Big Time 1958

Chapter 552: fight consumption

  The choice between the Sinai Peninsula and the mainland of Egypt, Nasser first protects the mainland is understandable. But Shelov is not an Egyptian, but a Soviet one. Once Israel succeeds in attacking, the Suez Canal will become a boundary river. The golden waterway that belongs to the Soviet Union will let the Americans plug in. What resolution will be passed in the United Nations at that time, the Soviet Union will be very Big loss. The special status of the Soviet Union would be weakened by the Suez Canal.

   At the same time, after taking off from Tel Aviv and central Israel airports, Israeli planes maintained a four-plane formation and sailed westward to the Mediterranean Sea. The Israeli pilots cleverly used Mount Judian to block and evaded the search of the Jordanian radar network. Subsequently, the plane flew at an altitude of less than ten meters above the sea surface, and after entering the land, it rose to twenty meters, and escaped the detection of Egyptian radar. They did not fly directly to the target they wanted to attack, but to the north of the Nile Delta, suddenly turned south, and launched an attack from the rear of Egypt, with an attack height of only 100 meters. During the attack, the Israeli pilots followed the principle of "hit the runway first, then the plane". The Jordanian Air Force was raided by the Israeli Air Force after Egypt.

  The KGB station in Egypt and Syria sent a telegram that the Egyptian Air Force had already kneeled. Half of the country's Air Force fighter jets have been blown up on the battlefield, and the remaining half of the planes have been shot down in aerial combat. It can be said that the Egyptian Air Force at this time has already existed in name only, but the fall of the Egyptian Air Force is not worthless. Coupled with the Soviet Sam missile positions, the Israeli Air Force suffered a head-on attack during the offensive battle.

  The Syrian Air Force, led by Hafez al-Assad, responded quickly after being bombed in Egypt. All of them were launched directly into the air to bomb Israel. They were intercepted by the Israeli Air Force and launched an air battle over Israel. Forcing the Israeli Air Force to cancel the plan to bomb Jordan and head north.

"In terms of the national and military strengths of Egypt and Syria, Israel will definitely take risks if it wants to win, and the strategy is not difficult to guess, that is, attacking the south and defending the north, the north first withstood Syria's attack, and the south concentrates its main force to attack Egypt first. The target must be the Sinai Peninsula, and immediately send the telegram to Nasser and Assad, indicating the importance of the Sinai Peninsula, and the Syrian side must take the initiative to attack to restrain Israel's forces and reduce the pressure on Egypt." Shelov said decisively, "We can't afford it. Israel occupies the Sinai Peninsula so the Suez Americans will come in."

  Six hours after the start of the war, in the description of several telegrams from Moscow, Nasser, after careful consideration, ordered his troops to cross the Suez Canal, and the troops of more than six divisions entered the Sinai Peninsula to strengthen the defense. With the aid of the troops living here, Egypt's troops in the Sinai Peninsula have exceeded ten divisions and nearly 200,000 people. Two of the Republican Guard divisions in Cairo were on their way to the Canal Zone.

On the    northern front, Syria concentrated eight brigades of troops and stormed the Israeli positions on the side of the Golan Heights. The entire Syrian Air Force was dispatched, and Hafez al-Assad delivered a speech on the national broadcast, "The situation in Egypt has reached a very dangerous point. If Israel wants to seize the Suez Canal, we must rescue Egypt, even if the air force's planes are annihilated. No resignation. Even if we explode in the sky, we will never surrender."

   Then Syria declared a state of emergency throughout the country and issued a ****** ordering men of school age across the country to join the army. An hour later Nasser also declared a state of emergency to withstand the Israeli attack. At the same time, he expressed his gratitude to Syria for its attitude of extending a helping hand at a critical moment. Nasser said, "Even if we die 10,000 people and Israel lose 3,000 people, we can still win. We have 30 million people to back us up. As for our Arab brothers in other countries, there are enough people. Hundreds of millions of people, Israel will lose."

   Marshal Grechko, Minister of Defense of the Soviet Union, ordered the Ossad Military District, the North Caucasus Military District, and the Transcaucasus Military District to enter the second-level combat readiness state, and at the same time began to draw troops from the military districts in Ukraine and Russia. Enter the Caucasus to prepare for war.

This attitude immediately aroused dissatisfaction in the United States, and the United States even threatened: "If the Soviet Union dares to take military action against Israel, the United States does not rule out the possibility of a nuclear war with the Soviet Union."

"As a small Israel, the Americans dare to go to war with us. When we have 15,000 nuclear bombs, are they just decorations?" Serov almost jumped up and said after receiving the protest from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, "The preparations have been completed, What does the Foreign Ministry mean to let us abandon the plan? No one can stop me, I have to see if Israel is worth the effort of the Americans."

"Selov, we can postpone the plan. After all, the war is still going on. We can see the results. This is also what the Central Presidium means." Defense Minister Grechko just returned from the Kremlin, indicating that it is indeed not suitable for action now. And he said, "I have prepared a plan for a surprise attack to supplement your plan. Now Israel is at war with Egypt and Syria. If we start with the Arab countries, we will fall into a passive state, which is equivalent to actively participating in the war. Well, if the Israeli Air Force gets hit hard, within a week or two after the war, we can do it."

   "Why are there so many things? What have you prepared?" Sherov asked rhetorically while suppressing his mood.

"A new type of fighter, it has not been officially listed, but there is no missile in the world that can catch up with it." Ustinov revealed a slight smile, and answered the question with a smile, "There is no one The fighter is more suitable for raiding than him, and we can use it for **** and test the quality of the Israeli Air Force."

   "Oh? Let's take a look at that time! I have something to do, I'll go back to Lubyanka first..." Serov knew that this should be a very famous fighter plane during the Soviet Cold War, a double-three steel fighter, MiG 25.

"If this guy is leading the Ministry of Defense, we may have fought several times!" Ustinov glanced at Defense Minister Marshal Grechko next to him and said, "The transfer of military forces continues, and the troops are transported to the Caucasus. As long as we don't do it, Americans can only protest."

"To generate electricity for Sudan, although Sudan has entered the CME system, Sudan will definitely be an Arab country, and its relationship with Egypt is very important. At this time, you should stand up and stand by Egypt's side." Shelov said to himself after sending the telegram. Said, "I hope Egypt and Syria can get some gas!"

   Ten hours after the start of the war, the Sudanese Revolutionary Committee announced that it would provide food aid to Egypt, and at the same time sent two reorganization divisions into Egypt under the command of Zyser to complete the goal of Arab reunification. Iraq declared a ceasefire an hour later, and the armed factions united to join the war. Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and Kuwait announced aid to Egypt and Syria. For a time, Arab countries in the Middle East and North Africa expressed their support for the war between Egypt and Syria.

  The Arab nationalism that Nasser has been engaged in for so many years is still somewhat useful, at least on this issue involving Israel, the whole Arab is still united. Even later, Pakistan expressed its willingness to send its air force to fight the Israeli attack.

  The fighting continued on the Sinai Peninsula, with Israel attacking the Sinai Peninsula with five divisions, facing six Egyptian divisions, as well as support troops that had begun to cross the canal. However, the Egyptian support forces have no air force cover. At the same time, on the Syrian border, Syria has concentrated more than 600 tanks, and the Israeli defense forces have launched a battle near the Golan Heights. This is a close contest. Syria's air force strength Still there, plus the cover of Sam anti-aircraft missiles, the whole Golan Heights rumbled, the Soviet Union two months ago The T54 and T62 tanks drawn from the border guards by Serov started a battle with the Israeli centurion and Sherman. After the biggest tank battle.

"Thanks to Handajani, my friend. For the recognition of my request, I will receive all the friendship of the KGB of the Soviet Union." Earlier, Serov had sent a telegram hoping that Indonesia would make a statement. Everything is positive. On the other hand, it depends on how to apply it. Serov suggested that Handayani use the current war to engage in some means to play fishing and law enforcement. See if there are any religious groups willing to join the war. Seeing that there are indeed, Handajani began to organize members of these groups to volunteer to go to Egypt. This is a mutual thing, taking care of some religious groups in Indonesia. At the same time, Handajani can also use these people to show Indonesia's attitude.

On the first day of the war, Israel lost more than 100 aircraft in exchange for the annihilation of the Egyptian Air Force, but Syria in the north moved very quickly. Hafez Assad immediately mobilized the Syrian army as the defense minister. Not to mention crossing the Golan Heights to attack Israel, Arab countries have expressed their support for the war in Egypt and Syria within a day. Now Israel can only bite the bullet and persevere.

  Israeli Defense Minister Moshe Dayan decided to open a front in the east and kill Jordan, the weakest military force first. launched an attack on the West Bank. The Jordanian army has set up defensive positions in the two main areas of the West Bank, north and south. The northern defense area is mainly based on the Jordan River cities such as Nablus, Tumkalm and Jenin, and the southern defense area runs along the ridge of the hills from Ramallah to the South to Jerusalem and Hebron line layout. The Jordanian army deployed eight infantry brigades and armored brigades in the above positions. The Israeli army's attack on the West Bank consisted of nine brigades, including three armored brigades.

   That night, Egypt, Syria, and Jordan, through urgent communication, clarified the idea of ​​​​continuing the war, that is, as the Soviet Union said, to fight a war of attrition with Israel. Use quantitative advantages to offset Israel's air force advantages, increase domestic mobilization efforts, and compete with Israel. (To be continued~^~)

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