The school finally calmed down. When the excited students calmed down, they discovered that it was only a month until they got a perfect score for the exam. Without any worries, the students began to run around and play wildly in the school again, without any sign of what was going on. The depressing atmosphere in the entire castle the past few days.

This morning, Hagrid was released from Azkaban by the Ministry of Magic.

Fudge had already learned about the situation from Dumbledore - although the diary left by Voldemort when he was 16 had a relatively large impact, fortunately there were no casualties in the school, which was the most reassuring news for Fudge.

Since it has nothing to do with Hagrid, there is no reason for the Ministry of Magic to continue to imprison Hagrid.

By the way, it also helped Hagrid overturn the case and cancel his original criminal record.

Hagrid had his wand broken by people from the Ministry of Magic in front of his face at that time.

This was a ritual and punishment, which meant that the wizard whose wand was broken was not allowed to use the wand to cast spells in the future, although Hagrid later used it hidden in his umbrella.

He used his wand to cast spells secretly, but he was still very frustrated in order not to be monitored by the Ministry of Magic.

After being vindicated, Hagrid regained the right to use his wand and his name was cleared.

But unfortunately, there is no compensation in the wizarding world. In other words, all the sins Hagrid suffered in Azkaban were all in vain. However, Hagrid didn't mind it very much and could wash it off. This was the happiest thing for Hagrid, so he came back this time with many gifts to give to Harry, his savior.

Is Harry happy himself? Maybe a little happy, but at least not as happy as Ron - ever since the Chamber of Secrets incident, Ron would never tire of bragging to everyone around him about how they defeated the heir of Slytherin in the Chamber of Secrets. Freed Hermione.

Compared to Ron enjoying it, Harry had more to think about. Harry is not actually stupid, he is just slow in the areas he is not good at. Harry is definitely a qualified Gryffindor. His brain can never keep up with the speed of his body. But after experiencing so much, Harry finally got a little enlightened.

Harry was not as excited as Ron. Looking at the students around him, Harry couldn't help but think of their attitude a few months ago: suspicious, indifferent, and alienated, as if they thought he was the attacker, but when he solved the Chamber of Secrets incident, , after clearing their suspicions, these people seemed to have completely forgotten what they had done to them.

Although Harry did not discuss it with anyone, when they went to Slytherin to inquire about the news after drinking the polyjuice potion, Harry always remembered what he heard from Solim.

Lee's comment deeply stimulated his heart.

To be honest, Harry had never thought about the problem as Solim said.

However, when Solim pointed it out, Harry realized that he had wasted his money.

Too much time.

Harry already knew from Hermione that Solim had discovered them a long time ago and deliberately let them go.

In other words, Solim's words were actually meant for Harry.

Harry always Thinking of this, he couldn't help but smile bitterly.

His shortcomings should be pointed out by a Slytherin, but Harry actually listened to Solim's words, and he was no longer planning to waste time next semester.

Although the matter of the Chamber of Secrets was finally settled, there were still some things that Harry still didn't understand.

All the clues pointed to the basilisk as the culprit that caused the students to become petrified, but the basilisk did not appear in the secret room later. If Riddle was the heir, and if he could really control the basilisk, why didn't the basilisk appear at that time?

Moreover, Hermione's attitude was a bit strange. Harry couldn't tell what was strange, but his intuition told Harry that there seemed to be something hidden about the Chamber of Secrets. When he was talking alone with Dumbledore in the principal's office, he once asked about the Basilisk, but Dumbledore changed the topic. Looking back now, the whole Chamber of Secrets incident was indeed full of doubts, but in the past Harry couldn't figure it out even if he tried hard enough.

Most of the students in the school are relaxed now.

Ron is a little distracted because of the attention he has received recently.

Harry is a little listless because he has not figured out some things.

Hermione came out of the secret room and started intense review the next day.

, the secret room incident did not affect her at all.

As for Solim, the man behind the scenes, now that the secret room matter has come to an end, he will naturally not waste time on this.

Exam? Solim is worthy, so he will not waste time reviewing.

He has made an appointment with Evans and will go to his place today.

In the world of Harry Potter, Animagus is a necessary skill for time travellers. Solim thought that since it was a necessary skill, he should learn it as well. Although it was a joke, Solim was indeed very fond of Animagus. This is the introductory magic for the so-called Transfiguration Master. If you want to become a Transfiguration Master, Animagus cannot be avoided.

Solim wants to learn Animagus, but he will not go to Professor McGonagall. Although Professor McGonagall will not hide anything, if he succeeds, Professor McGonagall will definitely report it to the Ministry of Magic. , this is something Solim cannot accept. The only Transfiguration Master in the school besides Professor McGonagall is Dumbledore, but Dumbledore obviously doesn’t have the time, and even his precious savior hasn’t learned a single trick from him. style, let alone oneself.

So if you want to find someone in Hogwarts who can help Solim with Animagus, after thinking about it, the only ones are Snape and Evans, but Snape is the first Time was eliminated by Solim.

Although Snape also had high attainments in transfiguration, Solim did not believe that Snape had not studied the magic of Animagus, so Snape There is absolutely no problem in teaching Solim, but compared to Snape, who is not easy to get along with, Solim thinks Evans would be better.

After all, the last time Snape and Evans fought, Solim Mu felt that Evans's transformation skills were stronger than Snape's, and since Evans was an Animagus, there was nothing to hesitate about.

Students in the school all know that Professor McGonagall is an Animagus, and have also seen Professor McGonagall transform into a cat. Almost all the students who saw Professor McGonagall's transformation for the first time became very interested in this magic, and then... they all gave up. There is no other reason, it is too difficult.

If you want to completely master the Animagus, the most important thing is not the complicated theoretical knowledge, but the magic power and firm will. This is especially important when transforming for the first time. You must focus on the changes in your body without any distractions, and you must have enough magic power to support the entire transformation process. Once something goes wrong, it will cause serious deformation damage.

This kind of deformation injury is not a problem that can be solved by drinking some magic potion in the school hospital. The root cause of it is that the inside of the person has changed, and the appearance is just the appearance of the inner change. If he used scientific knowledge to explain it, Solim could only think of the word"gene".

Solim had already had a general understanding of various Animagus theories before, but if he wanted to know these theories by heart, Solim estimated that even if he did nothing else, he would just do it every day. It is conservatively estimated that it will take more than half a year to study these theories.

However, Evans' words awakened Solim:"Transfiguration is not a magic pattern. Although the theory is important, the more important thing is the actual operation. No matter how familiar you are with the theory, you will make mistakes when it comes to actual operation." Wrong, that's useless."

Compared to the magic pattern which focuses more on theoretical knowledge, the transformation technique focuses more on practicality.

"Animagus are not that complicated.

"Evans said nonchalantly:"Don't be fooled by reading the book.

As long as the magic power is enough to support the deformation, then you only need to pay attention to one thing.

……"Having said this, Evans looked seriously into Solim's eyes:"Don't desertion!

Don't think about what to do if you fail, don't think about what to do if the magic power is not enough, don't think about it!

When you start to transform, focus solely on your body and don’t think about anything else.

This is my experience.


"I don't have any notes for you.

Evans shrugged,"Even if I had that kind of thing, I wouldn't be able to bring it to Hogwarts.

If you want to master the Animagus, the first thing you have to pay attention to is your magic power.

The magic power is not enough.

No matter how much you practice, it will have no effect.

When your magic power can withstand the consumption of transformation, you can start trying, but it is best to have someone next to you to watch for you, remember!

Never be alone when practicing Animagus, otherwise no one can save you if something happens.


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