Bitter Entertainment Critic

Vol 2 Chapter 71: coincidence

  Liu Dezhong directly clicked on the review website in his computer. Although most of the traffic is concentrated on the mobile client, there are of course websites on traditional networks.

   The homepage of the website is an extremely conspicuous large-cover advertisement, which directly posted Moroz's photos.

   Photos are also remarked with various titles, such as poets, founders of hazy poems, critics and so on.

  He directly enters from the advertisement on the homepage, and can enter the novel comment column, and then really saw the author name "Wei Yan" on the latest commentary.

  Jing Huaqing, who had been standing next to him, also said excitedly: "After waiting for two days, I didn't bother."

   Liu Dezhong's eyes quickly reached the score of the work, and his heart was tight. This score is not high!

   Work Rating: 5 points

   Liu Dezhong frowned and went in to see the details. His face became white with a brush and his expression was very ugly!

  Jin Huaqing embarrassedly said, "That, I haven't had time to read the content yet!"

  Liu Dezhong's eyes fell on the first line of the review, "The spoiler's work is not good, this book made a huge mistake..."

The bottom of his heart instantly raised stormy waves, which was not what was expected at all, and he suddenly turned back and scolded: "This is what you said to walk through the back door? Stepping on Wei Yan like this, what kind of walk is the back door? Ah! You tell me !"

  Liu Dezhong's voice was so loud that Jinhua Qingqing couldn't help but stepped back two steps. When he saw the words on the screen clearly, Hula's heart was ashamed.

  Jinhua Qing panicked, he stuttered and said: "This...this, is not right!"

   The sound of "pop"!

  Liu Dezhong smashed **** the keyboard, pointing to the nose and said: "What are you doing here? Let them cancel the action immediately!"

   is really mad, what kind of thing, Gao did not figure out, dare to invite credit to yourself?

   Jin Huaqing was frightened and still a little shocked. The whole person was dumbfounded. When he touched the phone, he found that someone was calling.

   asked with a pale face: "Did you not send the article?"

   The person on the phone froze for a moment, and then said: "I let them act. Someone just reported that the actual situation does not match the content, and refused to post."

   "The operation stopped and all of them deleted the posts that were sent out." Jin Huaqing almost shouted.

   Unconsciously, his forehead began to sweat, and it was really a dog!

   This kind of thing is simply awkward, especially in case of trouble, it will be miserable.

  But if it is caught, it is suspected of defamation and slander. The most important thing is that if it involves "Weiping", it will become a malicious commercial competition. He can't bear this pot.

   "Okay! I will communicate with them immediately!"

  Liu Dezhong's face was very scary. He looked up and yelled, "How do you want to explain this low-level error?"


   "I suggest you better clean your ass." Liu Dezhong's voice was chilling and creepy.

   Jin Huaqing wiped his forehead cold sweat explained: "They have already found a problem, it should not have been issued."

   "Which brain is the same as you?" Liu Dezhong sneered.

  The words just fell.

  The hostile company, the commentary office broke out.

   "Something went wrong! Someone posted on Weibo that our boutique column poems go to the back door, and the unspoken rules are good to buy!"

   Fang Feiyu laughed and scolded: "Far rumours? We all sprayed people to the **** head of the dog, who is so stupid to find the door!

   "Delete! Deleted that Weibo!" the colleague exclaimed.

   At this time, Mo Zhuosi's WeChat also came to mind. It was a screenshot sent by Xiao Xinrong, which contained a message from a micro-blog V.

"Someone always complains that the market is unfair, and pulls the relationship through the back door, even the literary circle actually has this kind of thing. Wei Yan's beauty assistant Hua Kangbo, chairman of the late night night meeting review network, two days later, Wei Yan's works It's really thought-provoking behind the column of the novel!"

   Mo Zhuo Si touched his nose with a smile, this can be written! A set!

  It was not yet thirty seconds before Xiao Xinrong sent another screenshot.

   "Big news!!! The new chairman of the review network took a new style, privately dated an author's female assistant, and the next day, the author's work received a high score evaluation from the review network, with a picture, everyone sees it!"

Xiao Xinrong made a laughing expression in WeChat, "Someone wants to black you, and also made a big oolong. In the picture, you sprayed the blood of the dog into the forest. They ended up saying they were high scores. Evaluation!"

   "This microblog is deleted after ten seconds!"

When Chen Guoqing was informed of this incident, he immediately asked everyone to stop the job at hand. "Don't worry, let's go to the Internet and search for relevant remarks. I have notified the leaders above that this is absolutely out of nothing. , Intentionally framed."

   Morzos was also taken aback. This was obviously directed by someone else, otherwise the action could not be so came quickly and withdrew quickly.

   But everyone in the unit scoffed at this rumor, because the relationship between Morzos and Hua Kangbo is almost everyone knows it is so stiff that it is impossible to cooperate privately.

  How could the back door go?


   Some people turned their heads in shock and looked at Morrows. They seemed to think of something.

   If this is true, it is likely to be true!

  Hua Kangbo really wanted to walk through the back door, but Morrows did not follow the other party's request. Instead, he sprayed it and deliberately went against it. This possibility is extremely great.

   "Can't find it, all deleted!"

   "I found a blog here, but also deleted it, they move quickly!"

   Fang Feiyu said with a smile: "Wrong, it's of course fast."

  Chen Guoqing scolded angrily: "Is it true that Internet speech can be casually pulled?"

   "I see, nine out of ten are true, but I didn't expect our great poet to buy Hua Kangbo's account at all!" Xue Yingzhuo smiled with his chest wrapped.

  Mo Zhuo Si did not want to explain so much.

  Everyone forgot to move towards this side, and Mo Zhuosi raised his hand and smiled and said, "If I say it is a coincidence, do you believe it or not?"

   Chen Guoqing gave a white glance and said with a snort: "If you believe you will be a ghost!"

   "However, if this is the case, he can even save the company. Otherwise, once he really does what Hua Dong ordered, the transformation can directly declare failure!" Yuan Xiaoli said with a smile.

  Everyone thinks for a moment, it really makes sense.

   "I guess, Hua Dong's expression must be very exciting now." Xue Yingzhuo grinned.

  Muo Zhuosi took a sip of water with a smile, smiling without a word.


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