"We...wanted to see if he was seriously injured.……"Harry said hesitantly.

"And then take a look to see if Draco is going to cause trouble for Hagrid, right?"Solim knew what these people were planning without even guessing.

"Let me tell you this. Solim was about to spread his words and said,"Draco is responsible, but Hagrid cannot escape his responsibility.""

"What! if it weren't for him……"Weasley pointed at Draco on the hospital bed and said,"……Nothing like this would happen if he provoked Buckbeak. How dare you say Hagrid is responsible! Solim looked at Weasley coldly, feeling extremely fed up.

"Draco's mistake was that he provoked the hippogriff, but wasn't Hagrid's fault for not taking protective measures and not stopping the incident in time?"

"You were at the scene. How many hippogriffs did Hagrid bring? Twelve, right? Besides him having the ability to control these animals, is there anyone else at the scene who has this ability? While Harry was still flying in the sky, Hagrid asked you to interact with the other eleven hippogriffs still on the ground. Am I right?"

"So what? This is normal teaching content."Ron said, scratching his neck.

"normal? No, this is not normal at all. On the contrary, his teaching methods pose huge safety risks"

"What nonsense!"

"According to the facts, only Draco, the fool, was in trouble, but what if there were other students who angered these animals for some reason? Can Hagrid take care of it? Obviously it can't be done. He brought too many hippogriffs, which were beyond his control. If he had any brains, he wouldn't have brought so many hippogriffs, just one or two. Will suffice. Even if something happens, it’s easy to control"

"Hermione, tell me, what did Hagrid do after Draco was injured?"

"He carried Draco to the school hospital"

"Yes, but I remember that he would do this under your reminder, right? Otherwise he would just stand there in a daze, right?"

"Anyone in that situation would be stunned. you said so……"Harry defended Hagrid

"But Hermione didn't, she reacted quickly, didn't she?" Solim didn't even look at Harry.

"He has no ability to respond to emergencies and has no ability to handle emergencies. Judging from his performance, he did not anticipate these possible situations before class. This is not a quality that a professor should have, especially if he is also teaching the Conservation of Magical Creatures class. 'Professor', the ability to deal with emergencies is a must. These big friends of yours don't have it."

"Hermione, if what I've heard is correct, Hagrid didn't take any first aid, right? He just held Draco like that, with blood all the way to the school hospital, right?"Solim asked Hermione.

Hermione nodded. She had already guessed what Solim would say next.

"As a professor of Care of Magical Creatures, being injured by magical creatures is a very common thing, but what? When one of his students was injured, he couldn't even use a hemostatic spell, and I believe that all of you here didn't know how to use this spell.

So have you ever thought about what would happen if Draco was injured again? If it's more serious, such as if the entire arm is torn off, or the stomach is torn open by sharp claws, does Hagrid 'Professor' have the ability to perform first aid measures? Or watch the students bleed to death?"

"The situation was urgent, maybe he just forgot. Continue to quibble

"forget?"Hearing that Mrs. Weasley was too lazy to argue with him, maybe, in the years when his wand was broken, he might have forgotten a lot of magic."

Hermione knew that they were in vain, Della Coe obviously wanted to hold Hagrid accountable, and what Solem said was indeed impeccable.

If Hagrid had been more cautious and only brought one or two hippogriffs to class, when Harry was flying in the sky, There is a hippogriff on the ground.

Hagrid's attention will definitely be on this one on the ground.

Even if something happens, Hagrid can stop it in time, instead of when Hagrid notices it like he did at that time.

When something went wrong with Draco, it was too late to stop it.

"Nahaig……"Hermione bit her lip and looked at Solim

"Get your big friend ready, the Ministry of Magic will probably put him on trial. Malfeasance, of course, requires the Ministry of Magic to first determine whether he is qualified to be a professor. If so, it will be treated as malfeasance. If not, Dumbledore and the board of directors will be held accountable. But no matter how the verdict is decided, Hagrid's professorship may be saved, but the hurtful Hippogriff must be dealt with."

"What does 'disposed of' mean?’?"Harry has a bad feeling

"It's execution. The Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures at the Ministry of Magic's Department for the Disposal of Dangerous Creatures will send an executioner to execute the creature."

"How can you do this! Buckbeak did nothing wrong! Ron shouted excitedly,"If Malfoy hadn't provoked him first,……"

"go out! Get out of here! Madam Pomfrey couldn't bear it anymore,"Never!" Never yell at me!"

The three of Harry were kicked out by Madam Pomfrey, but Solim didn't go out. He still had some words to say to Draco. Madam Pomfrey gave him another three minutes.

"Is this the first time you have been injured so seriously? Solim asked,"How does it feel?""


"anything else?"


"not bad. Then what?"

"Solim, do you really think that stupid guy is also responsible for this?"Solim raised his head and looked at his injured arm.

"I know that I actually had the permission of the hippogriff at that time, and I could already get close to it and touch it. If it hadn't been for me later... I wouldn't be like this now."

"This is really good. My trip was not in vain."Solim lifted up his robe, pushed the quilt in, and sat down on the bed.

"It's good that you recognize your mistakes.

But what I just said is true.

Hagrid does have to bear a lot of responsibility.

I have never dealt with Hagrid, but I know that he is indeed a pretty good person, although his brain is not very good due to his bloodline.

You and he are both responsible for what happened this time, that's the fact.

If he only brought one or two, he would probably be able to stop you from doing something stupid then.

If you hadn't done something stupid, you wouldn't have caused the current situation.

It's hard to say who has more responsibility, but how do you want to deal with it?"

Draco said nothing, obviously thinking about this issue.

"Hagrid obviously cherishes this professor's position, and you know the reason why.

You all know what happened last year.

If it hadn't been for that person's frame-up, Hagrid would not have been expelled from Hogwarts.

If you pursue this matter, Hagrid cannot keep his position without Dumbledore's intervention, but is it possible that Dumbledore will not intervene? Hagrid was brought to his current position by Dumbledore.

In the end, Hagrid will keep his position as professor because of Dumbledore's intervention.

Hagrid already owes Dumbledore a lot of favors.

One more debt is not much, and one less debt is a lot.

But if you let Hagrid go, It's equivalent to selling Dumbledore a favor.

Hagrid himself will also owe you a favor.

Can you figure it out?"

"……So, you want me to let him go?"

"Not that I hope, but what do you want to do? Depends on what your starting point is.

Seeing that Draco still didn't understand, Solim explained patiently:"If you are starting from yourself, then you can do whatever you want.

You can bring the matter to the Ministry of Magic, or even your father can use some connections to bring the matter to light.

" It's okay to stab the Wizengamot, and then the Daily Prophet will report it in a large space.

That woman Rita Skeeter will definitely not let this kind of thing pass, and your family still has shares in the Daily Prophet, hers The reports will be directed towards you, so that the fishing boat will be on your side.

If the quarrel becomes so big, Hagrid will definitely lose his position as professor in the end, because the parents of other students in the school will definitely not accept a mixed-race giant to teach their children.

Hagrid would eventually return to his position as keykeeper, patrolling the Forbidden Forest every night.

And then the Hippogriff was executed, and that was the end"

"If you don't start from your personal perspective, but from the family's perspective.

It's best to let Hagrid go.

Dumbledore has a lot of things to do.

If he spends too much energy on Hagrid's things, he will be very unhappy.

And considering the current trend of your family...

you know what I mean.

? If that person comes back and you are not going to continue to kneel down and lick his robe, then Dumbledore is your life-saving straw.

If you can build a good relationship with him now, then build a good relationship with him.

Of course, this relationship is best in private..


After listening to Solim's words, Draco didn't say anything for a long time._

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