Chapter 304 officially enters the new map, Icefield! 【The third more】!!

The action of the Divine Dragon Squad this time is undoubtedly very eye-catching.

Once upon a time, the beast was very powerful in the eyes of all people, even invincible.

But now, the members of the Divine Dragon Squad dared to confront them head-on.

In a sense, these fierce beasts of doom are no longer dangerous.

This is definitely of very profound significance, at least for those countries where bad luck has befallen them, so that they have all regained the confidence they have lost when they are hit by the beast.

On this night, the Divine Dragon Squad undoubtedly created a miracle once again.

After possessing the nano-level armor, they have exerted their own powerful combat effectiveness to the extreme.

All the spectators who had not yet slept were extremely honored to witness this scene with their own eyes.

Even the audience, who were ready to go to sleep, was now exhilarating.

The sound of revelry was incessant, and the audience, who did not know the truth, was awakened.

At first, they were still scolding and grinning, but when they learned the truth of the matter, they even ignored the need to get up early tomorrow and immediately went to watch the replay.

The entire Water Blue Star had already fallen into a kind of madness, and the Divine Dragon Squad had already ascended to the throne second only to Shen Xuan.

And in the midst of this all-night revelry, the sky gradually began to brighten.

On this night, Shen Xuan and the army rested very well, and did not have any impact because of the cold climate.

Shen Xuan’s breakfast has always been relatively light, and porridge is naturally essential.

The soup made with dragon tendons and the white porridge made of white rice was so fragrant that even the Sana pig couldn’t help but drink two more bowls.

After eating breakfast, Shen Xuan gave an order, and the army officially entered the vast snowy field.

Last night, Shen Xuan had already used a flying machine to reconnoiter.

Although the scenery of this snowfield is incomparably beautiful, under this beauty, there are also great risks.

Unlike the desert, there are many fierce beasts, and most of them are huge, and you can see that the level is not low at a glance.

And that’s not the biggest threat.

The most dangerous thing comes from the new map itself.

Excluding climate factors that no longer have much impact, there are many other dangers in this snowfield.

For example, the towering snowy mountains, if the army passes by, it is bound to cause an avalanche The power of nature is not to be underestimated, even if the SS level or S level beast can ignore the damage of the avalanche.

But there were many more low-level beasts in the army, and they were powerless to resist the wrath of nature.

For example, in that ice field, no one can say how thick the ice is and how strong the load-bearing is.

If you walk on it, the ice shatters, and you fall down, it is tantamount to the abyss of the abyss, there are more potential dangers than these obvious dangers.

Yesterday, during the investigation, Shen Xuan saw with his own eyes a fierce beast that was not much smaller than the Black Cang Canine Bear, directly falling into a snow cave, and was killed by the ice spikes below.

As the army marches, it is necessary to pay attention to these dangers.

After advancing for about half an hour, the distance traveled was far less than that in the grassland.

After all, this one foot deep and one foot shallow, even Xuanwu’s speed of travel was affected, not to mention other fierce beasts.

The audience also gradually broke away from the excitement of last night.

After all, there are too many miracles that have been witnessed, and they all know that there will be more and more miracles to be witnessed in the future.

“I feel that this snow field is a bit unusual, although many fierce beasts will still run as soon as they see the army from afar, but this speed of travel, if you want to explore the entire snow field, I don’t know how long it will take.”

“Hey, you don’t understand that. I Xuan God What are they most in the other space? Isn’t it time? ”

“Yes, there is food and drink now, and I feel that what is more important is to explore the secrets of this alien space.”

“Hahahahaha! This is also my Xuan Shen, playing this survival game into a game of exploration, others do not have this skill. ”

“I also think this plain is a little different, but so far, it seems to be less dangerous than the desert. Xuan Shen Had just entered the desert, but they encountered a lot of dangers. ”

“Cut, my Xuan God’s army is so strong now, how can there be a fierce beast that doesn’t have long eyes to come and abuse?”

“That’s not accurate, many fierce beasts are territorially conscious, not to mention that in the map of this level, as well as those buildings, the fierce beasts inside are very strong.”

“In fact, then again, Xuan Shen doesn’t need to fight too hard now, quan should just go sightseeing in the mountains and rivers, and the rest will be good.”

“With the anti-heavenly luck of my Xuan God, even if it is a sightseeing tour, there will definitely be a lot of gains, and there is certainly no need to worry about this aspect.”

By the time the audience was chatting, the army had stopped.

There is a white expanse everywhere in the snow field, which is also very unfavorable for reconnaissance.

Planning the route has also become less straightforward than it used to be.

Therefore, after walking for a while, it is necessary to stop and investigate, and the planning of the next route is clear that Shen Xuan’s army can already sweep through the field, and this cautious behavior immediately attracted the good feelings of many experts and professors.

In particular, Sun De and Meng Yan were praised one after another.

“I appreciate Shen Xuan’s attitude, he is not blindly arrogant because of the excessive expansion of strength, but he is still very planned, which is a very rare quality.”

“If we continue to maintain it, I believe that Shen Xuan can avoid most of the dangers.”

Meng Yan’s evaluation of Shen Xuan has always been very high, and he has never been regarded as a child.

Sun De also nodded his head and said, “I agree with King Meng Bing on this point. To be an ordinary person and have everything that Shen Xuan has now, he will either start to enjoy it without planning, or he will lead the army to rampage. ”

“Either way, it’s justified.”

“But he chose to continue to develop new maps, and he was still very cautious.”

“Before, many friends were saying that Shen Xuan could call the whole alien space.

This was originally just a joke, but if you continue at this pace, I am afraid that this day will not be far away! ”

While the host team interacted with the audience, the synchronized picture of the aircraft began to shake.

This was the first time this had happened and it immediately attracted everyone’s attention.

“It’s airflow! This snowy area often has chaotic air currents! ”

Sun De has been to many places, and at a glance, he can see what is going on and this chaotic air flow, not only in the ice and snow area, but also in some people who often fly, almost all of them have encountered this situation.

However, the situation at this moment is far from being so simple…

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