Compared with Harry's embarrassment, Solim's life was much more comfortable.

Solim, who had regained his energy, also joined the team that hatched the phoenix.

According to Elrond's estimation, he should be able to come out today.

After working for seven or eight days, the two old people did not get much rest.

This made Solim Survive the unexpected.

But Elrond and Gilvais didn't care, and were even still in high spirits.

For these two old men with an extremely strong desire for knowledge, there is nothing more exciting than contacting things they have never been exposed to.

Not to mention the important role that some things in the Phoenix can play in the fields they are good at, especially the old man Gilvis, who has quarreled with Elrond countless times over this.

After the phoenix breaks out of its shell, it will eat its own eggshell. Although it is still unknown what impact this behavior of the phoenix will have on itself, it is definitely a behavior of the little phoenix that has just broken out of its shell. For some reason, Elrond was afraid that the phoenix would be born with deficiencies because it did not eat its own eggshells, and strictly forbade Gilvius' proposal to take away the eggshells.

But Gilvis was very convincing. He insisted that taking only a little bit would not have any impact. Just for this reason, the two old men would quarrel whenever this topic was brought up.

Solim couldn't help but finally had no choice.

Solim promised to leave more of Phoenix's feces before he became an adult, but left the eggshells alone.

The list that Cadmus asked for contained the feces of a young Phoenix.

In other words, except for the little bit that was intercepted, the rest had to be handed over to the family, whether it was the feces of the young Phoenix or the tears and blood of the adult.

, the ashes after Nirvana, the"three major items" of the Phoenix, all have indicators on the list given by the family.

After a long period of accumulation, the Selwyn family has already figured out the situation of the Phoenix.

Although there are differences between individual Phoenix There will be differences, but they will be within a certain range.

Even if Solim wants to leave something behind in the future, it won’t be too much.

It was not that Thorim had not thought about it, but Elrond warned that it was best not to do so. There was nothing that should be handed over. Although the materials were very precious, it was not worth getting into trouble with the family for this. Solim finally had to give up his unrealistic Xiao Jiujiu.

Due to the Phoenix incident, although the house the Malfoy family helped him to build has been completed, Solim did not have time to look at it. Compared with the house, the Phoenix is of course more important. For this reason, Solim also wrote a letter to inform De Deco.

During this holiday, Solim's original plan to seize the time to learn Animagus was completely ruined.

When the phoenix breaks out of its shell, it will be on the 8th or 9th anyway.

As soon as it breaks out of its shell, Solim can't leave.

If Solim wants to leave Orvis Manor to see his house, he will have to wait until at least late August.

, and then Elrond still has to arrange safety measures and buy furniture.

By the time these are finished, school will probably have started, and Solim's dream of learning Animagus during this holiday has been shattered.

Although the number of people in Orvis Manor can be counted on one hand, it is still very lively due to various factors: Basque, the basilisk, likes to scurry around the manor every day, and many flowers and plants are making it look like it. He was shocked, but luckily, they were all flowers and plants commonly used for ornamental purposes. Solim's Luna and Silna's Teles were chasing each other in the manor every day. Solim had never seen a snake crawl so fast.

In short, the Orvis Manor is very lively now. Equally lively is the current British wizarding world.

The notorious Death Eater, Muggle killer, and ruthless Dark Wizard - Sirius Black has escaped from prison. No one knows how he did it, escaping from the tightly guarded Azkaban prison, which is simply impossible for all wizards.

No one knows the exact location of Azkaban, they only know that it was built on the sea, and the guards were dementors, which wizards talked about in disgust.

For wizards who master the Patronus Charm, Dementors are not a difficult opponent to deal with, but that also depends on the number.

The average Patronus can drive away seven or eight Dementors.

How many Dementors are there in Azkaban? No one except the Ministry of Magic knows the exact amount.

Moreover, the food in Azkaban is extremely poor, and he has to be fed by dementors every day.

Under such circumstances, many prisoners will lose the ability to think in a short time.

The double physical and mental torture makes many people choose to commit suicide.

But why did Black escape after being imprisoned for 12 years? British wizards also wanted to ask this question, but the Ministry of Magic remained silent on it.

And compared to how Black escaped, ordinary wizards were more concerned about the safety of themselves and their families.

A wizard who can escape from Azkaban does not need to think about it to know that ordinary wizards are definitely no match for him.

The Ministry of Magic was frantically posting Black's wanted notices everywhere, especially in places like Diagon Alley where wizards were densely populated.

You could easily see one within two steps.

Black's escape from prison and the fact that he has still not been apprehended has made the British wizarding world in turmoil. Diagon Alley, which was supposed to be bustling with people coming and going, has now become bleak. Even Harry and he can only stay in the Leaky Cauldron to survive the day, because most of the shops in Diagon Alley are closed, and even if you go out, there is nothing to go shopping, unless you want to see Blake in Diagon Alley. wanted warrant.

Harry, who had nothing to do, could only stay in the room upstairs and read a book. However, there was one thing that suited Harry's liking, that is, he could use his wand in the Leaky Cauldron, which allowed Harry to Practice well here. In fact, Harry did the same. Ever since he was beaten in a roundabout way by Solim in the Slytherin common room last time when he used Polyjuice Potion, Harry has been wanting to do something. But the Dursleys' house was obviously not the place to use a wand.

But now Harry no longer has this worry. He can practice magic in the room of the Leaky Cauldron at will. Although Harry was alone, it was not boring. In addition to practicing spells, Harry would often correspond with his friends, mainly Ron, because Hermione did not have an owl.

During this period of time, compared to Harry who frequently used his wand, Solim had never touched the wand once.

In fact, Solim has been lying in bed for three days.

The last step of hatching the phoenix requires Solim's magic power.

With the help of Gilvis' various collections of magic potions in advance, Solim finally made it.

The phoenix hatched it before it fucked itself.

The price was that Solim's magic power was seriously overdrawn.

It was so serious that Solim couldn't use any magic at all now, not even the wandless levitating spell he had already mastered.

, it’s good to be out of strength all over, but Solim’s mind is groggy from morning to night, and he still has to use the water of life and death to fall asleep, otherwise he won’t be able to sleep at all.

But no matter what, after paying various prices, Solim's phoenix finally came out. Although Silna lost her temper with Solim because of the name of the phoenix, Elrond and Gilvis also He curled his lips, but since the Phoenix belonged to Solim, in the end the Phoenix was named"Ao's Ashes" at Solim's insistence.

You must know that Solim had been looking forward to this name for countless days and nights, but he didn't get it until the end. Solim's choice of such a name can be regarded as a thought.

This young phoenix now stays close to Solim every day. For this reason, Solim even asked Sirna to take Luna away. Because every time Luna sees the little phoenix, she likes to pat it on the head with her paws. Solim is afraid that Luna will eat the phoenix as a chicken when they are not paying attention, so recently they can only keep Luna away. Clicked.

Since Solim's health is quite overdrafted, other people have been helping to take care of Phoenix lately, and Solim doesn't pay much attention to it. After all, Phoenix's infancy will soon pass, and then it will be adulthood. As long as he waits until After this period of time passed, Phoenix no longer had to take care of her, so Solim was happy to be at ease.

However, no matter how leisurely it is, it will end one day. When Solim was almost recovered, he was pulled off the bed by Elrond.

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