Best Movie Star

Chapter 881: get used to being the bad guy

At the end of each year, the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences begins distributing Oscar nomination ballots to Academy members, and more than 6,000 Academy members select Oscar nominees from a list they have prepared.

At this moment, Oscar Raiders has also entered the most tense moment.

The "Black Swan" crew's journey to the Olympic Games seems to have started a sprint. The crew members touted each other, and there is no conflict in Venice at all.

Natalie Portman, who is referring to the Oscar's best actress and the golden man, has even offered two trump cards - frequent appearances in the media and various events with a big belly, and claiming that she has worked hard for eight times to prepare for the swan dance. month of ballet, and personally completed more than 95% of the ballet scenes.

The big belly is in exchange for the preferential treatment of pregnant women in the whole society; claiming to complete the scene in person is to avoid the unwritten rules of the Oscars.

It is impossible to win the Oscar for acting if there are other people dubbing or using more stand-ins.

This is pretty much the iron law of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences.

There is no doubt that Natalie Portman's strategy has been successful until the Academy distributes the nomination ballots. The former has a big belly and will not cheat, and the latter has fiance Benjamin Mipad as choreographer and dance finger. prove.

She has won the favor of countless Oscar judges, and the media wind has clearly shifted in her direction.

Matthew saw Natalie Portman and her fiancé, Benjamin Meepad, at a pull-up event hosted by Warner Bros.

Standing in the huge banquet hall of the Four Seasons Hotel, watching Natalie Portman walk through the crowd with a big belly, he had an illusion, like Padmé A in "Revenge of the Sith" Midala appeared in Hollywood.

"Including me." Matthew muttered in his heart, "Hollywood stars are all unscrupulous bad guys."

Even unborn children can take advantage of it, such a calculation cannot be admired.

Seeing Benjamin Millepide and thinking about the news from Rachel Weisz, Matthew suddenly sympathized with the dancer and choreographer of the New York Ballet, and found a fiancée like Natalie Portman. Know if you are lucky or unlucky.

According to common sense, men should be very repelled by wanting to be a father, right? When he was drinking with Michael Fassbender and James McAvoy some time ago, he vaguely asked them what they thought about being a father. Both of them expressed disgust and couldn't accept it.

Obviously, even in the relatively open entertainment industry, this is not something that can be generally accepted.

Natural children and non-natural children are often very different, as Woody Allen and Morgan Freeman experienced with their non-natural children.

Of course, not everyone is like that.

For example, Angelina Jolie, as everyone in Hollywood knows, Angelina Jolie loves the eldest son from Cambodia, not her three biological children.

Thinking of this, Matthew didn't know why, and suddenly had some bad associations about Angelina Jolie.

"It's really a habit of bad people, and they do too many bad things." Matthew muttered again, "Take everyone as bad people."

He decided to do more good deeds from tomorrow.

"Why are you alone here?"

Christopher Nolan's voice came from the side, "What are you thinking?"

Matthew turned his head to look at Christopher Nolan, greeted with a smile, pointed to Natalie Portman, and said, "What a happy couple."

Christopher Nolan also looked over there and asked, "Envy?" He didn't need Matthew to answer, he said half-jokingly, "You can also find a life partner."

Matthew spread his hands out, pretending to be helpless, "I can't find it."

Christopher Nolan smiled and shook his head. He didn't mention this aspect again, and instead said, "I heard from Warner Bros., you don't plan to cooperate with Warner Bros. actor nomination PR?"

Instead of answering, Matthew asked, "Do I need Oscar affirmations?"

The box office and word of mouth of "Inception" both exploded, and Warner Bros. also wanted to make a difference at the Oscars, and declared for "Inception" a number of awards including best actor, best director and best picture.

However, he advised Warner Bros. to specialize in other awards and not waste time on the Best Actor nomination for him.

"Uh..." Christopher Nolan only considered for a second, then said, "No need, you are the top superstar in the industry."

Matthew said calmly, "I have no interest in the Oscars at all, and the old men in the academy don't like me either. Rather than wasting resources on me, it's better to help you win the nominations for best director and best picture."

"Thank you." Christopher Nolan obviously accepted this sentiment.

Matthew is very good at talking, "We are friends and partners, so don't be so polite."

Christopher Nolan nodded slightly, then laughed.

The two chatted for a while. Christopher Nolan went to other places. In today's pull-out event, Matthew came to stand for "Inception" and Warner Bros., and Christopher Nolan was really interested in Oscar. The little golden man must deal with those old men.

Perhaps those old men who have long been forgotten by the public just want to show their presence and importance through Oscar.

Are you Christopher Nolan a cow? Isn't it a big first-line director of commercial movies? If I want to get the best director statuette, don't I have to rely on my tickets?

This is just his malicious guess. Matthew has hardly dealt with those old men, except that he knows that they are conservative and always miss their glorious so-called golden age, and he does not understand their true thoughts.

But that's enough for Matthew to deduce that they don't like Christopher Nolan and his movies.

With Christopher Nolan's preference for sci-fi genres and big productions, he still has a long way to go to win the Oscar for best director.

Oscar never liked science fiction themes.

Since the Oscar judges are all tenured, the core part is a bunch of old men in their 60s and 70s.

The conservative aesthetics of this group of people can be seen. It is almost a well-known unspoken rule that science fiction films are not welcomed at the Oscars.

For example, "2001 A Space Odyssey" only won a partial award such as the best visual effects, and the others were all nominated.

At this point, Christopher Nolan's participation in the Oscars actually has a great disadvantage.

From his own perspective, Matthew believes that Oscar is at best one of the evidences of greatness, not greatness itself.

Some filmmakers, whether they win an Oscar or not, will not affect their greatness.

While thinking about it, Matthew suddenly found that Natalie Portman and Benjamin Mipad gradually walked towards this side. Although the target was not him, both sides saw it, and they could not turn a blind eye.

"Hi, Matthew." Natalie Portman took the initiative to pull Benjamin Mipad to him, "As expected, I can meet you here."

Matthew greeted her and responded with a smile, "I'm the hero of "Inception", and the crew invited me over, and I couldn't refuse."

This is the 100% truth he rarely speaks to Natalie Portman.

Then, Matthew glanced at Natalie Portman's belly, "Congratulations."

Natalie Portman put a hand on her stomach, "I'm so proud of him."

"A boy?" Matthew asked.

"Well." Natalie Portman nodded. "It's a boy."

A slight cough suddenly sounded next to it, and Natalie Portman woke up and quickly introduced, "Matthew, this is my fiancé Benjamin Millepide. Ben, this is my friend Matthew Horner. ."

Matthew shook hands with Benjamin Millepied, and the moment he shook hands, he saw a trace of unnaturalness flash across Benjamin Millepied's face.

Does this person think I have a special relationship with Natalie Portman? Thinking too much, okay?

Benjamin Millepied exchanged a word with Matthew, and then stopped talking.

Matthew can guess that this guy is probably misunderstood. In other words, is he going to attack someone like Natalie Portman who has no physique?

"I declared the Oscar heroine." Natalie Portman has done it to that extent in order to compete with Austria, and of course she will not be polite to Matthew, repeating the old saying, "Your "Inception" is also You didn't declare the heroine's award, can you vote for me?"

Hearing this, Matthew immediately responded, "Don't worry, Nat, this ticket is yours."

Anyway, he only has one ticket, and it will not affect the overall situation planned by Rachel Weisz.

Natalie Portman laughed, "Thank you." She touched her belly, and suddenly said, "Can you make a non-point request?"

Matthew was vigilant and seemed to say casually, "Just say it."

"We have known each other for so many have been good friends who can talk about everything." Natalie Portman is very thoughtful, "Matthew, can you be my son's godfather?"

As soon as these words came out, Benjamin Mipad frowned and looked at Natalie Portman, as if he wanted to say something, but Natalie Portman pressed his eyes down.

With such a godfather, the son will be a great help in the future.

Natalie Portman is smart, and Matthew isn't stupid, and instantly finds an excuse, deliberately saying with a bit of regret, "Sorry, Nat. I can't give you the answer right now. I have a goddaughter, Deutschland. Pu's daughter Lily, I promised her that I would only be her godfather, which requires her consent."

Seeing that it could not be achieved, Natalie Portman did not force it.

After the pull-up session, she and Benjamin Mipad went straight back to the hotel, and the next morning went on to attend a media event.

Benjamin Mipad was fine for the time being and stayed in the hotel. When he went downstairs to buy something, he was stopped by someone.

It was Mila Kunis who stopped him.

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