Bestial Wolf Father Snatches Mommy

Chapter 19: 2013-7-25 23:08:07 book

As soon as Su Jinnian received the old man's amnesty, he immediately ran out to inform Su Sicheng. However, before he stepped out of the door, the scene at the hotel during the day came to his mind one after another. She is not an idiot, Su Sicheng made it so clear , she couldn't pretend to be stupid even if she wanted to. Although she was terrified that such a **** plot fell on her so unexpectedly, if she alienated Ah Cheng just because of this, wouldn't it be worse for Ah Cheng?

Wouldn't it be too pitiful to leave him alone in the dark to heal his wounds? After all, he didn't do anything wrong, he just liked the wrong person, or just fell in love unconsciously for a while.

But then again, Ah Cheng is his younger brother by blood, and he has such unethical feelings for him, no matter how you say it, it is a very embarrassing and tricky thing, and in the future, he will not be as close as before. Everything is inevitable to be taboo...

Nima ah - really nerve-wracking!

Just as he was hesitating, Aunt Lan suddenly exclaimed from outside: "Master! What's wrong with you, Master?! Oh, what's wrong with this... Missy has already gone to the master to intercede with you, I'll help you up first..."

Hearing Ah Cheng's breathless cough, Su Jinnian's heart tightened, and he ran out in a hurry, only to see Su Sicheng kneeling on the ground, with one hand propped up on the ground and the other covering his chest, in pain and weakness Coughing, as if a gust of wind could blow him to the ground.

"Cheng, get up quickly. Grandpa said that you will be fined here today. Be careful, and I will help you go back to your room." Su Jinnian lifted Su Sicheng on his shoulders, and turned his head to order, "Aunt Lan, hurry up!" Go ask Dr. Cheng to look at Ah Cheng's condition, kneel for a long time, let alone Ah Cheng, I can't stand it..."

"Hey, okay, I'll go right away!" Seeing Su Jinnian approaching, Aunt Lan breathed a sigh of relief, turned around and hurried away.

After kneeling for nearly three hours, Su Sicheng's knees were already numb, and he couldn't balance his strength when he walked with light feet and heavy feet, and his whole body was almost hanging on Su Jinnian's body.

He is much taller than Su Jinnian. Although Su Jinnian can be considered tall, but his figure is a bit thin. He usually looks weak if not weak, but now that he is resting on her shoulders, he feels very It's a pity that this kind of opportunity will probably be rare in the future.

"Jinnian, I'm sorry..."

Su Jinnian couldn't help being slightly taken aback by a hot and humid breeze blowing from the ears.

This was the first time Su Sicheng called her name.

Su Jinnian didn't answer, but silently helped him into the room. Climbing up the stairs with the last bit of strength, Su Sicheng was completely exhausted when he reached the bedside, completely fell and fell on the pillow, which startled Su Jinnian, and hurriedly leaned over his face Pat lightly: "Sheng?! Ah Cheng?!"

"I, it's okay..." Su Sicheng's face was pale beyond belief, cold sweat was faintly seeping on his forehead, and even his consciousness began to blur. He covered his chest with one hand and twitched lightly, while the other hand held Su tightly. Jinnian refused to let go of his hand, as if letting go would last forever, "Sister, don't go...don't leave me...don't, leave me alone..."

Hearing this, Su Jinnian's heart skipped a beat, as if he had been stabbed by something sharp.

It can't be done, this child is too poisoned and has a stubborn temper. If he gets stuck in the quagmire, ten cows can't be pulled back. What should we do? !

"Little Ning, how is Ah Cheng?!" Seeing Su Qingnian enter the door, Lin Haixuan immediately greeted him, his face full of worry, but the worry was not necessarily deep. This child, Ah Cheng, has turned his elbows outward since he was a child. He likes to help Su Jinnian's little hoof in everything. He often gets so angry with her mother that she can't eat. If it wasn't for the old lady's preference for this grandson, she wouldn't bother to care about it so much .

Su Qingyong winked at Lin Haixuan first, and then replied softly: "My sister went to intercede with the second brother, and then grandpa let go and stopped punishing the second brother. Now the second brother has returned to the room, but his face is so pale. Very bad, Dr. Cheng is examining the body of the second brother..."

"I'm going to see Ah Cheng!" The old lady slapped the armrest and stood up, and walked out impatiently.

Lin Haixuan immediately twisted the waist of the water snake and followed him: "Mom, don't worry, there shouldn't be any major problems with Ah Cheng. It's just that my father went too far this time. He punished Ah Cheng like this even though he knew he was not in good health." He, your father not only ignored you when you came forward to intercede, but also forbade us to see Ah Cheng, just as soon as Su Jinnian opened his golden mouth, father agreed to everything..."

The old lady kept a cold face and didn't say a word. She let Lin Haixuan complain angrily, but her face became more and more gloomy.

"Master Sheng's health is fine, but he fell into a coma after kneeling for a long time due to the lack of energy and blood. He needs to rest more. I'll hang a bottle of glucose for him to make him feel better."

The young doctor helped Su Sicheng get the needle while talking, and when he turned around, he couldn't help but look at the two tightly clenched hands.

"Well, thank you, Dr. Cheng." Before he could finish his breath, Su Jinnian was suddenly stabbed by the other party's inadvertent look, and hastily pulled out the hand held by Su Sicheng, forced a smile, and stood up. Get up and go to the side to pour water for Su Sicheng.

Su Sicheng was half asleep and half awake, not completely unconscious. He felt Su Jinnian's hand quickly withdraw, and there was another thin pain in his chest.

He slowly drowned in the millennium cold pool, but the only person who could save him turned his back to him and walked away step by step without looking back.

Sister, do you know how cruel you are?

You will probably never know that even if I am dying of pain, I am reluctant to give up on you. Even if I look at you one more time, it is a blessing from looking back five hundred times in the previous life.


The door was suddenly pushed open, and several people came in crowded together. Seeing the old lady approaching, Su Jinnian just opened his mouth to call grandma, but before he could say the word "milk", the other party raised his hand and was slapped Throw it in her face.

Uh, everyone, don't be sad, there was no legendary "slap", that slap didn't hit Su Jinnian's face, some people are destined to be disappointed.

Holding the old lady's wrist, Su Jinnian smiled gently: "Grandma, I know you didn't like me since childhood, but even if I made some big mistakes, it's not your turn to teach me. If If you insist on slapping me, then I will definitely tell grandpa, you know that grandpa loves me the most, if he gets angry, no relatives will recognize him..."

The old lady was trembling with anger at her rebellious words, her chest heaved violently, and she was about to blurt out some words, but she swallowed them abruptly, and replaced them with two cold words: "Get out— "

"Okay, okay, I'll get out, I'll get out now. Grandma, don't be angry. Old people's anger is very harmful to the body, because it's not worth it if an annoying person breaks the body." Su Jinnian smiled and raised her eyes, and then put on her clothes. The old lady gave Lin Haixuan a cold look over her head, flicked her long hair and walked out.

When they passed each other, Su Jinnian snorted coldly into Lin Xiaosan's ear: "Bitch...that's hypocritical!"

How boring to play with her to kill someone with a borrowed knife! There is a kind of you who put on your own clothes and go into battle, she will definitely accompany you to the end. Don't bother her with anything, if it's not for the sake of Su Sicheng and Su Qingyong, without her doing it herself, the **** can die in an ugly way!

After tossing and tossing all day, I finally got some free time. I saw that it was already twelve o'clock at night. Su Jinnian put hot water and lay down in the bathtub to soak. Sheng children's shoes "sibling love" solution ideas -

Those who know me really say that I am worried, and those who don't know me say what I want!

Ah Cheng, do you know that you almost disrupted all her plans by doing this? !

With all her calculations, she never expected such a **** stalk! Tell the director, this scene is too bad, she can't do it anymore, is it right? ! (A certain woman (with her chin raised and her proud face): Don't call me the director, call me Your Lady Queen!)

In view of the complexity and difficulty of solving this kind of family out-of-control case with serious mistakes, Su Jinnian didn't think long before giving up completely——

Forget it, let nature take its course, isn't there a saying that the boat will be straight when it reaches the bridge? Otherwise, with her IQ, let alone solve it, if she can not add fuel to the fire and make it worse, she will be thankful to the Buddha!

After wrapping up her hair, Su Jinnian was about to get up, when there was a dull thud when a heavy object hit the ground, followed by a muffled groan from a certain man.

Su Jinnian clicked his lips, hearing the sound, he probably fell hard—

No no no no... wait, something seems wrong? !

Fuck! Someone broke into her bedroom? ! Or Nima is a man? !

"Who? Who's out there?"

Su Jinnian hurriedly wrapped the towel around her body, and walked slowly over on tiptoe, but before she reached the door of the bathroom, the lights inside and outside went out with a snap, and the light in the room suddenly dimmed. Only the extremely weak moonlight shone in through the half-opened window, and swayed with the curtains blown by the night wind.

Su Jinnian's petite child's shoes also flickered along with the dim shadow—

Could it be that the house was burglarized? Who Nima is so bold? Even dare to steal things from the Su family? ! The security system of the Su family mansion is not a signboard on the street, it is just hung up for people to see, even the members of the Su family, if they don’t know the location of those organs, they forcefully barge in from the outside, and they will be able to pick it up if they don’t die Layers of skin.

-----Off Topic-----

Petanque collection!

[The source of the hot queen is the short animation "One Hundred Thousand Bad Jokes", which is quite cold, but quite interesting. 】

[The original dialogue is:

Report to the king! …

- Don't call me king! Call me Your Lady Queen!

good king! Report to the king! …

==! 】

18. Hot and lingering

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