Jiang Chenglang shook his head.

"Forget it, let him go."

His fourth brother, he is very clear.

He retreated so quickly, he must have other ideas, but he didn't want to be caught by him, so he couldn't think carefully.

So, on the other side, Jiang Zeyu turned in a big circle, easily climbed over the wall and landed on the ground, snorting coldly.

Oh, still want to stop him?

If he really wanted to come in, would they be able to stop him?

How naive.

Jiang Zeyu whistled and walked to the teaching building idly with his hands in his trouser pockets.


before the school bulletin board.

The results of each monthly test in A will be announced here, so there is a large group of parents in front of the announcement column.

In fact, An Yimin was not going to go forward.

Because after returning to the class, each class teacher will be able to know the grades and rankings of their children during the parent-teacher meeting of each class teacher.

Looking at it now, although I can know the results earlier and can see the specific situation of the students in the whole school, for An Yimin, he knows what level Jiang Yu is, so he does not have this curiosity.

However, when he was about to walk by, he vaguely heard Jiang Yu's name and stopped.

"Who is Jiang Yu? I've never heard of this name before, is it a new transfer?"

"Look, she's a student in ordinary seventh class! Oh my god, the student in ordinary seventh class won the first place in the grade, right?"

"And it's still full marks in all subjects, isn't there a mistake in this result? Full marks, I really can't even think about it!"

"Could it be that the questions in this exam are easy? But I don't think my son's score is much higher than last time..."


Everyone was talking, but An Yimin heard Jiang Yu's name several times after he stopped.

An Yimin was sure that he heard it right, but he just didn't know if it was the same name or surname.

However, he couldn't help but squeeze in. As soon as he looked up, he saw the first position on the score list was written:

"First place Jiang Yu (Class 7) 750 points"

An Yimin wondered in his heart, when did this ordinary seventh class have another person with the same name as Yuyu?

He didn't think too much about it, and subconsciously searched for Jiang Yu's name among dozens of last graders, but unexpectedly he didn't find it.

An Yimin is very happy, it seems that Yuyu has made progress this time!

He couldn't help but look forward to the last few, but he watched for a long time, until he saw the first in the grade, and he never saw Jiang Yu's name again.

Hey, didn't Yuyu change her name?

Why is there only one Jiang Yu and no An Yu on this list?

An Yimin was very puzzled. Could it be possible that Yuyu could be missed from this watch?

However, it is also ranked 500th on the table.

An Yimin squeezed out of the crowd full of doubts, and was about to wait until the class to ask Teacher Zhao, but because he walked with his head down, Leng Bufan was hit by someone.

An Yimin was knocked back a step, but because he didn't pay attention to the road, he quickly apologized, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry..."

The man opened his mouth and scolded, "You don't have eyes? Are you blind? What's the use of having eyes on your face? It's useless, so just donate it!"

"I'm so sorry……"

Ji Guomin looked at him up and down, and judged in his heart that looking at this man's obedient appearance, he should be easy to bully.

So, his expression suddenly changed, and he covered his chest and said, "Ah, it hurts, you hurt me!"

The fourth shift is over~

Did you guys vote and comment for me today?

Jiang Zeyu: Hmph, those who don't vote and comment on Zhizhi must have been instigated by Jiang Dalu!

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