Big Country Sports

Chapter 272: Double happiness

Did China have female soldiers on the battlefield in the counterattack against Vietnam?


  Of course there is, but unlike Vietnamese female soldiers who are forced to go to the front, most of the Chinese female soldiers are medical soldiers, as well as electronic and estimated arms that fight in the rear.


   This is not that Chinese women are inferior to Vietnam, but that the Vietnamese have fought for decades, and men of the right age are not enough, so women have to take guns to the battlefield.


   In the early days of China, a large number of recruits were on the front line, mainly because the elite troops were transferred to the north to prevent the Soviet Union. Compared with the threat of a bear, the white-eyed wolves were sickened but not fatal.


   Now that the pressure in the north has eased, and some of them can even be transferred to the war zones of Guangxi and Yunnan, there is no shortage of troops. There is no need for women to go to the front to fight.


   There are exceptions in everything, just like the Soviet female **** Pavlyuchenko.


  If I have a strong will, it is impossible to force down the organization, because this makes a principle error.


   The name Mu Wanqiu sounds to know that his parents have literary youths. In this era, girls also have a lot of names like patriotism, liberation, and army building. These names are not used by many people.


   But Mu Wanqiu did not inherit her parents' personality. After she was admitted to the Third Military Medical University, she was best at shooting, and her fighting level was also good.


  After the self-defense counterattack against Vietnam began, 18-year-old Mu Wanqiu wanted to take a rifle to the front to fight the enemy, and she would be a real warrior.


   But then she was admitted to the university and was naturally rejected. It was not until two years ago that she finally came to the war zone to become a military doctor.


  Military doctors belong to non-combat units, and they belong to the category of officers in China, although the Chinese military in this society has no rank.


   Mu Wanqiu has always wanted to go to the front line, even if he is a medical soldier or ambulance!


   But she was not as determined as Pavlyuchenko, and China now does not need female soldiers to go to the front line, so until the "two mountain rounds" began, she was still a military doctor in the rear.


   At this time, the Chinese army had launched a large-scale offensive against Laoshan’s invading Vietnamese army. The artillery of the border guards carried out a 26-day artillery bombardment and devastated the surface works built by the Vietnamese army.


  At the time of the artillery bombardment, the lurking troops had already lurked beneath the attacking highlands. Among them was Li Zhenyue, who was hanging all the way.


   This cargo acted alone during the bombardment, and the locations where it appeared were far away from the position of the latent troops, but he not only helped the latent troops to cover, but also appeared in the ghost during the shelling for nearly a month, gaining nearly a hundred heads.


   This result is too much, but after being transferred to Yunnan, he not only used the Soviet-originated SVD weapon, but also replaced the Soviet original PSO-1 optical sight.


This sight can enable a sniper to quickly determine the distance, and does not need to turn the handwheel during the calibration process, so that the sniper does not need the observer to act alone. During this time, Li Zhenyue was not accompanied by the observer, but walked alone. Stole people around.


  After nearly a month of shelling, the 40th Division took the lead in launching a surprise attack on Songmaoling, which started the battle to recover the main peak of Laoshan.


   The 40th Division as the sharp knife, with the help of artillery, rushed the main force to the main peak of Laoshan several times, but was suppressed and retreated several times.


   At this time, Li Zhenyue was called over, and he needed to participate in the attack of the main force.


   Mu Wanqiu was also transferred, but her mission was to receive injured soldiers in the rear, although this time the rear was already very close to the front line.


   This is the reason for her GG. Although more than half of the Vietnamese artillery was destroyed by a month-long bombardment, some of it was hidden in the cave.


  Mu Wanqiu will not have an accident if she has been staying in the field hospital in the rear, but she took the initiative to apply to the front-line temporary treatment center to treat the wounded soldiers in a more timely manner.


  When Wu Jie received the system news, Mu Wanqiu's carotid artery had been cut by a single piece.


   It is not impossible to save such an injury, but even if there is little hope for treatment in a large hospital immediately, it is naturally impossible to put it in this environment.


   Wu Jie did not dare to hesitate and immediately clicked OK.


   After Mu Wanqiu’s carotid artery ruptures, the blood loss is spray-like, and the blood pressure of the cerebral artery immediately drops to 0, which means that the oxygen supply is lost. Anyone in this state will die of brain cells in just a few minutes.


   A few minutes have passed when the system intervened, which means that Mu Wanqiu at this meeting was already in a state of brain death.


   Then a few minutes later, the rescued soldiers finally arrived at the scene.


  But when they lifted Mu Wanqiu lying in the pool of blood on a stretcher, her carotid artery had just changed from a rupture to a broken skin.


   The difference in the effect of this word on the injury is a difference, which is equivalent to the difference between the cut throat and the neck torn skin.


Wu Jie dropped his heart when he saw it. The next thing was that Mu Wanqiu took part in the battle with a strong will. He must never be returned by the political commissar in two sentences. Instead, he should fight for his reason. It’s just a gun on the battlefield.


   But the originally planned "thousands of people" plan, at least Mu Wanqiu had no chance to realize it, who made her miss the big battle.


   The counterattack against the Vietnam Self-Defense Force has now progressed to almost three stages.


   is now the last battle of the PLA to conquer the invaded territory, but the battle to recover the main peak of Laoshan is not all smooth sailing.


   At this moment, with the help of artillery fire, the main attacking forces rushed to the main peak of Laoshan twice, but they were stubbornly resisted and had to retreat.


In the third attack, Li Zhenyue and a dozen snipers followed the sharp knife in a row. This time Li Zhenyue was also forced to bring an observer. As a result, the observer’s horrific thing was not the monkey’s tenacious resistance, nor his arm. The gunshot wound was the **** harvest of Li Zhenyue's bullets on the way.


  Li Zhenyue has long eyes and tail ears in his eyes. The monkeys who dig holes everywhere and almost hollow the mountain, the most favorite thing is to wait for the PLA to pass and then put the cold gun on.


   This is also the main method of the Vietnamese army. It does not fight hard with the front of the PLA, but uses the excavated tunnels and caves, including various bunkers and bunkers for killing.


   These tunnel-like tunnels and a large number of hidden caves can largely resist the impact of artillery fire, because this is the magic weapon that China gave to the Vietnamese in the past to deal with the US military. Now it is naturally uncomfortable to fight back.


However, these Vietnamese troops hidden under various bunkers, even those hidden in bunkers, were placed in front of Li Zhenyue like a hamster, like a turtle in an urn, as long as they dared to show their heads in his shooting range !


   Eventually, when the Jiandao even took down the main peak of Laoshan and hung the five-star red flag at the highest point, the observer recorded the victory of 63 people!


   After this result was passed to the headquarters, a group of big men couldn't help but take a breath.


   They didn't believe the World War II snipers who killed hundreds of people, but Li Zhenyue almost subverted their cognition. There may be such a natural killer in this world!


   By virtue of regaining Laoshan battle, Li Zhenyue directly brushed his record to 243 people.


After learning the number of Li Zhenyue’s kills, the 31st Division immediately applied to the headquarters to transfer him over to help the recovery of Yinshan and Balishan Dongshan, who were about to begin.


  Li Zhenyue himself also applied to go to the area where the war is about to occur. Although the command headquarters was worried that such a warrior with great merit might have an accident, he could not refuse such an application.


  Now that the rank has not yet been restored, otherwise Li Zhenyue's combined merits will at least be promoted to a lieutenant officer, and will definitely be promoted to the school level within ten years.


   recorded on the system at the moment, his current 243 results, the biggest gains are one colonel, two lieutenant colonels, and three majors.


   Of course, it is impossible to be so accurate in reality, but the "Colonel" is still recorded, because he shot down the highest officer who commanded the defense of Laoshan Main Peak by the Vietnamese Army. At that time, there were more than one witnesses.


   This is also the highest enemy general that China directly killed by sniper attack since the start of the self-defense counterattack against Vietnam.


  These witnesses were all asked to keep secret, but after the exchange, the headquarter felt that they could create a Chinese sniper star.


  Of course, even if this matter is to be carried out, it will have to wait for the next few battles to be completed.


  After Li Zhenyue’s application to transfer to Yinyin Mountain and Balihe Dongshan was approved, he had to wait another week before he set off, because there are many monkeys hidden in the caves and caves in the Laoshan War Zone.


  He next needs to roast the monkey with the cleaning team carrying the flamethrower for a week before moving to the next theater.


   Then, he just staged a perfect double spring with Mu Wanqiu in the battlefield hospital!


  Before Li Zhenyue started the cleaning operation, he naturally needed to go back to supply, and then get a good night's sleep. By the way, he went to the battlefield hospital in the rear to treat the skin trauma, and visited the observer who was shot in the arm.


  At this time, it also happened that the bosses in the headquarters came to visit the wounded soldiers. Mu Wanqiu naturally took the opportunity to make a request to go to the front line.


   But it was not unexpected that they were reprimanded by several political commissars, but these executives did not expect Mu Wanqiu's attitude to be extremely resolute, and the head iron was simply unreasonable, and even took out the words of great men to make everyone very uncomfortable.


At this time, the arrival of Li Zhenyue made a boss move, and he made a very bullying request: since you said that your marksmanship is accurate, as long as you can win this mediocre warrior, we will let you take the gun. front.


  The wounded soldiers at the battlefield hospital did not know who Li Zhenyue was except the observer, but these managers naturally knew that this was the red death that made the Vietnamese army frightened!


You little girl brags about his good marksmanship, but in the face of this Vietnamese colonel who can observe 400 meters away from the gun of the bunker with a telescope and eyeballs, it is not a single hand. Being beaten?


  Li Zhenyue of course agreed to the test, he came here to cooperate with Mu Wanqiu's acting.


   But he didn't keep his hand, or Mu Wanqiu should keep his hand, otherwise he would be hung up and beaten.


   Wu Jie bought Mu Wanqiu's "big top" for a day before the test. In this case, he had to press the matcha on the ground if he had a "Hetu".


   The final result naturally made the eyes of a group of CEOs almost fall out. Mu Wanqiu hit five empty shells with a pistol at a distance of 20 meters. He missed it until the sixth round.


  Li Zhenyue got stuck at the first shot, which made a group of bosses feel very faceless.


   After that, it didn't get stuck, but Li Zhenyue missed in the fourth shot.


   This made all the bosses look at him with contempt, in spite of their stunned faces. The subtext in their hearts was: This is the super sniper that made the Vietnamese army frightened? I bother!


   "I'm not good at pistols!"


  Li Zhenyue can only helplessly explain the sentence, but the contempt in exchange is even stronger.


   But these executives do not know the difficulty of this kind of shooting. Anyone who can hit this level with a large recoil 54 pistol is enough to prove that he is a sharpshooter.


   Of course, it’s not enough to go to the battlefield with just a pistol, but I can’t wait for the bosses to continue to embarrass this little


   This time, the two drew a simple target on a piece of white paper, and then placed it at a distance of 25 meters, using the Type 81 automatic rifle with a higher accuracy than the Type 56.


  Li Zhenyue is really impeccable after using the rifle, all five shots are in the center of the bullseye.


   But what made a group of bosses so painful was that Mu Wanqiu's five shots were also in the center of the bullseye.


   "CEO, I applied to reassign Comrade Mu as my new observer."


  Li Zhenyue put forward his ideas at this time, but he was not sure whether he would be agreed.


   It’s not World War II anymore. It’s impossible to go to the battlefield because a person’s marksmanship is good. Even if Mu Wanqiu has received combat training, this arrangement is still not in compliance.


However, he did not know that the military had wanted to portray him as a star. Mu Wanqiu, a sharp-armed medical doctor, seemed to be very suitable for partnering with him. If he was injured, he could be treated on the spot. The chance of lifting him in the future must be small. some.


   But I just don’t know how the little girl’s physical fitness and fighting qualities are. It’s not just about shooting.


  However, they can rest assured that because Wu Jie bought Li Zhenyue and Mu Wanqiu as "modern pentathlon" physical talents, and they have been upgraded to four stars, they will definitely not be inferior to the special forces in physical fitness.


   So next, the monkeys will feel what double happiness is!


  :. :

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