Biochemical Madmen In the Marvel Universe

Chapter 49: S.H.I.E.L.D. steps in

As far as Noah knows.

Jin has never been a person who relies on strength to do things.

Even if his power is extremely terrifying.

In such a situation, what would Kim do?

Noah thought.

Although his talent in research is good, resourcefulness is not something he is good at.

It can be understood that it is not necessary, or it can be understood that it is not suitable.

At least for now, he doesn't feel the need to use any tricks.

Led by the Goliath giant and the tyrant, the advance was extremely fast.

Even if someone wants to hide, but with the smell of fighting wolves, no one can hide.

You don't need to keep your hands, you can kill everything you see!

This is an order from Noah!

Perhaps there may be ordinary people among them.

But Noah never thought he was a good person.

As long as it can be ensured that most of the people are gang members, for him, it is the reason to do it.

Seeing that the troops have quickly advanced to more than half of the height.

Although the resistance along the way was very fierce, it did not meet Noah's expectations at all.

Why does Jin think that he can use these to block himself with a tyrant?

It is impossible for Jin to not know the information of the tyrant.


He's not here at all.

Noah's thoughts flashed, and his face darkened.

Not to mention, this possibility is very high.

Even if he assembled the troops immediately.

But the moment he decided to act at night, he gave Jin and room to leave.

If Jin Bing was sharp and didn't plan to confront him head-on, there's a good chance he wasn't upstairs at this time.

Not here, but where else could it be.

Although Jin Bing was not yet the underworld emperor who coerced the whole country, at this time in New York, he had few opponents.

Would such an underworld emperor run away in embarrassment?

Just when he was thinking.

In the distance, a siren sounded.

Noah was stunned, what the hell.

He has blocked the signal here, and like last time, cut off the electricity in the nearby block.

How did the police come so quickly?

The next moment, he reacted.

I'm afraid it was Jin and he called the police.

Jin Bing is different from other gangsters.

On the bright side, he is even a big philanthropist.

There seems to be nothing wrong with calling the police when something goes wrong.

Noah frowned and ordered directly.

"Frank, keep pushing!"

Before he came, he was ready.

Deadpool himself testified that although his revenge was too much, it was not that there was no room for manoeuvre.

The big deal is just bullshitting.

He has hired a team of top lawyers.

If you don't find something for them to do, why don't you hire them to eat rice?

As a series of police cars stopped, a large number of police got off the cars immediately, and then used the police cars as a cover to surround Noah's place.

Several members of the strategic security forces who stayed by Noah's side were about to raise their weapons immediately.

Noah waved his hand to signal them not to be nervous.

A fight with the police?

His mind is fine again.

Looking at George Stacy hidden behind the door of the police car, Noah laughed:

"Director Stacy, can I ask why you are here?"

George Stacy didn't hesitate and said directly:

"Mr. Wilson Fisker called the police and said someone had attacked his company.

Mr. Allen, I didn't expect that the person who attacked would be you.

I advise you to withdraw the attacking personnel immediately, and then come to the bureau with us, otherwise, today's affairs may not be easy to handle. "

Noah's expression remained unchanged.

George Stacy called tough, but whether he revealed the name Wilson Fisk or these threats, it only proved that he didn't want to cause trouble.

So Noah said with a dissatisfied expression:

"Director Stacy, I think I can explain this matter.

Just today, in the afternoon, I was attacked by Wilson Fisker's assignment and survived.

Originally, I just wanted to have a peaceful conversation with him and talk about it.

However, he did not expect that he would ambushed a large number of gunmen in the company, resulting in a large number of casualties among Umbrella members.

So I suggest that you better bring someone to control Wilson Fisk first, and then we will discuss how to solve the next problem. "

George Stacy did not speak.

Whether it is Wilson Fisk or Noah Allen, in his eyes, they are all wolves in human skins.

None of them are good.

Just like now, Noah Allen is serious, but in fact, he has no intention of stopping his subordinates.

Apparently delaying time here.

George Stacy's face darkened. If this matter is not handled properly, it will become a big trouble.

Just as he was about to continue speaking, a row of black cars rushed over.

The S.H.I.E.L.D. agents headed by Coulson got out of the car, and then dozens of elite agents immediately took control of the situation.

After showing his identity card, Coulson said:

"Mr. Allen, please ask your people to withdraw immediately.

Your behavior at this time has constituted a crime of endangering social security. If you do not do so, we will arrest you. "

When Noah heard this, his face suddenly gloomy.

"S.H.I.E.L.D. is really powerful.

When I met with your director some time ago, I had already realized it. I thought it was just his personal behavior, but now it seems that this is the behavior of the entire S.H.I.E.L.D. "

Coulson's expression remained unchanged, and he recalled the ugly expression on the director's face when he returned.

The cost of their S.H.I.E.L.D. to buy a tyrant is much higher than that of the military.

But he didn't dare to ask how tall he was, for fear that the director would beat him.

"Sorry, all SHIELD actions are for the safety of society.

Mr. Allen, please don't delay, otherwise, we will come by ourselves. "

Having said that, Coulson waved his hand, and several vans in the back opened.

The three tyrants came out from inside.

Noah's eyes narrowed I didn't expect that the goods that he had just delivered a few days ago would be used by S.H.I.E.L.D. to deal with him.

Do you really think he's not ready?

He even had the idea of ​​directly leaving a back door for the tyrant and in turn threatening Coulson.

But it's just a thought.

If this is done, Umbrella's products will probably not sell well in the future.

In the face of the tyrant's threat, Noah didn't speak, just turned on the communicator.

"Frank, bring someone down first.

It seems that today is the end of it. "

After finishing speaking, Noah looked at Coulson and said coldly:

"Don't tell me, you don't know the reason why I'm here, although I'm not Tony Stark, you'd better give me an explanation!"

When Coulson heard the gunshots stop upstairs, his expression softened.

"Please rest assured, we will warn 'Jinping' to ensure that similar situations will not happen again."

Coulson deliberately uttered the words Jin Bing, which means that they already knew Jin Bing's identity, so that Noah could believe in their commitment.

It can even be said that this is a deterrent to Noah.

Of course, both are more likely.

But that doesn't matter.

Noah sneered.


I really thought that everyone would give you a SHIELD situation.

But Noah didn't say this out of his mouth, so this face can still be given.

There is only one reason why he really gave up.

Jin is not here. Since the target is not there, there is no need to fall out with S.H.I.E.L.D.

After all, he is a businessman.

Businessmen, interests are the most important, at least for now.


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