, and said, "Don't worry, I'm not missing, I'm in Century City now. Prepare for the next audition? Don't worry, I have a very good chance of getting Katniss, as long as My acting skills meet the requirements of the crew, and all those competitors will be out!"

Hanging up the phone, Jennifer Lawrence walked out of the burger shop cheerfully, feeling that the air of Los Angeles was really intoxicating.

After sending Jennifer Lawrence off, Matthew went to the Four Seasons Hotel to pick up Johnny Depp and Lily Depp. Just like yesterday's appointment, he played with the goddaughter all morning.

Lily-Depp said to go shopping, but only let Matthew buy a teddy bear and nothing else.

At noon, Matthew had lunch with Lily Depp and Johnny Depp. Just after the meal, Johnny Depp received a call from James Wen. James Wen officially notified Johnny Depp. , Lily Depp has auditioned for the cast of "Insidious", and the crew is ready to start negotiating with them.

Johnny Depp asked his agent, Lily Depp, to negotiate with the crew, and Matthew chatted with him for a while before going to Warner Studios.

Warner Studios has two projects invested by the No. 13 studio, "Latent" and "The Hunger Games", which are in preparation for shooting. In addition to the critical stage of formal preparations during this period, he will definitely come here often.

Matthew first went to the studio where the crew of "Hidden" was located. This project was basically handed over to James Wen. He didn't intend to intervene. He just learned about the preparation progress and left.

Then, he went to the "Hunger Games" crew, found director Patty Jenkins and producer Nina Jacobson to chat for a while, solemnly recommended Jennifer Lawrence, and suggested that the two go to see Watch 'Burning Plains' Super Perspective with Jennifer Lawrence as a Supporting Actress.

After dinner yesterday, Matthew specifically called Charlize Theron and listened to her evaluation of Jennifer Lawrence's performance. uukanshu. com took Jennifer Lawrence back to Horner Manor.

Add in the vague memories of the past, and Jennifer Lawrence should have no problem playing the role of Katniss.

As for Jennifer Lawrence pretending to be a fool to sell characters, Matthew doesn't care at all. This kind of character is very pleasing at this stage, and it is a good thing for the promotion of future films.

Leaving the "Hunger Games" crew, Matthew went around the studio where the "Green Lantern" crew was located and chatted with the executives at Warner Bros. who were in charge of the project.

The production budget of this project is as high as 250 million US dollars. It is decided that it will take a long time from planning to release. It is still in the preparatory stage. It is estimated that shooting will start next year.

Sadly, Matthew didn't see Will Smith on set.

According to Warner Bros., Will Smith is undergoing military training at Edwards Air Force Base for the shoot.

In the next few days, Matthew went to look at other projects he invested in. "Twilight: Lunar Eclipse" is still in preparation, and will officially start shooting after the new year. He also received a call from Ron Howard. On the phone, he specifically greeted the crew and handed over the role of Victoria, the female vampire, who had been vacated before, to Bryce Dallas Howard.

It is normal for the big guys who have certain resources in their hands to communicate with each other.

Bryce Dallas Howard is Ron Howard's daughter after all, and Matthew is happy to help with this little favor.

I went to Marvel Studios again and watched the progress of "Captain America" ​​in preparation. Ma Xiu officially entered the "Fast and Furious 5" crew to make the final preparations for the film's start. Read the latest chapters of "Best Movie Star Claw Machine Bookstore" for free for the first time.

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