Bitter Entertainment Critic

Vol 2 Chapter 90: competition

   As soon as the two words fell, a figure came out of the elevator.

   The two girls immediately changed their faces and smiled, "Lin Shaohao!"

  Lin Yanzu heard that the new song "Little Lucky" might be distributed to others, so he came here deliberately to understand the situation.

   He nodded and said, "Why are you all here, have you finished recording the song?"

   "No, the recording studio was again..." Xie Xuexuan was about to vomit, and was immediately blocked by Li Xiaoxian.

   "It's okay, let's chat here! You are busy first!" Li Xiaoxian said with an ugly smile.

  Lin Yanzu really looked at these girls more and more discomfited. He raised his steps and walked towards the studio.

   Not long after he left, there was a quarrel here.

   Xie Xuexuan asked: "What are you doing? Can't I talk about it?"

   "It is not impossible, there is no need to speak in front of Lin Shao." Li Xiaoxian explained.

   "Anyway, she didn't think that Lin Shaohui would protect her, I didn't believe it! How old are they, and they came out to mix!" Xie Xuexuan said dissatisfiedly.

  Li Xiaoxian covered his mouth and smiled softly: "That song is not suitable for her to sing, after Lin Shao listened to it, I will probably regret it!"

   They are dissatisfied with Mo Zihan's ability to have special "care", and if this song is not allowed to sing by Mo Zihan, they will have a chance to sing.

   Lin Yanzu came to the studio and saw that Mo Zihan was still inside. Then he picked up the headphones and put them on. He wanted to hear whether it was really bad.

   for one second.

   Two seconds.

   Three seconds.

   Lin Yanzu's expression became more and more doubtful, even his eyebrows were closed, and he was very surprised.

   Xie Xuexuan and Li Xiaoxian both laughed at watching the drama, and thought that you would be out of order now?

   sings so badly, but still wants to occupy the studio.

In about half a minute, Lin Yanzu took off the headphones, glanced left and right, and then looked at Li Xiaoxian and asked, "Can't she sing?"

   "Ah? Do I personally think?" Li Xiaoxian gritted his teeth carefully, then smiled: "I may sing better!"

   "Me, I can too!" Xie Xuexuan took the initiative to raise his hand.

  Lin Yanzu took a deep breath, rubbed his temples, and then glanced at Li Xiaoxian, who was familiar to this girl, "You try it in, I listen!"

  Li Xiaoxian was overjoyed, this is to give myself a chance!

   Although Xie Xuexuan was a little jealous, he could only keep a smile, and forced out a stiff smile to encourage.

  After entering the studio, Li Xiaoxian said with a smug face: "Lin Shao said let me try, please wait on the side!"

  Mo Zihan also saw Lin Yanzu's appearance. At this moment, when he heard Li Xiaoxian's words, he felt a little embarrassed.

   Just now she sang according to what her brother said, it seemed better, but it was not allowed to change the tune without permission.

   So she was a little guilty and didn't dare to speak. Besides, this arranger was based on the original tone, and she had to re-write the song.

When    came out, Xie Xuexuan rolled his eyes at her.

   Li Xiaoxian went in and took a deep breath, then smiled at Lin Yanzu pretending to be prettier, and then began to sing.

   for one second.

   Two seconds.

   Three seconds.

   Lin Yanzu listened very seriously, his expression was very strange, and then his eyes fell on Mo Zihan's body, he found that the two people sang completely differently.

   This is not because of the singer's problem, but the tunes of the two are completely different.

  Li Xiaoxian has been singing in the studio. She can observe the situation outside through the glass. He saw Lin Yanzu looking at Mo Zihan with a stunned face, and he was very happy.

   It's really good luck. Although I sing in general, but with Mo Zihan's contrast, the gap came out at once, maybe Lin Shaohui would sing this song for myself.

  The more Li Xiaoxian thought, the more beautiful the heart was, the more emotional the more he sang.

  Lin Yanzu finally sighed helplessly and beckoned to Li Xiaoxian in the studio, beckoning to stop.

  Li Xiaoxian ran out smiling, cheerfully asked: "How is it? How do I sing?"

   The sound engineer who had been nearby at this time smiled embarrassingly, then leaned over and whispered in the ear of Lin Yanzu: "Mo Zihan sang it by himself, I think it is very good."

   Suddenly, Lin Yanzu was relieved.

   No wonder it is different. Immediately the impression of Mo Zihan has been raised a few points, especially with the comparison of Li Xiaoxian's version, it looks even better.

   Xie Xuexuan was afraid that she wouldn't have a chance, she quickly raised her hand and said: "Should I try?"

  Lin Yanzu chuckled and said, "No need, just settle down like this!"

  Li Xiaoxian asked cheerfully, "Do I? Let me sing?"

   "It's not you, you sing too much, I said let Zihan sing!" Lin Yanzu said with a smile.

   In a word, the atmosphere of the scene was instantly turned 180 degrees.

  Li Xiaoxian was totally stupid, his mouth slightly open, and some could not accept this answer.

   Mo Zihan's eyes were filled with surprise, and she looked up excitedly, "Really?"

   "Really, the gap is obvious, this adaptation is very good." Lin Yanzu praised: "Just like you, the original version is directly overturned."

   "It was changed by my brother, and he said that it would not work as soon as he heard the original version." Mo Zihan said, biting his lip.

   Lin Yanzu suddenly felt that he had another unexpected gain, he said with a smile: "Next time, I must ask Mr. Mo to have a good meal, he can promise me to teach me how to write songs."

  Mo Zihan thought that Lin Yanzu was just just laughed casually: "My brother is not so powerful!"

"It's not only terrible, you don't know, I almost became his fan. I told you that Tang Xinghai is his fan." Lin Yanzu quipped and laughed: "I now consider his fan meeting, do I want to fight Soy sauce."

   Everyone around was smiling, but no one dared to speak.

   "That line, I will go first, you continue to maintain this momentum, very good!" Lin Yanzu gently waved away.

   After he walked away.

  Mo Zihan confronted Li Xiaoxian and asked politely, "Do you still want to practice?"

   This time, the atmosphere was extremely embarrassing.

   Mo Zihan has a national standard smile on his face, six teeth exposed, and one finger at the recording studio, indicating that you are free.

  Li Xiaoxian suffocated at once. Just now Lin Yanzu's position was already very obvious, and this one teacher Mo, she really didn't dare to lose her temper.

   Seeing that the other party is not speaking, Mo Zihan then said: "Then you don't practice, I practice!"

  Finally, she walked straight towards the recording door without leaving her face at all.

  Li Xiaoxian didn't even dare to say anything, but still kept an unsightly smile. She didn't squeeze her fist until the studio door was completely closed.

   This rhetorical question is more painful than a slap on her face.

  Li Xiaoxian gritted his teeth but didn't dare to lose his temper. There are still many people here. This feeling of suffocation is really crazy.

  She took a deep breath, and then walked towards the elevator.

  Mo Zihan was deliberate. If there is no revenge, will it be impossible to wait for next year?

   If you can, you can lose one!

  Who made that girl dare to look down on her just now!

   This is finally smooth, comfortable!

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