Big Boss Villain, Don’t Turn Black!

Chapter 1053: Her curse is unsolvable

Sumu couldn't make him change his mind.

Everyone else said that she had a fiance who had indulged her in every way, but only Su Mu knew that what Wen Qing decided, then there must be his reason, which she could not change.

Su Mu looked at his back as he moved away, feeling a little sad in his heart.

Although Wen Qing was born in the goalkeeper, he has the style of a family child. He and his brother Wen Guan have been fighting in the battlefield for many years. If Wen Guan is known as a living king in the battlefield with a domineering style, then Wen Qing It is a Confucian general who gives a sense of no threat, but Su Mu knows that if a person thinks that Wen Qing is not threatening, if this person is Wen Qing’s enemy, then he is destined to die even how he died. do not know either.

With the small border country seeking peace, the borders of Da An Guo have been stabilized recently. Both General Wen Da and General Wen Xiao have been called back to the Imperial Capital. Wen Guanben is still worried about the marriage of his younger brother. Unwillingly, he turned to the beloved lord of the King's Mansion.

The General's Mansion and Qi Wang's Mansion are right, and Wen Qing and Su Mubian have justly become unmarried couples. When Huang Daoji arrives, she will marry from Qi's Mansion to Mrs. Wen Er.

Su Mu told herself to believe in Wen Qing, but she still felt uneasy. She walked back and forth three and three steps, and then returned to the teahouse after a long time.

"Sovereign!" The wind chimes were relieved. She asked anxiously, "General Wen, is he okay?"

Su Mu shook his head and sat down on the stool again. After a while, she still felt that she couldn't let go of her heart. She left the tea house again and went to General Wen's Mansion.

The generals' generals also knew Su Mu, so naturally they didn't dare to stop her. Su Mu just entered the general's palace, and he saw a tall man, who exudes a man I'm not easy to mess with.

"General Wen!"

Wen Guan paused, "Sovereign?"

There is a scar on this face, and the young man who added a bit of fierceness to this handsome face seems to be in a hurry to go. It is also an accident to see Su Mu.

"General Wen, I saw Wen Qing go to the woods west of the city alone."

Wen Guan's face changed.

Su Mu was even more anxious. "He is going to do something dangerous, isn't he?"

"Don't worry, I'll go find him now!" Wen Guan was too late to tell the next man to entertain him, and he hurried out of the general's palace with a team of men.

The general's housekeeper lowered his body and said: "If the general is gone, there will be no problem. Why should the lord go and see the young master? Madam is not at home for a few days. The young master is bored."

The young master said by the housekeeper is the son of Wen Guan and his wife. The wife of Wen Guan is called Zhao Furong. Zhao Furong was also an official family. At that time, regardless of the opposition of everyone, he was married to Wen Guan who was only a small captain. At that time, Wen Guan’s parents died prematurely, and his family was not in good condition. There was also a 13-year-old brother who had to take care of it. Zhao Furong did not complain about it. When Wen Guan went to the border to fight, she took care of Wen alone. , Take care of the young Wen Qing, everything is in order.

Every time Su Mu listened to Wen Qing mentioning this sister-in-law, she was very respectful, and Wen Guan was also arrogant. He became a general general and returned to the dynasty. After the long period of time, Wen Qing also joined the barracks. The Wen family had two generals. The voices that used to laugh at Zhao Furong never appeared again.

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