Big Time 1958

Chapter 562: international marriage

  All countries with history pay attention to history. This sentence is indeed correct. Even though 80% of Egyptians now believe in the religion of peace, they still yearn for the era of ancient Egypt. After all, ancient Egypt was the earliest civilization in the world. Except for a few religious lunatics, ordinary people will have a heartfelt worship of their own country's history no matter what.

"British imperialists, who robbed Egypt of untold wealth and treasures of human civilization, now that the colonial era is behind us, the Soviet Union supports the Egyptian people to bring back the Egyptian artifacts in the British Empire Museum. Justice will come sooner or later!" Serov, who was standing in front of the microphone, was full of emotion and shouted with empathy. Ready to recover the setbacks from Jordan from Egypt, we were greeted by bursts of cheers below the square.

   I made you British disgust me, and now I disgust you too! Who made your **** dirty. Now Serov has discovered that history is really a good thing. As far as the British Empire Museum is concerned, the number of ancient Egyptian cultural relics in the British Museum is huge and valuable. Its collection of mummies is second only to the National Museum of Egypt. In terms of the value of cultural relics, the value of cultural relics of the British Empire Museum is higher than that of many national museums.

   "Damn the Soviets, are they idle, always meddling!" After the British Embassy in Egypt heard Serov's public appeal to the Egyptians, his face turned green. If Britain returns those artifacts to Egypt, why not return them to other countries? What about Greece? What about China's? What about Iraq? What about Iran? There is not much in the British Empire Museum itself that is owned by the British, all of which were looted from all over the world during the Empire of the Sun. If it was returned, the museum would be closed.

  No matter what the British think, Serov, who has successfully caused trouble for the British, is in a good mood. By the way, he went to the Egyptian Museum to take a look at the cultural relics or stones from thousands of years ago. Egypt is now in addition to its own country, there are Libya, ****** and Sudan's army.

"We must support Nasser, Egypt's political influence is too strong. This is not because of how much Nasser deserves to support, but we have no choice, ****** Bourguiba Although there has been obvious socialism in recent years But in fact he is like some third world countries, he just doesn't like to be elected at any time, he likes our system because our country's cadres have no tenure!" Shelov intuitively felt Nasser's influence , it seems that this is a lot stronger than the last time he came to Egypt.

   But this is also a good thing for the Soviet Union. Among the Arab countries, there are only a few qualified to lead, Egypt, Algeria and Saudi Arabia, not to mention that Algeria is not independent in this time and space, even if it is independent, it is almost too hot. Although Egypt is pro-Soviet and Saudi Arabia does not want future generations to be so pro-American, there are signs of this. Although the countries of Syria and Iraq can be regarded as tyrannical powers in the Arab world, they are still a little worse than Egypt and Saudi Arabia. If Saudi Arabia does not have the world's largest oil reserves, its basic conditions are not even as good as Libya's. Not even qualified to be compared with Egypt. The living conditions in Egypt are also very poor, but Egypt is the country with the largest Arab population, the Suez Canal in hand, and the center of Arab culture. Egypt has always been an Arab leader during Nasser's time.

  The war just ended, although Jordan was defeated, the Syrian-Egyptian coalition was not ashamed. Then the Soviet Air Force was dispatched to destroy Israel's nuclear facilities, and it also increased the influence of Egypt and Syria from the side. Regardless of whether the Soviet Union was for its own interests, destroying Israel's nuclear facilities is indeed a good thing for the Arab world.

Afterwards, Moscow received various thanks from Arab countries, both overtly and covertly. Even Saudi Arabia, who had been urinating in a pot with the Soviet Union, also issued a statement praising the Soviet Union’s righteous actions, saying that the actions of the Soviet Air Force removed the haze in the hearts of all Arabs. , the Soviet leadership suddenly found that it never seemed to be so popular in the Arab world.

  We must find a way to strengthen Egypt's leadership, otherwise Egypt is likely to be usurped by Saudi Arabia, who later relied on oil resources. From the perspective of the Soviet Union, usurping the throne is not impossible, but it is absolutely impossible for Saudi Arabia to sit on the pro-US side.

The factor that Israel has nuclear weapons and no nuclear weapons is very important here. Israel has nuclear weapons, and Egypt is quite confronted with an opponent that can never be completely defeated by military means. If there are no nuclear weapons, this possibility will always exist, and the Egyptians are also confident. Confront it, even if the odds of winning the opponent are small.

"As soon as Nasser died, Egypt immediately eased its relations with the West. It may be seen that the leader with great prestige died, and the national policy changed. This is not just Egypt!" Shelov thought for a long time and felt that Egypt must be strengthened in Arabia. World leadership, the Soviet Union must do its best to do this.

  The current conditions are much stronger than after the third Middle East war in history. In that war, the Arab coalition was completely defeated, and Syria, Egypt, Jordan, and Iraq were all hit hard. Nasser refused to accept and immediately took a war of attrition to fight Israel's manpower. In the end, Egypt's economy had problems. After his death, Egypt stopped continuing to confront Israel.

   But this war was different. There was no scene of Israel unilaterally beating Arabs, and the nuclear facility was also bombed by the Soviet Air Force. It can be said that they have suffered heavy losses. In this case, both sides need time to recuperate. So the war of attrition after the third Middle East war should not appear.

   What did the Soviet Union need in Egypt? In addition to the geographical location and the Suez Canal, Egypt's natural conditions are very poor, and it is good to take care of yourself. Yes, Egypt has a population of 30 million. These populations are where they can help the Soviet Union. The Soviet Union's population was insufficient and agriculture was not good. The two factors restricted each other, so it was very difficult to face the United States alone, not to mention that the United States' allies were much stronger than the Soviet Union's small partners.

"Is there no steel, no coal, or shipbuilding? No! Shipbuilding in Greece is very heavy, so it can only be used in the textile industry? Fortunately, there is no shortage of water, and Egypt can only develop light industry. Heavy industry will be limited by raw materials, but that's fine. Supplement to the Soviet Union!" Serov made an assessment report and sent it to the Council of Ministers of the Soviet Union by telegram. It is handed over to Kosygin, the first vice-chairman of the Council of Ministers, who has the heaviest voice in this matter.

  The army has always been the source of Egypt's political power and power. Without the army, there would be no foundation for Egypt. This is more similar to Germany before the First World War, but the Egyptian army is far less powerful than the original Germany. So every time Serov came to Egypt, he had to meet with Egyptian military generals, attend gatherings, and by the way, he would like to ask the Egyptian military generals' opinions.

"If the Soviet military advisers act dissatisfied with Egypt, the Egyptian side can inform us that the KGB will handle it on its own. The Soviet Union and Egypt are equal and friendly brothers. The relationship between the colonizers and the colonized is not the relationship between the two countries and the two militaries. In an equal position, the Soviet soldiers naturally abide by the laws of Egypt!" After putting on the military uniform, Serov returned to his sanctimonious appearance, without the sense of depravity he had in Jordan, and started to deceive the third world countries. Row.

   This kind of statement is necessary, he has to take care of the Egyptians' self-esteem, but he can get it back from other places. For example, the children of military leaders who returned from Moscow, many of them came back with Mao Mei. In this case, Serov has nothing to complain about, and there is no shortage of women in the Soviet Union. Somehow, the closer the Soviet Union was to Europe, the higher the birth rate of girls, and Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Belarus, Ukraine, and even Russia itself, the birth rate of girls was higher than that of boys. Even statistically, Kazakhs are starting to show signs of this.

   Is there something wrong with the Soviet Union's diet, or does it have a gene for loving girls? This situation is already a bit outrageous. If many republics of the Soviet Union are counted separately, the ratio of males and females is very disparate. You must know that the Great Patriotic War has ended for nearly 20 years, and the impact should also disappear.

  Since there are many women, it is impossible for them to fail to marry. The living conditions of the children of Egyptian military generals are good. Therefore, the KGB not only turned a blind eye in this regard, but many Soviet girls who were related to the son of the Egyptian general were simply members of the KGB and were receiving KGB salaries.

   There is no language barrier at the party, just speak Russian. It's as easy as seeing his subordinates. If this situation continues for twenty years, the Soviet Union may be able to form a pro-Soviet atmosphere in Egypt's upper class, just like the status of French in Russia during the imperial Russian era.

"Wait for these children born in international marriages to graduate from Moscow again when they grow up. The relationship between Egypt and the Soviet Union should be unbreakable!" Serov looked at the boys and girls in the field. Maybe they will be the rulers of the Egyptian military in the future, or A senior official of the Arab Socialist Union. In this era, there was only one political party in Egypt, Nasser's Arab Socialist League, which was equivalent to the Arab Ba'ath Party in Syria.

The attitude of    towards Syria is the same as that of Egypt. Anyway, there are many women in the Soviet Union, and even thousands of cases are completely fine. There are also many Syrian students who went to Moscow to bring back their wives from the Soviet Union.

"For Egypt's battle damage supplement, we decided to supplement the Egyptian T62 tank, which is definitely better than the T54 tank. This is also our Soviet tank in active service!" In front of Nasser, Serov patted his chest to ensure that the recovery of the Egyptian army would be no problem. By the way, blowing the trash of the T62 tank to the sky is not a blow. China does not have such tanks. (To be continued~^~)

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