Big Time 1958

Chapter 529: sausage cutting tactics

"Using the U.S. reserve currency as a weapon? The KGB should give me the relevant information. Now these are not enough! Comrade Serov, our work is supported by data and facts. Don't take it as a surprise." Kosygin, First Vice-Chairman of the Council of Ministers, Under Khrushchev's suggestion, he took over the materials prepared by Serov and immediately gave them to his right-hand vice-chairman of the Council of Ministers Polyansky and Vice-Chairman of the Council of Ministers Mazurov.

"Judging from the existing information, the gold reserves in the United States are still quite fragile. Most of the world's gold reserves are no longer in the United States, and many have been transferred to other countries, that is, Britain, France, Germany, including Switzerland." Vice Chairman of the Council of Ministers Mazurov also saw clues from the existing data, and looked at Kosygin and Polyansky.

Mazurov thought for a while, as if asking his own companions and asking himself, "If we are faced with this situation, if other countries have discovered a trace of movement, how do you think we will respond once we are attacked. "

  Everyone is silent for a while, which requires putting oneself into the enemy's situation. Polyansky thought for a moment and said, "Maybe the dual-track system of gold prices is a good solution, but this requires the help of the Americans from Western Europe! Once this happens, the death of the Breston Woods system is equal to a matter of time... "The dual-price system of gold refers to a system in which two different prices are implemented in the official gold market and the non-public gold market.

"The United States will definitely not give up the Breston Woods system at the beginning. Any transformation will take time, so the United States will persist for a few years, while looking for another item that guarantees the value of the dollar to bind." Shelov stood up and walked aside Opened the behind-the-scenes world map, pointing to the country road in the Middle East, "Oil..."

  Oil? Brezhnev and Kosygin were stunned for a moment, and then nodded at the same time, but they were thinking completely different things. Brezhnev had his own strategy. In his opinion, the Soviet Union's strategic offensive direction There are two. The overall industrial strength of the United States and its allies is stronger than that of the Soviet Union, but from the perspective of resource comparison on the territory, they are not dominant. The United States is okay to say that Western European countries belong to the position where there is nothing at all, but everything must be imported. Therefore, the Soviet Union must take a two-pronged approach in terms of mineral resources and oil resources, and at the same time attack the world's oil depots in the Middle East and southern Africa, where the world's scarce minerals.

   Kosygin's consideration is how to resolve the strong currency position of the United States. The second secretary and the first vice-chairman of the Council of Ministers have different considerations. One is to want the ruble to replace the status of the dollar, and the other is to let the dollar lose its current status. This is a completely different consideration.

"We still need more detailed information and intelligence investigation, but one thing that can be determined at the moment is that you want to wait for a country to do it first, and then give the second blow. The idea is not safe. I think you KGB Once the gold market fluctuates, or the trading volume increases, you will definitely know it immediately." Kosygin glanced at his assistants Polyansky and Mazurov, exchanged glances and said, "My opinion is to do it at the same time."

"Comrade Kosygin means that we detect this movement with the intelligence of your KGB, and we mobilize funds to attack gold together. Politically speaking, this can be confusing to a certain extent. Fund flow of this scale is impossible. Hidden, Americans must know that there is a shadow of the Soviet Union, but they will also discover the country that started with the Soviet Union. In this case, there is pressure from the outside to exchange, and the inside does not know why that country will start with the Soviet Union. It’s easy to be indecisive and make mistakes in coping.” Brezhnev said in a succinct manner, analyzing the details of all aspects, asking Brezhnev to write some collections of Marxist-Leninist essays. Imagine that kind of game, it really can't trouble him.

"The second move can certainly avoid the risk, but at the same time it is easy to make the enemy feel defensive. Yura, remember this." Brezhnev smiled gently, very relaxed and the base beside him. Rilenko glanced at each other and said to Serov, "As the head of our country's security, I'll give you a task, set a time point, we are not the first to do it, nor the second to do it, but the first. One point five..."

   The first point five? Sheloff thought for a while and nodded seriously, "Understood, but I hope that the energy of the United States is involved elsewhere, and maybe it needs a breaking point."

"Breaking point? This is very simple. The first secretary has decided to provide large-scale assistance to Vietnam. At that time, we can support Vietnam in launching a large-scale offensive on the battlefield." Xie Leping, chairman of the Party and State Supervision Commission and secretary of the Central Committee, was full of Said confidently, "When the time comes to support Indonesia to launch a tentative offensive, if you feel that it is not enough, the rest will depend on your own efforts in other directions..."

   It has been a year since the US military landed in Vietnam. After this year, Khrushchev has already concluded that the Vietnam War will definitely become a quagmire similar to the Korean War, maybe even bigger. Khrushchev's refusal to intervene in Vietnam was built on the basis of no return, and now it is different, the quagmire of the Vietnam War has become a foregone conclusion, and no one will take it for granted.

   For every ruble aided by the Soviet Union, the United States would spend ten or even tens of dollars more to deal with it. This kind of business relationship can be seen by anyone who can count, so the aid to the Vietnam War has been started at the beginning of the year.

There are only a few routes for assistance. The sea route goes through the Atlantic Ocean-Indian Ocean-North Vietnam Haiphong Port. Along the way, this road has to pass through many US military bases, especially after passing through the Strait of Malacca, and finally entering the South China Sea, where it crosses Saigon and Hue. In the past, and with the mighty U.S. Navy entrenched there, the stakes were extremely high.

  The sea route first takes the Siberian Railway to the easternmost point of Vladivostok, and then takes cargo ships to Haiphong Port via the Sea of ​​Japan, the Yellow Sea, the East China Sea, and the South China Sea. The problem is that the U.S. Navy has blocked the port of Hai Phong with mines, surface ships and warplanes, and has frequently bombed the port. Those cargo ships loaded with high-value weapons such as anti-aircraft missiles, fighter jets, tanks, etc., once sunk, the loss is too great. Moreover, it is difficult for these cargo ships to escape the poisonous hands of the U.S. Navy and Air Force, which have an absolute advantage. Moreover, the United States has military bases in Okinawa, the Philippines and Wanwan, and it can basically know every move of these cargo ships (cargo ships must pass through the strait). Overland, whether Soviet aid entered Vietnam from Yunnan or Guangxi, it had to cross the whole of China from north to south.

So the KGB has one more task, how to prevent the Soviet weapons loaded on the train from being unloaded by China during land transportation, "Lieutenant General Kibanov, this is the scope of work of your General Administration of Transportation, the opponent is not ordinary According to the meaning of the Central Presidium, more than 200 million rubles of military aid will enter Vietnam this year. I don’t know how much it will be in the future, but it will definitely increase. Your work is very stressful…”

   "China? Don't worry, leave it to me. No intelligence organization in the world is stronger than us." Lieutenant General Kibanov, director of the General Administration of Transportation, said confidently.

Serov frowned slightly and said, "You have to understand that being a socialist country is actually not easy to deal with. China's domestic control is currently the strongest period in history, which is why I have not been able to carry out large-scale intelligence work. The reason is that if you want to make a breakthrough, you have to wait for more than ten years. At that time, they will open their own mouths to let us in, so your job of escorting along the way is to ensure that our assistance is not lost, other than that, don't provoke China. We are the most comprehensive intelligence organization in the world, but also consider the difference between home and away.”

   In the world, no matter which intelligence organization he is facing, Serov is worth it. But it does not mean that the KGB can be lawless. He will not go to the US mainland to oppose the FBI, and he will not face the UK and MI6 at the same time.

  One year after the U.S. landed in Vietnam on a large scale, Indonesia finally began to free up its hands to block the U.S. and signed an agreement on strengthening assistance to Vietnam’s defense capabilities. In view of the bombing of the territory of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam by American aircraft, the Soviet side declared in a joint statement issued by the Soviet Union and Vietnam: The Soviet people will fulfill their international duties to the socialist fraternal countries and, together with the allies, take measures to protect the security of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam and strengthen its Measures of the National Defense Forces.

  Shelov needs to raise funds this year and prepare to cooperate with France to do US dollars. This is the most important thing at the moment. And to start planning how to start a local counteroffensive, where to start?

"It is also necessary to raise the tension level in Southeast Asia, and let the United States invest more and cannot respond to our offensive in other directions, so after the situation in Indonesia has stabilized a little, we should ask President Sukarno to attack Malaysia, and at the same time use Sudan as the base, went south to the Congo, and tried to attack in the name of protecting the cross-border ethnic groups in the Congo. At the same time, the offensive began in Southeast Asia and Africa, and it must be loud and undisguised. At the same time, the second phase of the purge began in Sudan. Sort out the internal enemies!" Serov and the two first vice-chairmen, Bobkov and Sakhartowski, discussed how to launch a partial counteroffensive.

   "Why don't we think of a solution in the Middle East? Do we have to go to Africa and Southeast Asia to carry out the offensive?" said Bobkov, the first deputy chairman of the KGB. "Why don't we think of a solution in Iraq?"

"Because we can't afford to lose in Iraq, and in Southeast Asia and Africa, we already have a solid position." Serov gave Bobkov a blank look and said, "The sausage-cutting tactics, first of all, you can't cut too much." ( To be continued~^~)

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