Solim knew a lot that others didn't, as Hermione learned early on.

What Solem said in the Slytherin common room showed that he knew much more about the Chamber of Secrets than others, and what he said about Mandrake's preparation of potions reminded Hermione that if the school really It would be easy to save the petrified students, but the school did nothing, which seemed particularly suspicious.

Combining the whole incident, especially the part related to Harry, and then thinking about the Philosopher's Stone last semester, and finally the diary that appeared strangely, Hermione has reason to believe that the school...

or Dumbledore He was planning something again, and Solim obviously knew that there was such a thing, so he said something that would not pose a threat to the students' lives.

In the small classroom, Hermione just looked at Solim, waiting for his reply.

Bang... Bang... Bang, Solim clapped his hands and looked at Hermione with admiration.

"Amazing, Hermione, really amazing. Solim looked around and found that except for Silna, Neville and Draco were looking back and forth between him and Hermione in surprise.

"But this is just your guess"

"Like you said, if the school really wanted to lift their petrified state, it would have been lifted long ago. If those who were petrified had seen something……"

"So, what do you want to know from me by saying these words?"

"all! Hermione said irritably,"What does the school want to do?" What happened to the secret room?"

"Tell me what you know and I won't hold you accountable for playing tricks on me"

"When did I play tricks on you?"

"Polyjuice Potion. Hermione gritted her teeth and said,"You've discovered it a long time ago, right?""

"I didn't expose you on the spot, and I let you go. You didn't end up with the same fate as those two people. I think you should thank me. Solim said to Hermione with a smile.

"But since you mentioned this, I really want to talk about you. You are too confident, so confident that you dare to use it when you prepare the Polyjuice Potion for the first time. Aren't you worried that the Polyjuice Potion you prepared will not have enough time to transform?"

"I made it strictly according to the recipe, and its subsequent performance also shows that……"

"It's Professor Snape. If he hadn't helped... According to him, the polyjuice potion you prepared can only last about 20 minutes. Is there anything else you want to say?"

Hermione really didn't expect Solim to say such a thing, Snape? Help?"

"Without Professor Snape helping you improve your Polyjuice Potion, you wouldn't even be able to get through the Slytherin common room door without changing back. Solim added in his mind:"If I hadn't emphasized to you that you must make sure it's something from a human body, you would still be lying in the school hospital right now.""

"We...are being watched all the time?"Hermione bit her lip.

"You're incidental, mostly Potter."Having said this, Solim looked at Draco,"Do you understand now? Why did I tell you to avoid provoking Potter? The principal and professors are watching what you do."

Draco's face looked as ugly as if he saw Weasley winning the jackpot.

"This is Hogwarts - Albus Dumbledore's Hogwarts. Solim finally concluded,"Nothing in this castle can be hidden from him - including the so-called secret room.""

"So what is it for this time? The Philosopher's Stone has something to do with that person, and by the way, it trains Harry. What about this time?"Hermione began to inquire more about the matter.

"Training Potter, well, does have this purpose, the rest is not what you should know. Solim spread his hands and said,"Don't look at me like that. Even if I know, I can't tell you.""

"So you know?"Hermione refused.

"That's right," Solim admitted generously,"but I don't think knowing too much will do you any good. Some things, the fewer people know about them, the better. Sometimes, ignorance is a kind of happiness"

"Nonsense!"Hermione obviously didn't buy it. Rather than saying that Hermione wanted to know the so-called truth, it was better to say that Hermione was venting her dissatisfaction.

"So let’s talk about something unrelated. Solim smiled and said,"Do you know what happened in 1945?""

A few people looked at each other, not knowing what Solim wanted to do when he suddenly asked such a question.

"Dumbledore defeated Grindelwald and ended the war."Hermione thought for a moment and answered honestly.

"True, but I'm not asking about matters in the wizarding world. Solim continued:"In 1945, the United States tested the world's first atomic bomb. In the same year, it dropped two atomic bombs on Nagasaki and Hiroshima, Japan, causing countless casualties."

Except for Hermione, the others were dumbfounded. They didn't know what an atomic bomb was. Solim didn't explain to them. He was mainly talking to Hermione.

"What do you want to say?"Hermione asked.

Before Japan was bombed, that is, after the United States tested the first atomic bomb, in a very short period of time, wizard organizations around the world knew that Muggles had developed an extremely powerful weapon.

A weapon more powerful than the wizard's most powerful magic.

Is this even a big deal? The wizards were frightened and quickly convened a world-wide conference of wizards.

European, African, and American.

The powerful wizards in Asia hurriedly A meeting was held to discuss how to deal with the emerging powerful threat from Muggle society.

But before these wizards could come to a conclusion, the casualties caused by the two atomic bombs dropped by the United States on Japan in the same year shocked the wizards.

What kind of Can magic have such power and cause hundreds of thousands of casualties? Under the unprecedented threat, wizards put aside their past grudges, put aside the entanglements of interests, and quickly came up with solutions. The

International Federation of Wizards established a A new department - the Muggle Military Power Oversight and Management Committee.

They sent elite wizards to use magic to penetrate into the Muggles and began to supervise the Muggle military power - mainly nuclear weapons.

At the beginning, there were only places where nuclear weapons were stored , but later, air-based nuclear weapons, road-based nuclear weapons, and sea-based nuclear weapons appeared one after another.

It can be said that wherever there are nuclear warheads, there are wizards.

The worst is the wizards who are sent to nuclear submarines. They cannot eat well. The space is also small. If something happens and the submarine sinks, there is nothing that can guarantee the wizard's life except the door key.

"Maybe you will ask me. Since nuclear weapons pose such a huge threat to wizards, and wizards have also penetrated into Muggles, why not destroy those nuclear weapons and just control their leaders with the Imperius Curse or the Obedience Curse? Isn't this something easy to do? ? Solim said regretfully:"Wizards are also human beings, and politics will arise as humans.""

Logically speaking, wizards should quickly eliminate nuclear weapons that pose such a huge threat to wizarding society, but those wizards who hold power did not do so. On the contrary, for a period of time, Muggles also detonated them crazily. Nuclear weapons are becoming more powerful every time. Why is this?

"The world is not as simple as you think. There are many extremely powerful magical creatures in this world. Although most people don't know about them, it doesn't mean that they don't exist. There are also some magical seals left over from a long, long time ago, so long ago that there are no records of the seals inside. What. Once the contents of the seal escape, it is very likely to cause heavy casualties, just like the 'Headmoor Incident'"

"Black...what incident?"Hermione had never heard or seen this term before.

"You may not know the Black Death incident, but you should understand it when I talk about the Black Death. Solim looked at Hermione

"But... wasn't that caused by the plague?"

"Blackmore broke the seal, and the contents of the seal escaped, and a third of Europe died.

This was the result.

The same incident was the 'Chavez Incident' in London in 1952, which was said to be a respiratory disease caused by poisonous fog, but in fact it was a 'fog demon' that escaped from the seal, and someone raided the location of the seal.

And released the fog demon, causing the death of all the wizards guarding the seal.

Solim said expressionlessly.

The"Poison of Nothingness" that Gilvis gave to Solim was a potion invented by studying the body structure of the Fog Demon.

After Skuller graduates, many wizards will be Assigned to guard the seal, this is also an important reason why Solim wants to leave Skull.

"Do you understand now? Wizards keep Muggle nuclear weapons in order to deal with monsters that may escape from the seal. Muggles have conducted so many nuclear tests, some of which are real tests, but others are to destroy some monsters in the seal."

"Now I've told you some truths about the world, truths that most people will never know in their lifetime. Solim said:"But what's the use of knowing this?" What can you do? It's not like you can't do anything. Solim paused:"So, Hermione, there are some things that are unnecessary to know too much. I will let you know when it's time for you to know.""

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