Biochemical Madmen In the Marvel Universe

Chapter 86: Umbrella's Weapon List

After coming out of the Fantastic Four station, Noah contacted his big customers again.

Before leaving, he has to finalize the deal this time.

Now Umbrella's weapon list is quite rich.

And for this transaction, Noah specially invited them to enter Umbrella's hive base.

test area.

Noah took out Umbrella's weapon list.

at the top of the list.

Tyrants, Goliath giants, lickers, steel suits, human-enhanced serums, etc. are all listed.

In addition, the T-series products, as well as various auxiliary combat equipment, directly covered the entire sheet of paper.

Seeing these things, several military generals looked a little excited.

Most of the products here are familiar to them.

It can be said that each of them has a good effect.

Just what is a licker?

Everyone is a little strange.

Seeing their doubts, Noah planned to give them a demonstration directly.

For this reason, Noah found Deadpool on purpose.

In the test area, Deadpool stood in the middle of the field.

With a knife on his back and a strong stick in his waist, he was cursing.

Obviously, this is not a good job, it reminded him of the scene of being brutally abused by a tyrant before.

Looking at the lickers slowly surrounding him, Dead Servant didn't show any fear, he just kept yelling.

"Hey, boss, you shouldn't mind if I make all your pets into broth."

His voice was transmitted to the observation deck through a loudspeaker.

Noah shrugged helplessly.

"Don't worry, as long as you can do it."

After finishing speaking, Noah said to the buyers:

"This is Deadpool. Although his mouth is a bit cheap, believe me, his fighting ability is still not weak."

Maria Hill looked at Deadpool thoughtfully.

In the intelligence system of S.H.I.E.L.D., there is the existence of Deadpool.

It is said that Deadpool has an immortal body.

And also a mercenary.

It's just that his behavior did not cause any harm to society, so they let it go.

But after Deadpool joined Umbrella, they didn't know much.

Exactly, I can take this opportunity to see Deadpool's abilities.

This can also further assess the threat level of Noah Allen.

As for the others, they were noncommittal.


Is it strong?

The next moment.

Deadpool took the initiative to attack!

Although the enhanced serum is ineffective against him, his fighting ability is definitely not weak.

Countless battles have cultivated his most effective means of killing.

Fighting without fear of life and death, when letting him act, he did not have the slightest concern.

Especially now, the sound of an alloy bone has raised his defense to the limit.

Originally, he had to worry about the lack of arms and legs affecting his combat effectiveness, but now, there is only one thought in his mind.

Kill one first and then talk about it!

Pulling out the two knives behind him, Deadpool chose to be reckless.

The licker found that he took the initiative to attack and acted without hesitation.

Perhaps thinking that Deadpool was not a threat, one of the lickers charged directly at him.

As soon as the two came into contact, an extremely **** scene appeared.

I saw that the licker grabbed Dead Servant with one claw, so that Dead Servant had no ability to resist, and a piece of flesh and blood was directly grabbed from his chest.


The generals in the observation room were extremely speechless.

Is this a powerful fighting force?

Noah Allen didn't want to use a human life to prove how 'powerful' he, the lickers, were.

If so, then Noah Allen underestimated them too.

This kind of performance, when they are fools.

Noah smiled and didn't speak.

The development of the situation in the next moment directly shocked several people.

I saw that Deadpool didn't care about the wound on his chest at all, and was still scolding.

But at the same time, the head of the licker was cut off with a knife.

The tide of battle was reversed in an instant!

What a weird guy, he doesn't care at all about the kind of injuries that can kill people.

Everyone was surprised.

But this also doesn't reflect how good the licker's ability is.

Seeing this, the generals had only one thought in their hearts.

They came to see this experiment, it was the stupidest decision.

Noah was still smiling.

This is just the beginning.

The excellence of lickers lies in their hunting ability.

Then, the battle officially began, and Deadpool and Licker began to fight.

Only this time, it will not be so easy for Deadpool to kill the lickers.

Immediately after the death of a companion, the licker changed the way he acted.

It's like an experienced hunter hunting a tiger.

Although it seems that the lickers have been seized by Deadpool and killed a few.

But they saw more than that.

"Excellent learning ability!"

Lieutenant General Reynolds' expression changed slightly.

Umbrella's biological weapons have long proven their worth.

But I didn't expect that there is such an excellent learning ability.

These lickers have never made a similar mistake a second time, and the reason why they not only die is because they are constantly testing.

Maybe these lickers are more intimidating than tyrants, but tyrants don't have such a terrible learning ability, let alone what hunting is.

General Ross also thought of this.

If those tyrants also had this kind of learning ability when the Hulk was captured, things might not have developed to that point.

Learning is the most proud place for human beings.

Unexpectedly, these lickers are not inferior!

General Ross squinted his eyes and asked:

"How much do these lickers cost?"

"It's not expensive, only $1.2 million!"

Noah said with a smile.

Yes, a single licker is indeed not expensive, but in order to exert its strength, a sufficient number of lickers are needed.

After all, it's a lot of business.

Hearing this number, several generals were relieved.

They were really afraid that Noah would say another million-level number.

After showing the lickers, Noah showed Goliath again.

It's an open secret.

After showing all kinds of conventional weapons, Noah looked at everyone.

Then he took them to the next independent test area.

After everyone was in position, Noah faced the crowd and opened his arms.

"Everyone, please allow me to show you the pinnacle of Umbrella, the true king of slaughter, the nightmare of all enemies on the battlefield.

Super licker! "

As soon as the voice fell, a licker slowly climbed out of the test area.

Unlike ordinary lickers, this licker is more than ten meters tall.

Even just crawling, the height is more than three floors.

The terrifying body, even the Goliath giant just shown, looks like a baby in front of it.

The most important thing is that in the heads of super lickers, it is not the same exposed brain as those of ordinary lickers.

A lot of weird scales, wrapping its most vulnerable This terrifying figure made everyone's heart stop for a moment.


With a roar, everyone instantly felt suffocated.

Some people's bodies even started to tremble.

After regaining their senses, these people were shocked and excited at the same time.

If it is what they think, then this monster is indeed the absolute master on the battlefield.

Seeing everyone's interested expressions, Noah smiled slightly.

Super lickers, far larger than ordinary lickers.

This kind of terrifying monster, just standing there is enough to make people feel terrifying.

This is the trump card he prepared for this transaction.

Even though he hasn't demonstrated it yet, he believes that these generals are probably all moved.

There is a saying that is good, caliber is justice, and cannon is truth.

Although it is a joke, it is also very realistic.

And the super licker, in front of these military executives, is undoubtedly the one with the largest caliber.

Especially after Noah explained the specific attributes of super lickers, their expressions were obviously more interested.

If an ordinary licker is a tactical-level weapon, then a super licker is a strategic-level weapon!

And the price of this big guy.

Noah made an offer, 360 million!

Maria Hill took a deep breath.

As a top agent representing S.H.I.E.L.D., she naturally knew the plan that was directly finalized by the two generations of S.H.I.E.L.D. directors.

And now, the existence of super lickers is beyond her imagination.

Will the director's plan really go well?

For the first time, worries arose in her heart.


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